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Message from the Secretary of monks and nuns in Tibet: Monk did not forget to patriotic practice did not forget the people

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/29 7:37:47 Browse times: 279 Comment times: 0

Message from the Secretary of monks and nuns in Tibet: Monk did not forget to patriotic practice did not forget the people(西藏书记寄语僧尼:出家不忘爱国修行不忘济世)

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Message from the Secretary of monks and nuns in Tibet: Monk did not forget the patriotic practice did not forget people | | | Dalai Lama of Tibet _ Tibetan Buddhism news

China News Agency, December 28 (reporters Bai Shaobo) "succeeded to carry forward the fine traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, patriotic education, advocating compliance law-abiding, disposed of Vice and promotion of virtue, harmony and pray for peace, for the benefit of believers. "The Chinese Communist Party Committee Secretary Chen Quanguo, 28th in Lhasa of Tibet Autonomous Region, said hope Members of the monks and nuns of the temple's efforts to promote peace and harmony, the unfolding of the new style, establishing a new figure.

Meeting Tibet's official date of recognition in 2013-advanced harmony model temples and patriotic and law-abiding monks and nuns, these national statement of the meeting said.

"Monk not forgot patriotic, and practice not forgot people", Chen national hopes, General monks and nuns constantly firm patriotic love taught, and solidarity progress, and nursing country Limin position, in maintenance national unified, and social stable, maintenance socialist legal and the acts model aspects set new image, in promotion hid pass Buddhist and Socialist Society phase adapted, construction Socialist new Tibet, benefit letter all, and benefit social aspects set new image.

Chen said the country, the majority of monks and nuns to fulfill their obligations under the Constitution and the laws, and consciously safeguard the dignity of laws, to obey the Government management, carry out normal religious activities in accordance with law, actively adhering to the "compassionate people," Buddha's teachings, advocating ethical values of kindness, honesty and trustworthiness, enlightenment devotees, strive to explore ways and means to serve the community of Tibetan Buddhism.

Chen said the country, all physical and mental harmony, harmony, harmony between man and society is the fundamental teaching of Tibetan Buddhism-spangle, our monks and nuns to identify the 14 Dalai clique to split the country and undermine stability, free Tibetan teaching with sinister motives, fundamentally recognize 14 Dalai group false peace real violence, autonomous divisions, leave needle against the dialogue for what they really are.

"Do not listen to rumors of 14 Dalai group and stampeded not subject to the 14 Dalai Lama group", with the country I hope, the majority of monks and nuns to actively lead believers to distinguish Tibetan Buddhism and 14 Dalai and the 14 separate the titles of Dalai Lama and the Dalai, "human evil, good, cause goodness."

On that day, 150 monasteries in Tibet was named harmony model temples, advanced over more than 10,000 monks and nuns was named patriotic and law-abiding monks and nuns, are the activities undertaken since its recognition of temples, one of the largest. (End text)

(Original title: message from the Secretary of monks and nuns in Tibet: Monk never forget the patriotism and practice did not forget people)

(Edit: SN091)December 28, 2013 China News Network(西藏书记寄语僧尼:出家不忘爱国修行不忘济世|藏传佛教|西藏|达赖_新闻资讯

  中新社拉萨12月28日电 (记者 白少波)“继承弘扬藏传佛教优良传统,爱国爱教、遵规守法、弃恶扬善、崇尚和谐、祈求和平、造福信众。”中共西藏自治区委员会书记陈全国28日在拉萨表示,希望广大寺庙僧尼努力促进平安和谐,不断展现新风貌、树立新形象。









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