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Law proposed overhaul: enforcement of judgements may not have been detained Government officials

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Law proposed overhaul: enforcement of judgements may not have been detained Government officials(行诉法拟大修:政府不执行判决可拘留官员)

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Law proposed overhaul: | the Chief, enforcement of judgements may not have been detained Government officials _ | | administrative litigation news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 23 (reporters Huo Xiaoguang and and Chen Fei and and Yang Weihan and and Shi Jingnan)-as a movie called "mingaoguan" law promulgation and implementation of the administrative procedure law faced the first overhaul after more than 20 years. 23rd, draft amendments to the administrative procedure law submitted to the national people's Congress. Experts said the modification of administrative procedure law excluding China's current "mingaoguan" of legal obstacles and difficulties, guaranteeing smooth governmental and private dispute resolution legal channels will play an important role.

  Executive authorities must not interfere with, impede a court case

In September 2013, a hotel worker in Henan province administrative litigation in the courts, through legal channels to local industrial and commercial administrative departments beg to say. And the Court has made "leaders said no case of" let them eat on the cold shoulder.

Currently, the administrative litigation in our country faced "hard case, tried hard, difficult to enforce" issue, the "case" must make efforts to crack. Citizens, legal persons or other organizations and Government agencies and their staff has the dispute, administrative body than when the defendant, the Court would not accept, led to many disputes should be resolved through litigation into channels of complaint letters and visits, in some places the emergence of the "petition do not believe law".

Free entrance of the administrative proceedings, and stated for the first time the draft amendment adds clear courts should prosecute rights the protection of citizens, legal persons or other organizations, should be inadmissible admissible according to the law of administrative cases. Administrative organs must not interfere with or hinder the Court in administrative cases. Executive complained to law with the suit.

"In practice, executive interference, obstruction cases before administrative court more, particularly relating to the prosecution of cases involving house demolition and land expropriation. "Director Jiang Mingan, Constitution and administrative law research center of Peking University said that due to the limitations of time, rules established by the administrative procedure law, institutions and ideas and present democratic rule of law and the realities of reform and development in China are not fit, triggering all kinds of ills.

For the "Office", draft amendments to strengthen the court proceedings, adds: the people's Court shall register it after receiving a complaint on the spot, and issue a written document with date. Writs content lacking or if there are other errors, should provide guidance and clarification, and ready to follow through at once inform the party concerned. Shall not, without the guidance and clarification to the prosecution does not meet the criteria will not be accepted. The draft amendments also clarified the responsibility of courts, additional requirements: do not receive writs, the party may make a complaint to a higher court, the superior court ordered corrective action and responsibility take disciplinary measures against the persons.

"This law defined the principles and purposes of the fair administration of Justice, administration, defined the general thrust of the administrative litigation due to make it return legal standard, is a highlight of this amendment. "Shen Kui, a professor at Peking University law school said.

   Expansion of the scope of accepting cases, verbal prosecution

For many to consider, when formulating administrative procedural law, the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation was made more stringent restrictions.

Jiang Mingan introduced, many administrative acts, as abstract administrative acts, internal administrative acts, involves citizens political, and labor right, and by education right, administrative acts, even violations citizens, and corporate or other organization of lawful rights and interests of, due to existing administrative procedure clear will its excluded in administrative litigation by case range zhiwai or is not will its clear included administrative litigation by case range within, victims also cannot to Court brought administrative litigation.

To further protect the person standing, the draft amendment further expanded the scope of accepting cases of administrative litigation cases. Relating to land ownership or use of natural resources, rural land contracting, dispute over payment of subsistence benefits, the Government and the people, included in the scope of administrative litigation.

"The expansion of the scope of accepting cases is the general trend. "The China University of political science and law professor Wang Jingbo believes that further defined the draft lists specific administrative act, can avoid the courts excuse, there is no explicit legal provision is inadmissible.

"But due to the fact that the scope of accepting cases only be accepted against the personal rights and property rights, right of participation of the citizens, legal persons and other organizations, the right to such rights cannot be protected. New administrative actions such as administrative contracts, payment administration is not listing a comprehensive, result in accepting and hearing disorders. "Wang Jingbo recommended administrative disputes are included in the scope of administrative litigation, administrative acts or administrative dispute as a standard.

To facilitate the exercise of the right of the parties, draft amendments had also identified "oral prosecuted": the prosecution should be submitted to the Court indictment, written complaint is difficult, can sue oral, recorded by the Court, dated a written document issued by, and inform the other party.

"High education level not many people prefer using oral prosecution. Such an approach in practice and operationally strong. However, whether oral or written, the prosecution must meet conditions, such as clear, basic facts, the accused. "Shen kui said.

   Offsite, and reduce administrative intervention trial

On June 3 this year, Shandong zaozhuang city people's Court for trial, 23 villagers in common cause with some people's Government fails to open information statutory responsibilities of administrative litigation cases. This is the concentration of administrative litigation jurisdiction of Shandong province since the pilot, the first long-distance hearing cases of administrative litigation.

Existing administrative procedure law, the basic people's Court jurisdiction as courts of first instance over administrative cases. In order to solve the administrative case difficult questions and reduce local government intervention in the administrative trial, draft amendments added provisions: first, the High Court may determine the number of cross-administrative jurisdiction as courts of first instance over administrative cases in lower courts. Second, local governments above the county level case made by a specific administrative act, by the intermediate people's Court jurisdiction.

Wang Jingbo believes that existing administrative procedural law provisions on jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction and the General standard, in varying degrees, to the old provisions of the civil jurisdiction. However, administrative litigation and civil litigation in many ways, with variations, of the administration of Justice, localized impact on the administrative litigation is very large, affect the fair exercise of administrative jurisdiction.

"This change, for administrative intervention trial out of place, are important to achieve the independent exercise of administrative jurisdiction. "Jiang Mingan modified while also noted that only this initiative is unlikely to completely resolve the problem of local interventions also need for judiciary reform of personnel management system and the reform of the justice system.

Experts also pointed out that, currently the vast majority of grass-roots courts dealing with administrative cases is relatively small. Suggested that the primary jurisdiction of the jurisdiction of the Court of first instance administrative cases to the intermediate people's Court. This could be better could get rid of intervention, the effects of local administrative authorities, focusing the trial on the other hand the power to hear the case.

  No enforcement of court decisions, detention administrators

Population, gaoguan difficult to win lawsuits, performing more difficult. Current administrative authorities not to implement court decisions stand out.

"Relative finally won the case, the Court revoke unlawful administrative acts, or ordered to perform the statutory duties of the executive authorities, private party in compensation for the loss, the Executive is not the execution of judgements, who won, but spent a lot of time and money from the Court to obtain a judgment just a piece of paper can never be cashed cheques. "Jiang Mingan admits.

In response to the Executive, the draft amendment adds: refused to comply with the judgement, determination, mediation, social influence, the executive authorities can be directly responsible and other persons directly responsible shall be detained. Administrative authorities refused to carry out judgments or orders, the conciliation statement shall be published.

"The provision for the promotion of implementation is still relatively strong, although there are ' bad social impact ' limited, in practice this means may be used with caution, but detention also have a certain deterrent effect. "Wang Jingbo said.

Jiang Mingan believes that because detention involving citizens ' personal freedom, applied have to be very careful, to take other measures to ensure compliance would try not to apply detention. Is limited to "social influence" is appropriate.

"All in all, many provisions of the existing administrative procedural law outdated and unreasonable, not adapted to the needs of the modern market economy and the development of democratic politics, their potentials must amend, inevitable. "Jiang Mingan stressed.

(Edit: SN091)December 23, 2013 The website(行诉法拟大修:政府不执行判决可拘留官员|行政|法院|行政诉讼_新闻资讯































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