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Shenzhen dead baby vaccination operations compliance, vaccine death in check

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:47:05 Browse times: 280 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen dead baby vaccination operations compliance, vaccine death in check(深圳死亡男婴接种操作合规,是否疫苗致死在查)

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Shenzhen operation compliance is vaccine death baby killed working on vaccine | | | death baby _ news

Yangcheng evening news reporter Wang Jun said South Bay of Shenzhen People's Hospital, a newborn Shenzhen kangtai produces hepatitis b vaccine suspected cause of death has not been determined. Shenzhen CDC informed the 23rd said the investigation, vaccination unit qualification valid, source of vaccine stockpiles are compliant, vaccinators are also operations as required. Dead boy's autopsy was 20th, 30-40 days later will be able to determine the cause of death is associated with hepatitis b vaccine.

Vaccination operation irregularity

Shenzhen CDC immunization program director Zhang Shiying, Center on 19th received the related report, followed by escalation and rushed to the scene to investigate. Zhang Shiying revealed: "maternal Li Moudi admitted on 16th, 17th, cesarean give birth to a baby boy, 10:35 injectable vitamin, 10:37 immunization with hepatitis b vaccine, both were in line with regulatory requirements. 10:39 baby breathing difficulties, reshape the cyanosis, rescue the hospital, using a lot of rescue medication and tools, 11:45 died. Clinical diagnosis of pulmonary hemorrhage and suffocation death in hospital at that time, received no objections. 18th afternoon, questioned the family, questioned why the child died suddenly; 19th morning, family members questioned the cause of death associated with the vaccine. ”

Zhang Shiying said, pick reported Hou Guangdong Province Wei Planning Commission and province CDC delegate of related experts, and province prevention vaccination bad reaction of experts are overnight arrived scene survey, confirmed Shenzhen South Bay people Hospital of vaccination units qualification for, Longgang District, Health Council specified, is legal; vaccination personnel of posts training certificate also are complete, vaccination operation is provides; by with hepatitis b vaccine through Guangdong Province CDC, and city CDC, and district CDC layer Layer distribution to hospital obstetric, cold chain storage meets requirements.

According to reports, the South Bay hospital has communicated with his family on 20th conducted autopsies, a clear cause of death by the Group of experts to determine whether Shenzhen kangtai hepatitis b vaccine-related. "The autopsy result 30-40 days, will try to step up the pace. "Prior to the South Bay of Shenzhen People's hospital reported that up to 19th, the obstetric vaccination involved a total lot 5 doses of hepatitis b vaccine and adverse reactions of other members of the species does not occur.

Vaccine-related certification

Shenzhen food and Drug Administration said yesterday that the Shenzhen kangtai hepatitis b vaccine lot number involved is C201207086, the current batch of recombinant hepatitis b vaccines have been sealed, and sending the sample verification Research Institute of China's food and drug inspection. "Whether the deaths associated with vaccination, to wait for the results of forensic clarity."

It is reported that Hunan lot number involved as previously C201207088, C201207090 kangtai 13th hepatitis b vaccine was halted, Shenzhen, Shenzhen kangtai produces other batches of the vaccine is still in use until the 20th, Shenzhen kangtai-hepatitis b vaccine to be completely halted. Verified statistics, as at 20th, Shenzhen kangtai biological products Corporation produces recombinant hepatitis b vaccine in the finished product batches account 95, have all been suspended sales and shipping activities; in the recombinant hepatitis b vaccine within the validity period of the specifications have been selling batch account 186.

Shenzhen food and drug administration official says, the investigation, lot numbers C201207088, C201207090, C201207086, recombinant hepatitis b vaccine in question, as well as Shenzhen kangtai biological products Corporation has been selling recombinant hepatitis b vaccines are provided access to the China biological products, approval and issuance of certificates issued by the Institute of food and drug inspection. At present, the relevant departments to investigate the cause.

This version of cartographic/Chen Jianyi

Wang Jun

(Original title: 17.76 million vaccines were suspended sales in Shenzhen)

(Edit: SN035)December 24, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news(深圳死亡男婴接种操作合规 是否疫苗致死在查|疫苗|死亡|男婴_新闻资讯

  羊城晚报讯 记者王俊报道:深圳南湾人民医院一名新生儿疑似接种深圳康泰生产乙肝疫苗致死原因尚无定论。深圳市疾控中心23日通报称:经查,接种单位资质合法,疫苗来源及储存均合乎规范,接种人员也是按要求操作。针对死亡男婴的尸检已于20日下午开展,预计30-40天后将可判断死因是否与接种乙肝疫苗有关。













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