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Push-rot test measurement of public officials in Nanjing, the question bluntly during the self-test phase

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/30 5:44:55 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

Push-rot test measurement of public officials in Nanjing, the question bluntly during the self-test phase(南京推公职人员测腐试题,问题直白仍在自测阶段)

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Frank pushed rot test measurement issues for public officials in Nanjing during the self-test phase | | | corrupt duty crime of Nanjing _ news

Nanjing in the nation's first public test rot questions

Deputy Director of the construction Committee, 1 bus ticket to my wife why greed to get reimbursed? Corrupt official sentenced to prison, solicited a large Pack toothbrush inside, wants to continue to be "the leader". Millions stolen money was covered with bed, usually commute by bike, HOLD his heart really live? What metamorphosis metamorphism of 1.1 points to the corrupt? In addition to the system, such as external factors, psychological desires are also important catalysts. December 27, Nanjing first launched the Handbook of psychological assessment of occupational risks for public officials, mental track of quantifiable testing methods to detect corruption, preventing duty crimes opened the door.

Correspondents JI Ning Jixuan drum airs Lin Kong Xiaoping Jia Xiaoning

  First job crime psychological survey

Five years, three major research areas of perishable dialogue 47 Lok corrupt officials

First paint the corruption mental map

"There is no one is inherently corrupt, those degenerated into criminal officials is how to step by step into the abyss of crime? For too long, we have been trying to figure out the problem. " Steering Committee for the prevention of duty crime officer in gulou district of Nanjing, the gulou District Committee, Member of the Commission for discipline inspection said Feng Wenlan, to unravel the mystery, from 2008 onwards, gulou District Commission for discipline inspection, prosecution and cooperation on crime control and Prevention Institute of Nanjing University, system analysis of the healthcare industry, universities, construction on three major areas of duty crime and face to face interviews with 47 prisoners, continuing psychological prevention of duty crime investigations. For in-depth analysis of job crime psychological, developmental, evolutional, in 2011, to nearly 200 official crime offenders conducted a questionnaire survey, pose to job crime psychological characteristics, psychological evolution, functions outside the criminal psychology of duty crime of pattern, an in-depth study of job crime psychological evolution, formed the first job crime psychological survey.

"The distortion of the duty crime need, usually go through the following process: access to power--the temptation--the desire to enhance motivation – – options – chance – choose to trade power for money – money is easier-want to be strong – abuse of means of strengthening. "The leading Nanjing University Professor Di Xiaohua said this survey.

 Careers are blocked, the Joneses, "" zhenbianfeng ", the family aired, intoxicated

The 5 kinds of situations most likely to breed corruption

Steering Committee, Deputy Director of the Nanjing gulou District Office-related crimes, the gulou District Prosecutor Yang Jianping Prosecutor describes: through surveys and data analysis of the nearly 300 prisoners, public officials when faced with the following situations, more likely to have a negative attitude, and this attitude, driven by forming the motive of duty crime.

When your career is blocked, hopeless when you upsize, civil servants will be felt due to "like," and efforts to secure a promotion, into "sell" power, gradually will be focus on personal gain.

B is for misconduct, when the desire for material goods enhanced, some public officials will have a strong sense of relative deprivation and discontent, formed to trade power for money motivated.

Third, if the spouse to blame, when pride, civil servants can unknowingly by "zhenbianfeng" to make money, or let myself feel kinship with the power to influence "for money".

Four is when relationships strained, especially when families and some public officials the need for spiritual solace, and more easily captured by erotic. Once an "aberration", there will be living beyond their means, or unable, to maintain this situation, abuse of power is inevitable. Duty committed behind often have mistresses, "little three" figure, are examples of this situation.

Is where there are opportunities to honor five plus, or feel that they have been "great credit", some officials will "get carried away" mentality, or should enjoy life, enjoy life, thereby relaxing the requirements, and gradually towards a life of crime.

 First job crime psychological test

34 multiple choice, determine your "corruption index"

5 factors when you are at a high risk, you have committed a crime, or a crime edge

From December 2013, gulou district, Nanjing public officials will begin to receive a special Handbook: the job crime risk assessment guide. This manual is the launch of development based on the above findings, the self-assessment section in the manual, designed the corruption index 34 asked for public officers detailed from characteristics of dynamic factors, regulating factors, factors, mind, subconscious self test and risk assessment for corruption in the five areas. You answer the 34 questions, calculate scores, you'll be able to know their own corruption index.

Professor Di Xiaohua interpretation: "a certain risk factors directly illustrates the extent to which factors close to job crime psychological composition. Assessment of dynamic factors are at high risk, and indicate that it has been close to or even required to meet job crime psychological structure of power factor level, but cannot be said to have job crime psychological conditions that are necessary. Only if the adjustment factors, characteristics and attitude factors are at high risk, can already commit a crime or crime is approaching. ”

This handbook is the gulou district Nanjing University Institute for crime prevention and control and joint research group consisting of discipline Inspection Commission and prosecutors, according to empirical research shows job crime psychological characteristics, through fallen evolution and history, development and launch of. Yang Jianping Attorney-General said that after the introduction of the manual, in the part of area in unit test applications, receive higher appraisal.

 Question is too explicit, is still in the self-test phase

Open questionnaire answers received may not be credible

Nanjing Institute for crime prevention and control at the University Di Xiaohua told reporters that 34 questions is a mirror for those in high places, facing temptation officials an opportunity to warn himself. "And these 34 measurement problems, warning against corruption, considerably better than general legal education is better. ”

Due to the 34 measurement problems are actually living things in our evaluation of a standard issue, and some even more directly, as part of job crime psychological assessment of dynamic factors of 8 questions, of which the first question to start, you agree that "people have extra income without the rich"? And 5th questions more starkly: "you desire on extra-marital affairs or extra-marital sex life? "These problems not only touches personal moral standards also involve privacy problems. So it cannot be used for open-ended questionnaire, Nanjing gulou district people's Procuratorate Deputy Procurator-General Mei Kun also said that 34 questions tried to survey to collect answers, but your answer is obviously not credible, but now can only be self detection for officials of 34 questions.

"Currently we first step is put this pushed we members units, including we all sector, let everyone self detection, I think this also is psychological grooming or psychological self education of means, behind second generation of when, we intends to do psychological measurement table, that not simple of you can see to of results of problem, that future to and we Organization Department, and personnel, also has party, with we cadres of hired and promotions, tries to with science of means to prevention positions crime. "Mei Kun told reporters.

  34 risk self-assessment questions

Power factors of job crime psychological assessment

① You agree "people have extra income without the rich"? ② your identity "is entitled to no, expired"?

③ You agree "corruption will not be marginalised"? ④ you thirst for money and jewels, calligraphy and other financial?

⑤ you desire for officials or voted? ⑥ you desire on extra-marital affairs or extra-marital sex life?

⑦ you confidence in the party and Government to effectively curb corruption? ⑧ you own the performance of his responsibilities?

Regulation of job crime psychological factors

1, you agree with the following statements?

① leadership authority embodied in the word.

② officers should be in a position to enjoy it to the appropriate privileges.

③ the treatment units made a contribution should enjoy.

2, you often face the temptation?

① Tout and the lacking, heard little criticism or even remind

② treat gifts or other forms of free premium service

③ arrangements to various forms of specific services

3, you agree with the following description?

① unit or something I say.

② I'm enjoying three for public consumption.

③ Gift I'm quite used to free consumption and others.

4, do you agree with the following description of the gifts you?

① charge amount or money or gifts valued at no more than 5,000 yuan.

② each others received gifts will be a fierce ideological struggle.

③ rarely bother what others give and gifts of value or amount.

5, you agree with the following statements?

① in return as long as the amount does not exceed 5,000, not bribery. ② Unit damage caused as long as no gifts does not constitute a crime.

③ fabuzezhong everyone get benefits themselves to salvage something won't go wrong.

Disagree (1) disagree (2) neutral (3) agree (4) agree (5 points)

Features of job crime psychological factors

① fabuzezhong, corruption of people around it's okay I'm not to do something. ② past gifts gifts all right, stop now, or send nothing.

③ catch after all, minorities, nothing will happen to their own unique gifts. ④ old relationship for many years to send gift, he may not sell themselves.

⑤ I rely heavily on leadership, there was something wrong with leadership. ⑥ judicial iron in relations, even if there are problems I will fear no evil.

⑦ is a legitimate form of the good in people must be all right. ⑧ are checked as long as their stiff resistance there will never be anything.

Disagree (score 1), neutral (2) identity (3) agree (4) agree (5 points)

Low risk: each issue all scored less than 3 minutes

Risks: there is a problem or problems, or every problem, scored 3-4 points

High risk: there was a problem score 5 points if it meant facing high risk, taking into account the crime to convince myself an excuse for random, therefore criminal in my mind an excuse more, the involvement, the greater the possibility of a motive for the crime fighting, thus, crime risk as the number increases 5 points.

Mentality of job crime psychological factors

① own promotion depends on whether the leadership recognition. ② themselves subject to unfair treatment in the unit.

③ people have enriched their own general conditions. ④ worked hard for many years without credit and elbow grease.

⑤ promotion did not want some affordable is true. ⑥ relationship discord to come home but they won't feel.

⑦ led appreciative colleagues envy is just when. ⑧ lovers or children often complain of conditions than others.

Disagree (score 1), neutral (2) identity (3) agree (4) agree (5 points)

Low risk: each scored less than 3 minutes.

Risks: as long as a question is divided into 3 or 4 minutes, at moderate risk.

High risk: more than two score 4 points, or at least one score 5 points.

Duty crime of "subconscious" factor assessment

① gifts I am only concerned about who they were and what did not send. ② I'm with business relations and friends you and I don't.

③ due to business friends and I gave her no longer to avoid arousing suspicion. ④ accept bribe was received without the battle of ideas.

⑤ has formed property into licit income avenues of bribery.

Disagree (score 1), neutral (2) identity (3) agree (4) agree (5 points)

Low risk: each scored 2 points or less (2).

Risk: score one for at least 3 minutes.

High risk: at least one scoring more than 4 points, getting a high grade in question larger crime more vicious.

(Original title: how far are you from corruption, logging one knew)

December 30, 2013 Yangtse evening post(南京推公职人员测腐试题 问题直白仍在自测阶段|南京|职务犯罪|腐败_新闻资讯



  通讯员宁纪宣 鼓纪宣 扬子晚报记者孔小平 贾晓宁



























  ①你认同“人无外财不富”吗? ②你认同“有权不用,过期作废”吗?

  ③你认同“不腐败就会被边缘化”吗? ④你对金钱和珠宝字画等财务的渴望?

  ⑤你对当官或者升官的渴望? ⑥你对婚外情或者婚外性生活的渴望?

  ⑦你对党和政府有效遏制腐败的信心? ⑧你对自己履行公职的责任感?



















  ①礼尚往来只要数额不超过5000不是受贿。 ②只要没造成单位损失收礼不构成犯罪。


  很不认同(1分) 不认同(2分) 中立(3分) 认同(4分) 很认同(5分)



  ③抓到的毕竟少数,自己难得收礼不会有事。 ④是多年的老关系送的礼,他可能不会出卖自己。

  ⑤我被领导所倚重,自己有问题领导会保的。 ⑥在司法机关有铁的关系,即使有问题也不怕。


  很不认同(1分) 中立(2分) 认同(3分) 很认同(4分) 非常认同(5分)





  ①自己的晋升取决于领导是否赏识。 ②自己在单位受到了不公正的待遇。

  ③周围人都富了自己却还条件一般。 ④努力工作多年没有功劳也有苦劳。

  ⑤升职没有希望来点实惠才是真的。 ⑥关系不和谐回到家也找不到感觉。

  ⑦领导赏识同事羡慕正春风得意时。 ⑧爱人或者子女常抱怨条件不如人家。

  很不认同(1分) 中立(2分) 认同(3分) 很认同(4分) 非常认同(5分)








  很不认同(1分) 中立(2分) 认同(3分) 很认同(4分) 非常认同(5分)






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