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Faculty of law, national people’s Congress to talk with Hengyang undermine the elections case

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/30 5:43:22 Browse times: 275 Comment times: 0

Faculty of law, national people’s Congress to talk with Hengyang undermine the elections case(人大法学院长谈衡阳破坏选举案)

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Hengyang electoral law school to talk with the NPC election Hengyang | | | Congress _ news

Hengyang in Hunan province during the first meeting of the 14th session of the national people's Congress, there have been serious bribery cases of unlawful means to disrupt the elections. The case is a flagrant challenge to China's national people's Congress, influence is extremely bad. In recent years, China's people's Congress system and constantly improve the quality of the relevant circumstances, as well as in the case of harm, 29th, newspaper in an exclusive interview with Xinhua, Renmin University of China Law School Dean, President of the Chinese Association of constitutional law Han Dayuan.

Reporter: could you talk about the situation in recent years, China's people's Congress system and constantly improve the quality of.

Han Dayuan: the people's Congress system is the fundamental political system of China, is an important sign of Socialist Democratic politics with Chinese characteristics, suited to China's national conditions and practice, in practice, is playing an increasingly important role. In recent years, in promoting Socialist democracy and rule of law in the process, people's Congress improve democratic institutions, enrich the forms of democracy, expand orderly participation in politics, forming and perfecting the law system of the public have made positive progress. In particular, after the amendment to the electoral law, further expanding the democratic basis of the people's Congress system, embodies democracy and openness of the people's congresses.

Reporter: Hengyang, Hunan to disrupt the electoral nature of the case is very serious, you think, what is it harmful?

Han Dayuan: the persons involved in this case, involved large sums of money, very bad character, is a serious violations of law and discipline cases. Hazard is on the case: first, undermined the fairness and impartiality of the election, is the harm to the principles of democracy. Because democratic principles requires that the fairness of the elections, requires elected representatives must have the majority support, and bribery lead would have been unable to get a majority of votes were elected. Second, depriving the delegate election of legality and propriety. Deputies are elected on the basis of the free will of the electorate, granted to representatives of public authority from the people, and that a fair election is the Foundation of authority, only just elected representatives have legitimacy and authority, has a broad social base. To means of bribery to obtain credentials, obstruction of electors exercised their right to vote freely so that they violate free will vote, actually leading to elected representatives do not have the popular support to be a mouthpiece for the interests and will of the people, elected lost its legitimacy and the legitimacy of the representatives. Thirdly, the blatant violation of a citizen's right to vote and to stand for election, is the destruction of the Socialist concept of the rule of law. In building the rule of law today, this bad behaviour has undermined the State's authority and tarnish the image of the party and the Government, must be seriously held accountable by law.

Reporter: could you talk about how to ensure that the electoral law from a constitutional perspective on in order to ensure that the election wind lifts spirits?

Han Dayuan: the right to vote and to be elected is the basic political rights of our citizens, is the basic form of voter participation in the State administration. To ensure a healthy and orderly, you first must implement the basic principles of universal, equal and secret ballot elections in order to guarantee democracy and the process of fairness of the electoral process. At the same time, to strictly follow the provisions of the basic principles of the Constitution and the electoral law, boundary maps, voter registration, especially on behalf of candidate nomination and should follow legal procedures, fully carry forward democracy, respect the electorate's will, exclude the phenomenon of money controlled elections, strengthen the supervision of the electoral process, reflecting the transparency and openness, firmly sanction all acts of destruction and fair elections. If left unchecked criminal behavior in the electoral process, will lead to the definitive damage to democracy and the rule of law, and is also a serious violation of citizens ' fundamental rights.

Reporter: do you think institutional safeguards deputies shall perform their duties?

Han Dayuan: is made up of representatives of the NPC, representatives returned by election. Deputies to the NPC should represent the will of the people and interests, in accordance with the terms of the Constitution and the law of the people's congresses at and participate in the exercise of State authority. Extent played the role of NPC deputies directly determines the function and authority of the people's Congress system. As deputies to perform their duties according to law. Representative of strictly in accordance with the rights and obligations under the law, actively exercise their rights and fulfill obligations, conscientiously accept oversight. In order to protect the deputies to perform their duties, the law on the performance of their duties on behalf of special protection, such as deputies of immunity, human right not to be subjected to unlawful arrest, such as subsidies, as well as a representative. At the same time, deputies to the NPC to exemplary compliance with the Constitution and the law, conscientiously abide by social morality, to serve the people.

(Original title: ensuring the electoral law in order)

(Edit: SN095)December 30, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily(人大法学院长谈衡阳破坏选举案|衡阳|选举|人大_新闻资讯












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