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Official opening of the three railways operating in the province of Shaanxi _ Sina news

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:51:50 Browse times: 378 Comment times: 0

Official opening of the three railways operating in the province of Shaanxi _ Sina news(陕西省内三条铁路正式开通运营_新浪新闻)

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Official opening and operation of the three railways in Shaanxi Province _ news

Xinhuanet, Xian, December 28 (reporter)-28th, Xian, Xian-Pingliang railway between Baoji high speed railway officially opened, Xian-Ankang line railway operations.

West treasure high-speed railway is China's "four longitudinal and four transverse" rapid railway network of "horizontal" important component--between Xuzhou and Lanzhou high-speed railway, North East from XI ' an, West to South Station in Baoji, business miles 167 km, initial maximum operating speed of 250 kilometers. West Ridge high speed rail opened for enhanced Asia-Europe land bridges channel transport capacity, strengthen Northwest and central China, North China, East China and other areas of economic exchange, along the new Silk Road, has an important role in promoting economic and social development.

Longhai railway Maoling xiping railway station leads, Bo-Pingliang railway station, connecting two trunk railways in Longhai, Po, business mileage 265 km, run 120 kilometers per hour. Xiping railway opened, forming the Northwest easy passage to the South and East China area, enhanced yellow shipping capacity of the Gansu coal base, ensuring national energy supply.

Xikang railway line north of Longhai, baoxi, the waiting list for West, Nanjing West Railway and South of xiangfan-Chongqing, Yang railway, is an important channel to Sichuan in China. 247-kilometre circuit, design speed of 160 kilometers. XI Kang, the opening of the second-tier, would effectively reduce passenger and freight train in Northwest and North China area to Sichuan and Chongqing transportation tension will help optimize the regional transportation structure, promote economic development in areas along the.

(Edit: SN010)December 28, 2013 The website(陕西省内三条铁路正式开通运营_新闻资讯

  新华网西安12月28日电(记者付瑞霞) 28日,西安至宝鸡高速铁路、西安至平凉铁路、西安至安康二线铁路正式开通运营。





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