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Medical dispute in Guizhou and other places set up professional mediation organizations

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:51:35 Browse times: 313 Comment times: 0

Medical dispute in Guizhou and other places set up professional mediation organizations(贵州等地成立医疗纠纷专业调解组织)

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Guizhou and other places set up medical disputes, medical disputes in professional mediation organizations | | | _ Guizhou news

Beijing authorities wide nets, December 28 (reporter Du Zhen Hebei Xinhua Li Mingze Guizhou TV reporter Qin months) according to voice of the news aspect ratio reported recently, closely watched the second affiliated hospital of Anhui Medical University medical publication of the judgement of first instance killed: accused Choi Chun Feng intentional homicide committed, sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life. On November 13 last year, Choi Chun-feng was dissatisfied with the treatment, cut health care staff with a kitchen knife, causing one death and four injuries. Now, in addition to cut Choi Chun-feng, professional "doctors", the extreme solution of medical disputes such as claims of violence is also a serious problem in many hospitals.

Up against medical disputes and how to solve it? Patients and hospitals to negotiate settlements on their own chances of success is relatively low; health administration mediation, patients would inevitably worry might be biased the hospital; if you go to this step of the legal proceedings, may have to wait for the last six months or a year. Medical tangle, it becomes the common troubles of the medical doctors.

At present, a lot of medical disputes in place to start exploring four way--people's mediation committees, to independent third parties to step in and deal with disputes between doctors and patients. Recently, the Guizhou Provincial Government issued "people's mediation of medical dispute trial approach", requiring Governments at all levels in the province to establish people's mediation committees of medical disputes, claims Super million medical disputes must be handled by the people's Mediation Committee.

Medical dispute mediator by the people of the people's Mediation Committee, composed of experts and specialized staff. Mediating disputes between doctors and patients should not collect any fees. Patients ' relatives Chua said, the Commission can make legal settlement of medical disputes.

She now has introduced such a policy, at least in the future if the patient is not satisfied with what, or have any disputes, and the hospital can have policy legal basis.

Under piloting the approach also provides for medical treatment after a dispute has arisen, the claims amount to less than 10,000 yuan, by the parties between doctors and patients in medical prescriptions established by the specific reception sites themselves resolve; the claim amount above 10,000 yuan, should adopt the people's Mediation Committee mediation of medical dispute. Doctors and patients adjust for many years medical Deputy Chief of first affiliated hospital of Guiyang College of traditional Chinese medicine Chen Yan believed that the regulations more fair to both doctor and patient.

Chen Yan: third party regulation, he protects the patients ' legal powers, it also protects hospitals were not affected by the fighting or hurting, in that case, it should be a more equitable approach to both sides, this hospital is, of course, is very supportive.

However, the mediation committees to ensure fairness, family members of patients with Mr Woo somewhat worried.

Mr Wu: the institutions of the Commission staff is made up of people, and they're very professional, it is necessary to know, will know how to act, how he reflected his fairness in the relationship between doctors and patients, we are worried about this problem.

In addition to Guizhou province, three days ago, Tangshan, Hebei, people's Mediation Committee was formally established in medical disputes, which also introduced a third party insurance agency, with market-oriented means to pass on medical liability risks. Insurance payments to function?

Tangshan medical dispute mediation Committee commissioned by the Tangshan municipal Bureau of health insurance brokers companies hire medical, legal experts, undertake mediation of medical dispute, legal assistance and other functions throughout the city. Medical institutions in the city unified in insuring insurance companies to participate in medical dissensions and implement integrated insurance scheme, patients do not need to be accompanied by any insurance costs.

Vice President of broker Zhang Zhian: characteristics of mediation is finished with a certain amount of financial compensation is adjusted for compensation. After after brokerage operation, enables insurance and hospital management in the butt find channels for resolving disputes outside the hospital.

When a medical after a dispute has arisen, dial the hotline call in medical institutions, medical Committee dispute mediators rushed to the site to understand the situation, disputes between doctors and patients outside the hospital Guide to home address. Conciliation agreements signed after mediation, award notification issued by insurance companies, insurance company payment of insurance proceeds to the patient. On the day of the tone, the first batch of medical institutions have been medical liability insurance with the insurance companies and insurance brokerage services agreement.

Tangshan medical institutions branch person in charge said: if third party mediation can really achieve handling medical disputes outside the hospital, the hospital was a good thing for, if third-party mediation are not up to the desired result, we have prepared in this area, any policies it has a run-in process, needs to be improved.

Statistics show that by October 2011, the country has set up specialized organization of people's mediation of medical dispute 1358. In Beijing, for example, specialized mediation organizations established for two years, settlement rate of up to 83.72%. However, in real operations, insufficient funding for the Medical Commission also exists institutions operate, quality varies greatly, mediation process arbitrariness issues. Especially family members of patients with care, how to guarantee fair mediation organizations, is the biggest problem. Medical and health expert, Professor, Peking University School of public health, Zhou Zijun accepted the news aspect of the duty editor of Zhuang Shengchun interview last night suggested that improved collegial mechanism introduced in mediation.

Zhou Zijun: after the adoption of this conciliation mechanism, can effectively prevent small disputes into large, extreme case, of course, this was just established, some patients may still think it's be a little biased. But because medical speciality, it involves some specialized knowledge, so the Conciliation Committee with a number of retired doctors and medical staff, but I think society should be more protecting public interests, or the interests of the common people involved, there's a collegiate system make the adjustment process, we try to be fair, you may eliminate some of the concerns of ordinary people.

Experts suggest that in the conciliation process, establishment of similar lawsuits challenge system, or hidden in the relevant information that the parties, in particular medical institution information such as name and the doctor's name; can also be taken off-site expert or offsite fact-finding system. Regarding the source of funds for compensation, in addition to the existing hospitals, insurance companies, and Zhou Zijun also suggested that the Government introduced capital, establishment of medical payments to mutual funds.

Zhou Zijun: disputes between doctors and patients is to a large extent into compensation, compensation because if all hospitals, the hospitals will find a way to say that I am not responsible. That if is hospital, and social plus Government established public fund words, so hospital on does not wanted to do approach pushed this responsibility, Nordic some national is some national compensation system, national financial took a pen money, because we national most are is public hospital, actually public hospital lost of money also is Government lost of money, since such words than hospital and Government common established a Fund, may on medical patient relationship of mediation up to active of role.

(Original title: set up as many professional medical dispute adjustment organization fairness into focus)

(Edit: SN010)December 28, 2013 China broadcast network(贵州等地成立医疗纠纷专业调解组织|医疗纠纷|贵州|医闹_新闻资讯

  央广网北京12月28日消息(记者杜震 河北台记者李明泽 贵州台记者张勤月) 据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,日前,备受关注的安徽医科大学第二附属医院杀医案一审判决公布:被告彩春锋犯故意杀人罪,判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。去年11月13号,彩春锋因对治疗方式不满,用菜刀追砍医护人员,导致一死四伤。眼下,除了彩春锋这样的砍医个案,职业“医闹”、暴力索赔等医疗纠纷的极端解决方式也正严重困扰着很多医院。





  试行《办法》还规定, 医疗纠纷发生后,对索赔金额在一万元以内的,可由医患双方当事人在医方设立的专门接待场所自行协商解决;对索赔金额在一万元以上的,一般应通过医疗纠纷人民调解委员会调解。从事医患调节工作多年的贵阳中医学院第一附属医院医务科副科长陈颜认为,这个规定对医患双方都比较公平。













(原标题:多地成立医疗纠纷专业调节组织 公正性成关注焦点)


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