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Guangming daily: the case does not affect the judgment of the elections of people’s deputies of all levels

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/29 7:07:17 Browse times: 262 Comment times: 0

Guangming daily: the case does not affect the judgment of the elections of people’s deputies of all levels(光明日报:个案不影响对各级人民代表选举的判断)

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Guangming daily: the case does not affect the judgment of the elections of people's deputies of all levels representative | | |-buying _ in Hunan province news

Recently, Hunan province informed of this seriously investigate and deal with cases of Hengyang undermine the elections, because it involved much, the amount of money involved is big, becoming a typical case of undermining the elections, violating the law in recent years. This buying Wo, is on China's people's Congress system, the Socialist democratic political system and challenge party discipline and the law of the country, and touched the bottom line of the rule of law and party discipline, its seriously investigated and dealt with according to the law, when flocks!

Notification displayed, in Hengyang in Hunan province at the first meeting of the 14th session of the national people's Congress convened, attended by a total of 527 municipal people's Congress session, there are 518 representatives involved in receiving money. People's representatives should have been returned by democratic election, charged with representing the interests and will of the people, to participate in the glorious mission of the exercise of State authority. But they ignore party discipline and the law, accepting money or things blatantly, violate the law with impunity, the "deputies" can really represent the people, not qualified to represent the majority of the people.

Global defense network, be loose but never miss. In Central of strong led Xia, Hunan province decisive on this a cases carried out investigation, and on party serious investigated, full show has party and Government serious investigated illegal discipline cases, and strongly law punish corruption of strong determination, indicates that has party and Government maintenance fundamental political system, and maintenance Constitution and legal dignity of stark attitude, show out we party strictly treatment party, and law ruling of practical action, show has China in-depth advance Socialist democratic legal construction of strong determination.

Deputies are representatives of the interests and will of the people, its divine purity should not be tarnished. Despite such serious cases, but we still want to see that in recent years, people's deputies at all levels always strive to reflect public opinion, in the work of the Committee focused people, close to the people's livelihood and achieve good well maintained good development fundamental interests of the broadest masses of people, new steps in the construction of democracy and legal system, Chinese dream have a system provides a steady stream of power. Individual cases should not affect the overall judgement on elections of people's deputies at various levels.

Reform was caused by issues forced, in solving problems and drill down again. As in line with China's national conditions, reflecting China's Socialist nature, to ensure that the people are masters of the fundamental political system, the people's Congress system plays an important role in our country. Through the handling of this case, we see as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee XI Jinping wisdom and the courage to face up to and solve problems, confirming the faith of upholding and developing Socialist democracy. We must closely unite around comrade XI Jinping as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, more efforts for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

(Original title: the divine purity of deputies should not be tarnished)

(Edit: SN095)December 29, 2013 Guangming daily(光明日报:个案不影响对各级人民代表选举的判断|代表|湖南|贿选_新闻资讯








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