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Zhongxiaoxie: consumers are most worried about disclosure of personal information

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:48:56 Browse times: 341 Comment times: 0

Zhongxiaoxie: consumers are most worried about disclosure of personal information(中消协:消费者最担心个人信息泄露)

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Zhongxiaoxie: consumers are most worried about personal information leaked information | zhongxiaoxie | | consumers _ news

According to the (reporter Liao Ailing) yesterday, zhongxiaoxie released the information consumer and safety research report shows, the biggest worry is the personal information disclosure, payment fraud and computer accounts were stolen.

Zhongxiaoxie Secretary-General Jiang Tianbo introduction to the processing of complaints, complaints in complaints came in the Internet service fourth, about all complaints received each year.

Survey polled consumers participate in a day of information consumption, long concentrated in the 1.5 to 3.5 hours, the younger, relatively longer time involved in the consumption.

However, consumer satisfaction with information security at this stage (average score for 3.7), city level, the higher the lower the information consumer satisfaction; consumer access to information through the Internet, satisfaction is lower than through TV, newspapers and access to information.

Consumers surveyed the most worrying problem of personal information disclosure, information security payment fraud and computer accounts were stolen. Higher the degree, for leaking personal information disclosure, personal networks, location information disclosure concerns and higher.

Online shopping platform, consumer shopping information to the provider of the most unsatisfactory reasons are mainly concentrated in too many bogus products, product descriptions are not clear, not comprehensive, exaggerate the description doesn't match the physical. After-sales service satisfaction is generally low, and relatively high Amazon, trade quicker Inc Monrovia NET, Taobao, dangdang is low.

  Experts say

Maintaining information security must improve regulations

Credit evaluation Center of the China Internet Association legal adviser occupied Zhao pointed out that currently there is lack of standard and special laws to protect citizens ' personal information, consumer privacy is difficult to obtain effective legal protection. As consumers ' personal information is very difficult to prove, through which channel a leak, it is difficult to prove that the loss, reported current regulation more social, government departments will be involved.

Occupation suggested that Zhao, a serious violation of consumers ' personal information infringement, consumers can request the Association filed public interest litigation.

Zhongxiaoxie Secretary-General Jiang Tianbo believes that Government departments should timely measures, revise and improve relevant laws and regulations.

It is understood that the new method personal information protection as a consumer rights have been confirmed, the State administration for industry and Commerce called for protection of personal information as "12,315" complaint Center a separate complaint category reported statistics.

(Original title: consumers are most worried about disclosure of personal information)

December 24, 2013 The Beijing News(中消协:消费者最担心个人信息泄露|消费者|信息|中消协_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者廖爱玲)昨日,中消协公布《信息消费与安全调研报告》显示,最让人担忧的就是个人信息泄露、支付诈骗及电脑账号被窃。














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