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Testing the water in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, “two children alone“ full moon, not to dig application

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:52:55 Browse times: 242 Comment times: 0

Testing the water in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, “two children alone“ full moon, not to dig application(浙江舟山试水“单独两孩”满月,未现扎堆申请)

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Zhejiang Zhoushan water "two kids alone" full moon is not lumpy application | | second | Zhoushan Zhejiang alone _ news

-Reporter Xu Zailiang

Some time ago, and announced the implementation of family planning in Zhoushan "Zhoushan Islands special policies", the first to test the waters, "second child alone" the new deal, becoming first implementing the policy areas of Zhejiang Province (see our November 24, 2013).

First time in a month yesterday, reporters learned from the health and family planning Bureau in Zhoushan City, Zhoushan has 41 couples have been granted a "reproductive decisions" a births again. It is Zhoushan first before providing the implementation of the policy of "reproductive decisions".

  41 couples get "reproductive decisions"

"10 years after the first child is born, both parents want us to try one, but the family planning policy, you can only think about. "Who lives in Zhoushan City sea village, Gu told reporters that media may release" two kids alone "policy, she has been concerned with this issue.

Last month, the confirmation of Zhoushan became the first country to implement the "separate second child" policy areas into woman's first time to submit applications. Now get the "reproductive decisions", it wanted another child, she was overjoyed.

According to Zhoushan Bureau of health and family planning data analysis, there are still more than 20 couples are in the process of "second child alone." Approved 41 couples, mainly in post, the eldest of 36 years, minimum age of 26.

Implementation of Zhoushan "second child alone" policy belongs to the Zhejiang Provincial family planning regulations in special cases approved, in conjunction with regional characteristics and demographic and socio-economic development of Zhoushan Island actually made. Zhoushan Xia Qianfeng, Secretary for health and family planning, said the policies in Zhoushan is referred to as the "Zhoushan Islands special policies", that is, either one or both as residence in Zhoushan and the one for one child, the two parties combined had one-child couples require before they reproduce, with approval, reproducible finishing one.

  No clusters of application for second child

"Both boys and girls, are doing well. Sheepshead punctatus, is possible. "The last few days, construction of the Shandong province, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Ocean University teachers, had received his wife" instructions ": quit smoking and drinking, getting ready for a living, second child of. He said that having a baby was not counting on retirement, but wanted the child more than one family, one child totally alone. After the second child was approved, they consult colleagues, there are many foreign students want to come to Zhoushan City.

First let alone second in the nation in Zhoushan, will attract outsiders to settled down in Zhoushan have children? Zhoushan will appear lumpy second child's situation?

"At present, the application does not spurt, in line with the policy of the public is very rational. "Xia Qianfeng said outsiders to settled down in Zhoushan have children issues, if the" second child alone "has always been Zhoushan special policies, this situation may occur, but he's now started" second child alone "policy, revised family planning regulations in the provinces after being let go, will not create this situation.

Fertility released a pile of issues need to be alert. After policy release, no previous fertility desires, possibly because the herd mentality, would like to have another one. "Therefore, we have established a population forecast and early warning systems, data will regularly inform the public of the city's pregnancy and birth data. "Xia Qianfeng said.

 Only 20% women of childbearing age second child

"In fact, Zhoushan people to ' second ' desire for giving birth are very low. Survey residence in Zhoushan in women of childbearing age, they would like to have, ' second ', only about 20%. "Xia Qianfeng said that Zhoushan's rural areas a large number of families are allowed to have a second child, waiver approval indicator of fertility.

Moreover, in recent years, many fish farmers into urban, Zhoushan, in accordance with "the farmer turns non-enjoyment of family planning policy in rural areas within five years of treatment", the right to take care of these people before they reproduce. These "farmer turns non-" members of the public for fertility second seems to be warm and not too high.

Zhoushan people desire for giving birth, why so low? According to reports, the Zhoushan City made last year such a survey, a complex situation, in General, culture of Zhoushan Island, lifestyle-related.

Zhoushan has been the pursuit of quality of life, more than 200,000 fishermen in Zhoushan, and do not wish your child a dynastic succession, but rather seeks to bring a child to raise, please do not engage in fisheries production.

 Zhoushan will open another fertility specialist

The 2012 report on population and development in Zhoushan City, plan fertility rate stays above 98% for 23 consecutive years in Zhoushan City, natural population growth for 11 consecutive years, a total of nearly 400,000 fewer people, was only natural growth of the population for a long time in Zhejiang province.

Zhoushan's growing problem of population ageing, low juvenile population. In 2012, the Zhoushan household population aged 60 years and above, the total population is 20.32%, 17.87% from Zhejiang province. At current fertility estimates that by 2030 this figure will reach 40%, higher than the province's average of nearly 8%, 16% per cent higher than the national average.

Less population in Zhoushan, a long low birth rate, population structural problems highlighted in Zhoushan, aging fast, thereby contributing to the fertility policy adjustments.

The "Zhoushan Island special policy" has been implemented and Zhoushan eligible couples how they did it "eugenics"?

According to reports, at present, has set up a team of experts in Zhoushan City and plans to open another fertility specialist, live couples second child services such as training, a pregnancy test.

December 28, 2013 Modern gold(浙江舟山试水“单独两孩”满月 未现扎堆申请|单独二胎|舟山|浙江_新闻资讯

  □记者 徐再良

























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