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Sichuan Mall explosion flame extinguished, 40 injured

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:52:46 Browse times: 324 Comment times: 0

Sichuan Mall explosion flame extinguished, 40 injured(四川商城爆炸事故明火全扑灭,40人受伤)

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Mall explosion fire put out 40 people injured in Sichuan province injured | | | explosion accident _ natural gas news

New site on December 27 in Luzhou (yin Ying he Jie Zhou Yaqiang), 27th, gas deflagration occurred in Luzhou city, Sichuan Jiangyang District Mary Moore arcade scene open fire have been put off, the injury toll to 40. Of these, 2 were discharged, 38 people are still in hospital for treatment.

Initial diagnosis in hospitals, mainly resulting from the gas explosion injured blast broke and was caused by shocks hit, Burns was not found.

It is understood that the Luzhou Moore Centre for slope construction, 6 floors above ground, 2 floors underground. -1 natural gas explosion burning result in negative 1, and 1, 2 floors on fire, the fire swiftly spread through the underground connecting floor and ignited in Luzhou city, adjacent to the Union building, part of the floor. Preliminary investigation of Luzhou city fire departments, explosive burning over an area of about 18,000 square meters. As of 27th, rescue workers at the scene were search and rescue the trapped personnel 24, transfer trapped people evacuated to more than 80 employees.

In addition, 27 local bus lines caused by the spill also affected road traffic control, leading some people from travelling.

Reporters also learnt from the Sichuan Fire Corps, this incident were deployed 29 fire engines and more than 300 employees in Luzhou disposal of firefighters went to the scene of the accident. Based on the live fire command center from neijiang, zigong, Yibin 3 detachment deployed 18 stations, 83 soldiers and reinforcements at the scene.

After the accident, Luzhou power company rapidly deployed 36 crews rushed to the scene to help. Electric power safeguard to ensure the wounded ask for help in the electricity sector has also taken steps to ensure that the hospital supply stability.

At present, the core tenants of the accident has temporarily shifted, on-site disposal, search and rescue and rehabilitation work is also carried out. (End text)

(Original title: Mall explosion accidents continued in Luzhou, Sichuan Province: fire put out 40 wounded)

(Edit: SN089)December 27, 2013 China News Network(四川商城爆炸事故明火全扑灭 40人受伤|爆炸事故|受伤|天然气_新闻资讯

  中新网泸州12月27日(殷樱 何杰 周亚强)27日上午10时许,四川泸州市江阳区摩尔玛商场发生的天然气爆燃事故现场明火已全部扑灭,事故受伤人数升至40人。其中有2人已出院,还有38人在院救治。







(原标题:四川泸州商场爆燃事故续:明火全扑灭 40人受伤)


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