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Adjustable high times in China “visit ghost“ protest level

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/29 6:56:06 Browse times: 236 Comment times: 0

Adjustable high times in China “visit ghost“ protest level(中国调高安倍“拜鬼”抗议级别)

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Adjustable high times in China "visit ghost" level of protest | shrine |, |, and worshipped demons _ news

Morning 26th flagrantly visited the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the increasingly isolated by the international community.

Abe, "worship the ghost" after China, South Korea, the United States, Russia and other countries have issued a protest statement of varying intensity. Especially as "Abe road" staunch supporters of the United States or even in the name of the State Department and the White House agreed to this discontent, 27th night is canceled as a warning of the US-Japan defense talks. Stakeholder politics moves abruptly into Abe "embattled" position. At present, the "worship the ghost" triggered the disastrous political consequences continues to ferment.

26th, Abe "worship ghosts", China has for the first time to make a protest statement on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 27th, the Foreign Affairs Committee of China's national people's Congress and the National Committee of the CPPCC Foreign Affairs Committee, also condemning Abe "worship ghosts" statement. Yesterday, the State Councilor in charge of Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi also statement for Abe's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, Yang said being Abe Japan Prime Minister's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, this is not Japan's internal affairs, nor is any personal issues, but about the anti-aggression, good and evil, light and darkness, a major issue. Yang stressed that the Chinese people not to be bullied, Abe must admit errors, or on the stage of history will be a total failure.

The same day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement, expressed concern about Abe's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine. Ban Ki-moon stressed that Japan respond to the feelings of the victims of World War II showing due respect.

Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine issued a statement severely condemned Abe's "worship ghosts".

Yang said Japan Prime Minister Abe 3rd maelstrom, blatantly visits to Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to class-a war criminals of World War II. This is used by Japan militarist aggression and colonial rule of wantonly hurt peoples feelings, is a flagrant provocation to peace-loving people throughout the world, is a gross violation of historical justice and human conscience, is a victory of the world anti-fascist war and the arrogance of the post-war international order on the basis of the Charter challenge. Abe's perverse, of course strongly opposed by the Chinese Government and people as well as the international community and strong condemnation.

Yang pointed out that Yasukuni is the essence of Japan Government's ability to correctly understand and soul-searching Japan militarist history of aggression and colonial rule. Ann times being Japan Prime Minister visits shrine, this never is Japan of Interior, more not what personal problem, but relates to aggression and anti-aggression, and justice and evil, and light and dark of cardinal problem, is relates to Japan leaders whether comply with United Nations Charter purposes and principles, and go peace development road of fundamental direction problem, is relates to Japan with Asia neighbours and international social relationship political based of major principles problem. Abe is doing is putting Japan into a damaging peoples and Japan road hazard of the fundamental interests of the people, has caused the international community and Japan of insight on high alert.

Yang stressed that the Chinese people not to be bullied, and Asian peoples and peoples of the world cannot be bullied. Abe must acknowledge the error, you must fix errors, practical actions must be taken to eliminate their adverse effects of severe errors. We would advise the Abe dispel any illusions, making otherwise would further discredit its Asian neighbors and the international community, on the stage of history becomes a total loser.

A day earlier, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, also through a spokesperson for Japan expressed concern about the Prime Minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine. Ban Ki-moon stressed that Japan respond to other States, particularly feelings show due respect to the victims of World War II, and will focus on seeking partnership with the North-East Asian countries to establish mutual trust and close. Leaders of the countries concerned has a special responsibility in this regard.

Ban said he noted that China and Korea Japan respond strongly to the Prime Minister's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, area due to historical reasons deeply regrets the tensions between the countries, and hoped that countries in the region agree on historical perspectives and understanding.

Meanwhile, ruling jointly with led by Abe's Liberal Democratic Party Japan komeito party leader Jin Yamaguchi men 27th that Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine practices, he has repeatedly advised that "claims of ideas alone, sometimes difficult to maximize the realization of national interests. Without understanding of the international community, Japan has no stable way forward ". Yamaguchi-Jin-man even proposed, to consider the establishment of a new Memorial facility as a solution. However, this proposal has been Japan's lukewarm response to the Government.

(Original title: adjustable high times in China "visit ghost" level of protest)

(Edit: SN089)December 29, 2013 Oriental morning post(中国调高安倍“拜鬼”抗议级别|靖国神社|安倍|拜鬼_新闻资讯

  早报讯 因26日悍然参拜靖国神社的日本首相安倍晋三在国际社会越来越孤立。













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