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Yang gang, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC are double checked, is the youngest of Xinjiang Office

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:53:50 Browse times: 261 Comment times: 0

Yang gang, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC are double checked, is the youngest of Xinjiang Office(政协经济委副主任杨刚被查,曾是新疆最年轻厅官)

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Yang gang, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC was checked was the youngest officer in Xinjiang Xinjiang | | Yang gang | Central eight provisions _ news

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Central Commission for discipline inspection, in March this year just got their 12th Yang gang, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC, suspected of violating the law, currently under investigation. Incomplete statistics show that Yang gang is the 17th since 18 provincial and ministerial level officials under investigation, this year's December being investigated or are dealing with provincial and ministerial level officials.

Xinhua reporters Chen Qiao

  Is the youngest of Xinjiang Office

Public data show that since February 1969, Yang gang went to work in Xinjiang, until the year 2010. Yang gang from the initial eight 150 Regiment of Xinjiang agricultural workers, gradually was promoted to Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Executive Vice Chairman of the autonomous region. Allegedly, Yang gang was the youngest officer in Xinjiang, had been promoted Deputy Department level when he was 32.

In 2010, Yang gang resigned as Executive Vice Chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and his resignation report wrote, "according to the Central arrangements, I have transferred State administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, resigned as Deputy Chair of the people's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Thanks to plenary session of national people's Congress of the autonomous region, and members of the support of my work over the years. ”

Subsequently, Yang gang assumption of the State administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director. Yang gang during the above-mentioned post, online search numerous news of Yang gang to work in research quality throughout, and local government website reported.

Early elected CPPCC

In March of this year, Yang gang was newly elected as members of the National Committee of the CPPCC, and assumed the post of Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC.

In July, Yang gang outgoing Deputy Secretary, Deputy Secretary, national quality inspection Bureau functions, comprehensive began at the CPPCC's work, only 5 months in the past, Yang gang on suspicion of a serious disciplinary offence being investigated.

Reporters noted, born in 1953, Yang gang, has reached retirement age this year. On the two sessions this year, Yang gang more high profile on milk powder quality issued a number of views, said some blind worship of foreign milk powder and milk low domestic standards don't, in some cases, higher than that of foreign standards, he also said: "my friends eat China-made milk powder for 90% per cent of children in the home. "But the comments caused a controversy.

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25,855 officials in violation of the eight provisions are

The day before yesterday, citing the national investigating violations of the Central spirit of eight provisions summary table. Display totals, the Central eight since the implementation of the provisions, and by the end of November this year, investigated violations of the spirit of the Central eight provisions across the country issues a total of 21,149, 25,855, and party and Government disciplines dispose of 6,247 people.

Among them, were given party and Government disciplines dispose of party members and cadres, provincial and ministerial cadres 1, Department-level cadre of the 33 people, county level cadres 356, section cadre of 5,857 people.

Data also displayed, was investigated of violation Central eight items provides spirit problem in the, received sent section ceremony, and accept or with public funds participation upscale entertainment and fitness activities, and violation work discipline, and Yung lazy, aspects of problem up, about accounted for to 12,225 pieces; violation corporate with car management using about provides of problem, about for 6,158 pieces; dacaodaban weddings festive accounted for 1101 pieces, public funds pig accounted for to 1018 pieces. Remaining questions are the halls and buildings-picture issues, public funds for travel and other issues.

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17 provincial and ministerial level officials have this year at LMC

Lok officials: statistics show that so far this year, already includes heckling, Liu tienan, Ni Fake, Guo Yongxiang, Wang Suyi, and Li Daqiu, and Wang Yongchun, and Jiang jiemin, and JI jianye, and Liao Shaohua, and Chen Baihuai, and Guo Youming, and Chen an masses, Fu Xiaoguang's and the Tong Mingqian, Li dongsheng, Yang gang, 17 provincial and ministerial level officials have been investigated.

Lok: from being publicly reported survey time, above provincial and ministerial level officials, June 3 this year under investigation, in October and November 2 were investigated. In December, 5 provincial and ministerial level officials being investigated or have been processed, Chen an masses, Fu Xiaoguang 's, Tong Mingqian, respectively, and Li dongsheng, and Yang gang.

Lok reasons: it is understood that these 17 Lok officials, for alleged serious violation of law or serious disciplinary offences being investigated, only the Central compilation and Translation Bureau of the Secretary is heckling for a life style issue was removed from Office.

(Original title: Yang gang, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC are facts)

(Edit: SN067)December 28, 2013 The Beijing times(政协经济委副主任杨刚被查 曾是新疆最年轻厅官|新疆|杨刚|中央八项规定_新闻资讯























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