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Likening the case to host the judges: micro-blog broadcast is the trend for the trial

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/29 7:09:24 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

Likening the case to host the judges: micro-blog broadcast is the trend for the trial(刘志军案承办法官:微博直播是庭审必然趋势)

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Likening the case to host the judges: micro-blog broadcast is the trend for the trial | | | judges Twitter broadcast _ likening the case news

Second sentence in the second circuit judge Qiu Bo worked on many significant cases. While trial former railways Minister Liu zhijun, who "retreat" for one month. Recently, the legal evening news reporter conducted an interview with him.

Before the Beijing high people's court official Micro-Blog "Beijing-French" Ding Shumiao II's Court court trials published in major cases. Qiu Bo, micro-Bo direct is an inexorable trend for the trial. Only put in order to guarantee the transparency of the trial. It will promote the progress of the Court as a whole, is a milestone.


Volume write-write finger deformation

FW: first independent ad litem of the presiding judge, nervous?

Qiu Bo: not really. Prior to this I have done 7 years of clerks. In 1999, I to work in the Beijing second intermediate people's Court, the clerk at that time and now works a bit differently.

Clerks are responsible not only for trial in court records, also the dossier, written judicial instruments to assist the presiding judge handling the trial of all the circumstances, particularly the volume to be questioned, when no computer, all handwritten, I remember once doing a thick one, for half a month.

In this way, after 7 years of training, are fully attuned to the mood of the Court, trial procedures. After practice, and clerks only place different is that truely feel heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

FW: clerks you were doing during the impressive case what is it?

Qiu Bo: first case of China's stock market, "venture" case, that case is full of Chinese stock market by market makers manipulating the stock price of cases impact is very large. 540 of file material, very deep, in 2001, more than 200 copies of the case files are rare.

Probably a metal locker with 50, 500 is just 10 metal cabinets, a whole wall, considerable workload volumes.

Court task force at that time, 3 judges and 2 clerks. A person is faced with hundreds of the dossier, overtime is the norm.

When I started working was a clerk, computer, rarely, a collegial panel more than 40 people in connection with a computer, all handwritten notes. I just come to work on a old judge the paperwork, made a thick one, for half a month. Then a court case to five or six days, all written by the court clerk, last finger is out of shape. Requirement is to write more quickly at that time, good looks is secondary.

The Tribunal case file up to near-title backlist

FW: do you handle cases, most cases the accused is which?

Qiu Bo: 2011 "Mont Jinghua" case of illegal absorbing public deposits. 26 the accused, criminal amount of more than 290 million Yuan, investors more than 2,900 employees, file 933 books, accounting records of 15 boxes. Few people I only independent contractors. 14 times in the case submitted to higher authorities, and investors received family members of the defendants, more than 30 times, up to more than 400 people at a time.

In addition, also received more than 30 banks freeze the properties involved. Nearly a year to the docket.

FW: in your case before, took the longest-sitting days?

Qiu Bo: 6 days. Open every day until the evening, and I remember the judgement and wrote more than 80 pages, probably more than more than 50,000 words.

FW: a complex cases within how much time you want to finish?

Qiu Bo: as a rule, the first instance cases completed 3 months, Beijing high people's Court of the complex extend trial time, extend the needed the Supreme Court. Disposition of a case within 3 months. Every catch "file cabinets filled with wall" cases, finish delamination.

Likening the "retreat" one month

FW: hearing likening this kind of case, and the General case different?

Qiu Bo: in each case, I follow the standards of major and serious criminal cases. We sentence the second Chamber in each of the thirty or forty cases handled by each judge 's.

But more complex cases objectively. First is the file, Mr Liu has more than 400 copies of the dossier of the case, roll cabinet wall.

Because of the high degree of social concern, both the Court and the written judgements, not little mistakes, to stand the test of inspections and history under the magnifying glass. Finally finished writing the judgement, really had a sense of relief. Final judgment by the superior court and colleagues alike.

FW: contact with ministerial officials likening the, you are nervous?

Qiu Bo: I tried the CCB Wang xuebing bribery case, former Governor, former Minister of land and resources Tian Fengshan bribes bribery case, Hou Wujie, former Vice Secretary of Shanxi province, at first hearing major and serious criminal cases do get nervous, fear itself, an error occurs.

They have a great post, we judges usually do not who may be exposed to such high positions. And some of these people have the levels, very attractive man who spoke in court.

But as you grow older, your experience, and your mind will be more and more calm, no matter how high the defendant before you post.

FW: heard you for Mr Liu's case "closed" for a month?

Qiu Bo: Yes. Because the specificity and complexity of cases, months in the case, during which rarely came home or not Home Basic. Do it, and you will have lost. Goethe once said that people needed spiritual level is different. I was a civil servant, making much money, but also to make family sacrifices, sometimes it does not take the time to take care of love baby, but the career of a judge granting my mental pleasures are other occupations is no worse than.

FW: can you specifically say such a pleasure?

Qiu Bo: this career requires you to keep judgments about things, of great power. If you legitimately exercised, through you, to achieve the social fairness, justice, and it can give you a very strong psychological gratification.

The other hand, the case if the sentence was fair and beautiful, was praised by public and peers, benchmark, this satisfaction is how much change does not come.

But the judges don't earn much, you need to reduce our material needs. An excellent judges not only have excellent professional skills, but also to withstand the loneliness and temptation.

FW: sit in your case so many times, I feel you are talking much on the Court.

Qiu Bo: you are listening to a story, the judge is considering, the facts of the crime in this case can be established, whether or not sufficient evidence, defendants and lawyers were to be true, and cases where is the focus of controversy.

Is a stage of the Tribunal, judges are centered as judge.

Progress of micro-Bo direct seeding is the Court's view

FW: as far as the legal evening news reporter, this year many cases are live via Twitter. Now the second intermediate people's Court also open Microblogs, what do you think about Twitter broadcast of the hearing?

Qiu Bo: micro-blog broadcast is an inexorable trend for the trial. Only put in order to guarantee the transparency of the trial.

Transparency in order to ensure the fairness of the trial, only the trial left in the Sun, we all, know what, issue a verdict to a convincing and authoritative. It will promote the progress of the Court as a whole, promote trial levels increase, marking a milestone.

FW: trial will also bring some negative effects?

Qiu Bo: user perspective, objectives are not the same. Someone will call you on the Internet. Judges need to learn self-regulation.

Since the days of media, Internet users have their own point of view.

As a judge, be sure not to be around, in order to uphold his own judgment.

In College, I remember one teacher says: the law is not used to civilian anger, the judge is a business elite requires accumulation of life, to calm and comfortably done.

Young men may do well, because he will encounter many temptations and shocks. If this is correct, will insist that just because criticism does not adhere to.

Just based on the facts and take law as the criterion, regardless of how much of this case has been fired, being about to what degree, must adhere to a correct judgment.

FW: from January 1 next year, national court judgements to the Internet, but you have pressure?

Qiu Bo: everyone has pressure. I have slightly more complicated cases heard, the judgment has tens of thousands of words. Sometimes dream that judgement was wrong. If the Internet is people see, is boosted slip has been malicious, it will lead to an accident. A judge, it is not hard, you have to have your own judgment, analysis, judgement ultimately fairly convinced people. This version of the article/reporter Hong Xue


Qiu Bo, 35 years old, born in military families. In 1995, Qiu Bo gaokao honors in yanqing County in Beijing was admitted to the Chinese University of politics and law. Graduating in 1999 to enter the second intermediate people's Court convicted two chamber works, serving as clerk.

In 2006, Qiu Bo was appointed assistant judges, criminal two-Chamber body of the undertaker, heard across the city and the country has significant influence on the difficult and complex cases.

7 years, Qiu Bo contractors of cases of first instance, inter alia because the defendant come clean about new facts of the crime outside the remand by Court of second instance, the remainder of the cases without retrial or revision by a higher court. Due to outstanding performance in 2011, Qiu Bo became the second intermediate people's Court of Assizes, the youngest of the presiding judge.

The career of judges sometimes gingerly, sometimes dreaming is to wake up dreaming of judgment was wrong. Dozens of pages of judgements, twenty thousand or thirty thousand words, if you have a typo, Internet access has been seen, was supposed to be a clerical error, being malicious to enlarge, it will lead to the accident, on the Court, individuals are bad. Judges, the decision is an instrument; but for the defendant, the decision will affect his life, on death row to take it the Green Mile. So, write judgments, is the basic dignity of the accused.

--Qiu Bo

(Edit: SN089)December 29, 2013 Legal evening news(刘志军案承办法官:微博直播是庭审必然趋势|刘志军案|法官|微博直播_新闻资讯




















































  邱波:大家都有压力。我审理的稍微复杂的案件,判决书有上万字。有时会梦见判决书写错了。如果上网被人家看见了,本来是笔误却被人恶意放大,就会酿成事故。做法官,不能光勤奋,你还要有自己的判断、分析,最终做出公正的让人心服口服的判决。 本版文/记者洪雪








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