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Nanjing plot five mental track of corruption prevention of duty crime

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/30 5:44:37 Browse times: 282 Comment times: 0

Nanjing plot five mental track of corruption prevention of duty crime(南京绘出五种易腐败心理轨迹预防职务犯罪)

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Nanjing plot five mental trajectory of perishable preventing duty crimes (photo) | | corrupt | manual _ prevention news

  Nanjing three five kinds of perishable departments draw trajectory

Formation of psychology of duty crime, externalization or deterioration, committed faced setbacks with duties related to improper attribution related to problems with them, and some even psychopathic results. For this reason, against public officials, especially leading cadres, make the necessary psychological counselling, giving them a better understanding of occupational risk, mental health, master the legitimate ways and means of regulating psychological, learning to experience happiness, maintaining peace, to prevent their psychological problems, cheating and even crime has a positive effect

-Reporter Ma Chao

Ning Jixuan drum-newspaper correspondents JI Xuan

Deputy Director of the construction Committee, 1 bus tickets to my wife why greed to get reimbursed? Millions stolen money was covered with bed, usually commute by bike, did his heart really hold up?

What 1.1 points to degenerate to the corrupt? In addition to the system, such as external factors, psychological desires are also important catalysts. On December 27, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, launched the first national public officers Handbook on occupational risk assessment, mental track of quantifiable testing methods to detect corruption, preventing duty crimes opened the door.

Corruption mental evolution 6 stages 3

No one in the world is inherently corrupt officials, those officials degenerated into criminals, most have certain talents and abilities, too, have made contributions to the country. So, how do they step by step into the abyss of crime? In Nanjing gulou District Director, Secretary of the Steering Committee of duty crime prevention said Feng Wenlan, to unravel the mystery, from 2008 onwards, gulou District Commission for discipline inspection, prosecution and cooperation on crime control and Prevention Institute of Nanjing University, system analysis of the healthcare industry, universities, construction on three major areas of duty crime and face to face interviews with 47 prisoners, continuing psychological prevention of duty crime investigations.

For in-depth analysis of job crime psychological, developmental, evolutional, in 2011, the three departments to survey nearly 200 official crime offenders, pose to job crime psychological characteristics, psychological evolution, functions outside the criminal psychology of duty crime of pattern, an in-depth study of job crime psychological evolution, formed the first job crime psychological survey.

"Official crimes often go through the following process: access to power--the temptation--the desire to enhance motivation – – options – chance – choose to trade power for money – money is easier-want to be strong – abuse of means of strengthening. "Leading Di Xiaohua, a professor at Nanjing University said of the survey.

According to Di Xiaohua introduction, General experience job crime psychological understanding, testing, trade, Alliance, exposure, adaptation of the six-stage, psychological processes are extremely complex. Psychological trajectories tend to show the need for the normal evolution, mindset by the imbalance of the distortion to the pathological evolution, the evolution of behavior from passive to automatic.

Investigation found, almost all investigation object are has accept had forms different of anti-corruption education, but they General think currently of anti-corruption education formality: General only unilateral to accused criminals quality poor, and rarely specific analysis led to they crime of specific causes; just generalities how prevention positions crime, and lack guide bribery Hou how suspended of method; just empty to said to clean not gifts, and no made both can adapted environment and not to fall of specific path.

Stated in the survey report, formation, outside or deterioration of job crime psychological, committed faced setbacks with duties related to improper attribution related to problems with them, and some even psychopathic results. For this reason, against public officials, especially leading cadres, make the necessary psychological counselling, giving them a better understanding of occupational risk, mental health, master the legitimate ways and means of regulating psychological, learning to experience happiness, maintaining peace, to prevent their psychological problems, cheating and even commit crimes all have an active role.

 5 perishable 34 questions

According to Nanjing drum-tower Office-related crimes, the gulou District Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor Yang Jianping, Deputy Director of the Steering Committee introduced, through surveys and data analysis of the nearly 300 prisoners, in 5 cases of public officials were more likely to have bad mental state, and this attitude, driven by forming the motive of duty crime.

When careers are blocked, hopeless when you upsize, some public officials would feel "like," and efforts to secure a promotion, into "sell" power gradually will focus on the abuse when inappropriate, material desire enhancement, civil servants will have a strong sense of relative deprivation and discontent, formed to trade power for money motivated.

When spouses reproach, pride, and some public official can unknowingly gave free rein to his kinship with the power to influence "to make money" and when relationships strained, especially when families and some public officials the need for spiritual solace, and more easily captured by erotic. Once an "aberration", there will be living beyond their means, or unable, to maintain this situation, abuse of power is inevitable. Duty committed behind often have mistresses, "little three" figure, are examples of this situation.

"There is a situation when a variety of honors and, or feel that they have been ' credit ', some public officials ' carried away ' mentality, or should enjoy life, enjoy life, thereby relaxing the requirements, and gradually towards a life of crime. "Yang Jianping said.

From December 2013, gulou district, Nanjing public officials will begin to receive a special Handbook: the job crime risk assessment guide. The self-assessment portion of the manual, designed the corruption index 34 asked for public officers detailed from characteristics of dynamic factors, regulating factors, factors, mind, subconscious self test and risk assessment for corruption in the five areas. You answer the 34 questions, calculate scores, you'll be able to know their own corruption index.

"A certain risk factors directly illustrates the extent to which factors close to job crime psychological composition. Power factor in assessing high risk, would indicate that it has been close to or even required to meet job crime psychological structure of power factor level, but cannot be said to have job crime psychological conditions that are necessary. Only if the adjustment factors, characteristics and attitude factors are at high risk, can already commit a crime or crime is approaching. "Di Xiaohua reading road.

Manual compiled by experts psychology, risk and prevention gave a vivid detail of reasoning and analysis, avoiding rigid indoctrination and preaching, in favour of public recognition and acceptance. Such as official corruption plot summary in different years can easily lead to warnings and concerns of generations in the same year:

Born in 560 corrupt officials, many of them had similar experiences growing up, had a miserable childhood, a struggling youth, a rising middle and, finally, a miserable life ... ... Corruption plot are basically very "old-fashioned", not out of this "vicious circle".

Corrupt officials and 560 were born different, 780-born corrupt officials were mostly grew up in the good times, so their experience corruption presents an alternative vision: a happy childhood, an enviable youth, a middle-aged, be blinded by lust for gain and fall rapidly ... ... Their corruption plots similar, but the braver of corruption.

According to Yang Jianping introduction, after the introduction of the manual, in the part of area in unit test applications, receive higher appraisal. Next, you will continue to improve as reflected they designed for providing more effective prevention of duty crime of "mind reading".

Staff writer, Nanjing, December 29-


Greed five radical duty crime agent "medicine"

Gulou district, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Steering Committee for prevention of duty crime duties in upholding the law, social prevention of crime at the same time, advanced towards psychological depth in the area of prevention, out of the five agents "medicine."

"Medicine": published psychology of duty crime prevention report, psychology of duty crime alert. In 2011, the gulou District Committee to cooperate with Nanjing University Institute for crime prevention and control, for the first time released investigation report on psychology of duty crime prevention across the country. Case interviews, questionnaire surveys, statistical analysis report, co-extensive prison for 47 crimes criminals face to face interviews, questionnaire survey was conducted nearly 200 job crime offenders, has an effective questionnaire 150 copies.

"Medicine" II: building power monitoring, process monitoring, prevention of duty crime prevention system. April 2012, gulou district pre-refers to Board and China psychology will legal branch, and Jiangsu Province psychological learned held has positions crime psychological control seminar cum results launches, invited psychology expert scholars and discipline, and prosecutorial practice personnel, and stationed in district units representative, together research demonstration positions crime psychological control programme, active building power supervision, and process monitoring, and psychological control of positions crime prevention system, efforts building to "at right", and "at thing" and "at people" for content of positions crime stereo prevention pattern.

"Medicine" III: introduction of job crime psychological prevention education interventions. Gulou district authority launched a psychology of duty crime prevention education interventions and proposed "four combinations": that combination of cleaning up the environment and enhance mental immunity, serious discipline combined with intensive psychological deterrence, counselling and psychological intervention combined, combining incentives control and psychological risk control.

"Medicine" IV: psychological research results apply to the case and investigative practice. In the investigation toll collectors Yang embezzlement case, found that Yang committed embezzlement crime may be related to her deformity of consumer psychology. To break the criminal suspects, and effective analysis of causes of the crime, the Prosecutor invited psychologists questioned Yang, relieve Yang's mental, so she felt from her own unhealthy psychological implications and consequences, sincerely repent their crimes contributed to the smooth progress of investigation on a case.

"Medicine" v: Handbook of launching positions risk test, evaluate, adaptation. In carrying out its functions on the basis of psychological investigation and prevention of crime prevention practice, and Nanjing University Institute for crime prevention and control, psychological questionnaire design, science set score of duty crime risk tests, assessment, and self-adjustment, eventually forming a Handbook of job crime psychological testing, evaluation, and adjustment.

(Original title: Nanjing three five kinds of perishable departments map out path)

(Edit: SN094)December 30, 2013 Legal daily(南京绘出五种易腐败心理轨迹预防职务犯罪(图)|腐败心里|手册|预防_新闻资讯




































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