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Henan Lian-Huo highway bridge collapse accident to 13 died 23 officials being accountable

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/28 7:50:09 Browse times: 305 Comment times: 0

Henan Lian-Huo highway bridge collapse accident to 13 died 23 officials being accountable(河南连霍高速致13死塌桥事故23名官员被追责)

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Lian-Huo Expressway in Henan province to 13 dead bridge collapse accident of 23 officials from being accountable | | Lian-Huo Expressway in Henan | bridge collapse _ news

Authorities wide nets of Zhengzhou, December 27 (reporter Li fan), according to the Henan provincial safety supervision Bureau website-27th-the recently, Lian Huo Expressway in sanmenxia Yoshimasa bridge "2.1" has major transport Fireworks blast accident investigation report in Henan province people's Government for approval, is released. Investigation reports of Lian-Huo Expressway in sanmenxia Yoshimasa bridge "21" major transportation safety in production of fireworks explosion was accident. Currently has 20 judicial measures taken against the perpetrators, recommendations on 23 related responsibility of party and Government disciplines to punishment.

On February 1, 2013, Lian-Huo Expressway in sanmenxia Yoshimasa bridge transport fireworks explosion accidents occurred, causing Yoshimasa bridge partially collapsed, and vehicles fall under the bridge, leaving 13 people dead, 9 injured, 76.32 million yuan of direct economic losses.

Investigation report in the analysis accident occurred of directly causes for, Shi Yanfei, and Leary party, people using not has dangerous goods transport qualification of JI A70380, van, not according to provides for mount, long-distance transport illegal production of fireworks pharmacy explosion property (land Ray) and Fireworks firecrackers (opened days Ray), en route emergency brake, led to compartments within explosion property occurred impact, and friction raised explosion, is accident occurred of directly causes. Also, the report analyses the causes of bridge collapsing and the indirect cause of the accident.

Accident investigation report reads as follows:

Lian-Huo Expressway in sanmenxia Yoshimasa bridge "21" major transport fireworks explosion accident investigation report

On February 1, 2013, Lian-Huo Expressway in sanmenxia Yoshimasa bridge transport fireworks explosion accidents occurred, causing Yoshimasa bridge partially collapsed, and vehicles fall under the bridge, leaving 13 people dead, 9 injured, 76.32 million yuan of direct economic losses.

Accident occurred Hou, pursuant to production security accident report and investigation processing regulations under (State orders No. 493,), legal regulations provides, reported by Henan Provincial Government agreed, Yu February 1 night established has by Henan province security regulatory Council led, province monitored Office, and Police Office, and traffic transport Office, and Federation and in sanmenxia City Government sent member participate in of even Johns Hopkins high-speed sanmenxia Yoshimasa bridge "21" major transport Fireworks firecrackers explosion accident investigation group (following abbreviation accident investigation group), carried out accident investigation work. Accident investigation group invites both the provincial procuratorate and Hebei, Shaanxi Province, relevant departments to send representatives to attend and invite the nation's highway bridges, blast explosives, Fireworks, and material evidence experts, such as the Group of experts, participate in accident investigations and technical demonstration of the causes of the accident.

(Original title: Henan Lian-Huo Expressway bridge collapse accident of 23 officials from being accountable disposition)

(Edit: SN010)December 28, 2013 China broadcast network(河南连霍高速致13死塌桥事故23名官员被追责|河南|连霍高速|塌桥_新闻资讯

  央广网郑州12月27日消息(记者李凡) 据河南省安全监管局网站27日消息,日前,《连霍高速三门峡义昌大桥“2.1”重大运输烟花爆竹炸事故调查报告》已经河南省人民政府批复,现予公布。调查报告称,连霍高速三门峡义昌大桥“21”重大运输烟花爆竹爆炸事故是一起生产安全责任事故。目前已对20名相关责任人采取司法措施,建议对23名相关责任人给予党纪政纪处分。









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