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Thailand killing 1 passenger cars fall Canyon 2 Chinese citizens

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:52:57 Browse times: 295 Comment times: 0

Thailand killing 1 passenger cars fall Canyon 2 Chinese citizens(泰国1辆客车坠入峡谷2名中国公民遇难)

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Thailand 1 passenger cars fall Canyon 2 Chinese citizens killed | Thailand | fall Canyon _ buses | news

Xinhuanet, Bangkok, December 27 (reporters Zhang Chunxiao and Chang Tiantong)-China Thailand Embassy message provided by the 27th, Thailand 26th fall Canyon late in a bus accident in the North, initially confirmed two Chinese citizens died in the crash.

PRC in Thailand is trying to contact the families of the two victims at the Embassy went to Thailand to identify the remains, are treating. Meanwhile, the Embassy will keep in close contact with Thailand to continue follow-up action identified verification and rehabilitation work.

26th at 11 o'clock in the evening local time, a vehicle since Thailand Khon Kaen House drive to Chiang Rai's bus accident occurred in petchaburi, high-speed washed out a bridge railing, falling more than 50 meters deep ravine. At present, the accident has killed 30 people, 4 of them seriously, and another 3 are missing.

Preliminary judging of local police, the cause of the accident was driver fatigue.

(Edit: SN064)December 27, 2013 The website(泰国1辆客车坠入峡谷2名中国公民遇难|泰国|客车|坠入峡谷_新闻资讯

  新华网曼谷12月27日电 (记者张春晓 常天童)据中国驻泰国大使馆27日提供的消息,泰国北部26日晚发生一起长途客车坠入峡谷事故,初步确认有两名中国公民在车祸中死亡。





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