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Professor:Can add municipality directly under the central government in order to promote administrative straight pipe county

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Professor:Can add municipality directly under the central government in order to promote administrative straight pipe county(教授:可增设直辖市以推进行政省直管县)

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Professor: additional municipalities in order to promote administrative provinces directly lead the counties | linear | | municipality adjunct _ news

Beijing reporter Liu Yuhai 18 national Congress described the third plenary session of the magnificent blueprint for reform, "promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity" is particularly striking. While government reforms are key to modernization of systems of governance and governance capacity.

But looking at the 7 government reforms over the past 35 years, without exception, will reform the Government agency focused on horizontal adjustment vertical streamlining government hierarchy has not been put on the agenda of reform-not only fails to streamline, but consists of four levels of Government evolved into a more complex system of five levels of Government.

As plenary resolutions, further "optimize the organizational structure of the Government" to promote China's five levels of Government in system transition to an international three-tier government system reform is imminent. Told the 21st century business Herald interview with national school of administration, the Executive Vice President of the research society for restructuring of China Mr. Wang yukai, a Professor believes that should go through the new municipalities will be China's provincial-level administrative units increased to 40, creating the conditions for advancing administrative provinces directly lead the counties and deficiency of township-level Government, translating them into County Government agencies, creating a three-tier system of Government.

Reform of the regime of city dominating County depart from intended

Of the 21st century: since reform and opening up, China conducted 7 rounds of government reform, without exception, be horizontal reform of Government, without reforms to streamline Government in the vertical, what is the cause?

Mr. Wang yukai: it's been more than 30 years, China conducted 7 greater reform of Government, accomplishment worthy of recognition. Along with China's market-oriented reform process after 7 rounds of government reform, from an overall structure to the run mode is largely by a planned Government turned to a market economy.

But on the whole, the 30-year reform from the horizontal branches of Government set scientific, a superior to an inferior delegate considered above, without considering issues from the vertical. Also, longitudinal administrative design, not only no flattening, rather complicated--before reform and opening up, and China are the four levels of government management structure, reform and opening up, it turned into a five-tier system of Government.

Before reform and opening up, China's urbanization rate is very low, although there are also some prefecture-level city, but prefecture-level city in the County; the vast majority of the County was by the prefectural administrative office administration-administrative office is of the provincial party Committee and provincial government agencies, lack of NPC and the CPPCC and police bodies, not the level of Government. After 1982, the exploration of urban radiation plays a central role, playing the lead in the process of regional economic development, began, County, municipal mergers, reform--which amounts to added an Executive above the county level. City dominating County initially in "Yangtze River Delta" soon sweep the country, in addition to Hainan, and a few places to retain outside ethnic autonomous prefectures, prefectural Administrative Office, much of this changed regime of city dominating County, China has turned into a five-tier structure consists of four levels of Government.

Of the 21st century: City merged with reform, City County meets the original Center City-driven the reform goal of surrounding counties?

Mr. Wang yukai: urban counties originally conceived very well, in some places, is not no, especially for fast development played a very important role in central cities--cities, after all, mastered the resources, the people of the County, prefecture-level city of County resources to speed up development. It can be said that now more than 300 more rapid development of prefecture-level cities, largely associated with the regime of city dominating County. But also hinder the development of County of city dominating County: City County before, through the prefectural Administrative Office of the County, the Administrative Office was only a transitional body, not withheld resources; after the city dominating County, city policies, funding, targets resources--such as interception. Also, city merged surfaces reduces the prefectural Administrative Office, but supported by finance personnel has not diminished, but added a lot. Therefore, City County in the first place rather than to achieve, also departed from.

In addition, in the course of administrative reform in the vertical, in order to reconcile the interests of large cities and provincial capitals, established a number of sub-provincial cities and municipalities. This directly onto the city has added two models, the situation is more complex. Because cities with municipal administrative level than the prefecture-level city of Gao Bange, also makes the whole administrative levels rise.

Not thin level difficult to cure "run"

Of the 21st century: reform of Government for future horizontal space? From the timing point of view, government reform focus shifts to whether he ought to now be vertical streamlining government hierarchy?

Mr. Wang yukai: while horizontal Office consolidation is getting closer to a reasonable, but not to the end. After this round of institutional restructuring of the Central Government this year, also consists of 25 ministries under the State Council – while developed countries are generally not more than 17. The future, consideration could be given to further consolidate the formation of agricultural, cultural, social security departments. In addition, market regulators such as quality control, food and Drug Administration for industry and commerce, Government rent, the IRS, could also consider merging.

Longitudinal administrative level adjusted in terms of pushing for government reform, has been very tight. Reason:

First, if a longitudinal five-consolidating Government, it is difficult to establish standardized fiscal transfer payment system. Currently, China is five level Government, and five level financial, all ministries master has more than 290 more items special transfer paid, from County to city again to province, are "ran Department money into", only into three level Government, and three level financial--central financial, and province financial, and County city financial (Township not set financial), is may established relative specification of financial transfer paid system. As reliance on local government finance has declined considerably, fostering local tax source in the future, in the process, standardized fiscal transfer payments are very urgent and very important.

Secondly, the five levels of Government, particularly the vertical not flat, higher levels of Government was highly bound to his subordinates. So the regime of city dominating County must be got rid of.

Thirdly, from the perspective of objective conditions, may also speed up the streamlining of government hierarchy. Traffic now very well developed, in many parts of the County the day of meetings at the provincial government, no problem. And increasing information, e-Government makes historic changes in the means of information transmission.

In addition, urbanization is high speed, if vertical government structure does not adjust, management will come to a dead end. For example, in addition to municipalities, provincial capitals and sub-provincial cities, municipalities, prefecture-level cities, county-level cities, some places also exploring the town-level municipal and village-level city! Some towns have hundreds of thousands of people, if not exceed those on the governance structure, town-level management? Therefore, must break the public governance structure, breaking entirely according to the level of a city.

Additional municipalities in order to promote administrative provinces directly lead the counties

Of the 21st century: reforms to streamline Government, there are two different points of view: one is the "imaginary real House", another is "real virtual cities", which one do you?

Mr. Wang yukai: but now highly developed economic, transport, communications, you do not need so many local institutions. But, whether foreign or domestic, and provincial level are necessary. Historically, provinces in China, should not now go back to the past, "State counties" structure, but should continue the provinces directly lead the counties.

Taking into account the regional differences in China, provinces directly lead the counties first provinces directly lead the counties financially later after the conditions are ripe to achieve administrative provinces directly lead the counties. See it now provinces directly lead the counties financially to advance more quickly, administratively advance very slowly. Because there are many problems in this process, fiscal provincial biruxian tubes, tubes is a prefecture-level city in its administrative, cities lack enthusiasm. But the major sticking points are: first, relatively few provincial units, if the jurisdiction of a province does not make the adjustment must be hundreds of counties and county-level cities, too many, to the province under a lot of pressure. Second, the provincial government now is too much, after the Central Government many policies, decentralization to the local, the province is the main processing unit, provinces directly lead the counties is difficult.

Address the first problem, how to adjust administrative divisions becomes a big problem. Relatively easy approach is to first increase municipalities. Administrative center of a province had two, two cities, take out one of the municipalities. Such as Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen, could be changed to municipalities. Population like Liaoning, Shandong, and Guangdong Province has greatly reduced. As long as the 31 provincial-level administrative units is now expanded to nearly 40, conditions of provinces directly lead the counties will get.

Solve the second problem, begin trimming the provincial government too much power, the entire administrative center of gravity down to the prefecture-level cities, County or town. For example, no city dominating County, Hainan Province, care was okay. Decentralization at the provincial level, and the reform has a lot to do, to have a reform drive.

Only adjustment, to do some research to streamline decentralization of power at the provincial level, adjust the five levels of Government to advance.

Implement the clerk magistrate shall act as system

Of the 21st century: fiscal reform of the provinces directly lead the counties, 2009 began to push a large area, some places explored earlier, how to evaluate their effectiveness? If provinces directly lead the counties by the financial administration, and what would be the resistance?

Mr. Wang yukai: counties and county-level cities are implementing administrative provinces directly lead the counties, determined by its interests. Most of the counties and county-level cities, provinces directly lead the counties – can reduce this level of resources in the interception. Provincial County of resistance main from: a is prefecture-level city--from 1982 to now, County has been by prefecture-level city tube, split process in the prefecture-level city certainly is a resistance; II is provincial Government of concerns--provincial government tube of too more, and County too more, not change management mode, and power no fewer than moved, provincial Government of management pressure very big; three is some place objective Shang does not has provincial County of conditions--as Xinjiang, and Tibet these geographical scale is big, and population is dilute of place. Therefore, accelerating the pace of provinces directly lead the counties, mainly refers to economically developed eastern areas.

Of the 21st century: the 21st century business Herald has been on Tianmen, qianjiang, Hubei provinces directly lead the counties reform earlier this place did some investigating and found that county officials for this reform is a paradox: they welcome the provinces directly lead the counties financially, but worried that the provinces directly lead the counties to make their channel narrower, fewer opportunities for promotion.

Mr. Wang yukai: sure it is. To solve this problem, you can after the provinces directly lead the counties, a number of key County in population, large scale commissions of prefectures or equivalents. In this way, officials had upside, willing to work in one place for long, may contribute to this place.

Of the 21st century: in the case of China, because "Heaven tall Emperor far" oversight of the County has been highly problematic, if powers continued to sink to the County, and also promoted to be the Deputy to the county-level, County Party Secretary whether the power would grow worse, greater risk of corruption?

Mr. Wang yukai: enhance County level, the shift in power sinking down into the County, the County's governance structure is critical, must be followed by political governance, official selection system of supporting the democratic process, to address heads of oversight issues. First of all, to change the management pattern of County magistrate, Secretary of the two men, to give people greater choice. After the provinces directly lead the counties should introduce a system of County party Committee, County magistrate, acting as: Secretary of elections within the party, the Chief elected County Commissioner, elected two lines alone. Parent recommend 4 candidates, Secretary of the Party Committee, three party members, the three men running for Mayor on the NPC, who's running for mayor who is party Secretary. So, Party Secretary of inner-party discipline Inspection Committee and the national people's Congress supervision two lines.

Towns should be sent into County-level government bodies

Of the 21st century: reform in streamlining government hierarchy, on the communal level, what do you think? Mr. Wang yukai: deficiency of township-level Government. Conditions, where the economy is more developed, should try to abolish Township, turn the township into County Government agencies, will shift in power down. County economy can really develop. To explore merging townships, now there are more than 19,000 more towns, 15,000 villages, with the rapid development of urbanization, the Township also have the possibility of further consolidation. Do not have the luxury of the place, can't cancel the Township for the time being, cannot be "one size fits all".

(Edit: SN095)December 29, 2013 21st century business Herald(教授:可增设直辖市以推进行政省直管县|直辖市|直管|兼任制_新闻资讯

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