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Iron factory collapsed in one village in Guangxi, 1 workers were burying dead

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:44:11 Browse times: 282 Comment times: 0

Iron factory collapsed in one village in Guangxi, 1 workers were burying dead(广西一村屯铁矿厂坍塌,1名工人被埋死亡)

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Iron factory collapsed in one village in Guangxi 1 workers were burying dead workers | | | iron mine in Guangxi Province _ news

CNS, Liuzhou, December 23 (reporter Zhou Xiaonan)-crossing the town of xiangshui village in liuzhou city, Guangxi Luzhai County iron mine collapse buried accidents in the 23rd, caused by death of one were buried.

Luzhai in liuzhou City Fire Department, accidents happened in Luzhai County in the town of xiangshui village crossing a mined out in the mine, due to the small amounts of iron ore is left in the mine, mining a mining worker down into a well. December 23, at 9 o'clock in the morning, because a mine wall some stone fell, the workers down. After the impact, the mine rescue failed, police rescue.

The local fire department rushed to the scene after the alarm, under the workers were stone on stone, fire department safety rope down into the well, using a manual rescue prized open the stone, the workers carried the well. Due to the injuries of workers, has died.

At present, the local public security and work safety supervision departments to investigate the cause of the accident.

(Original title: iron ore plant in liuzhou, Guangxi luzhai village buried workers killed in collapse)

(Edit: SN091)December 24, 2013 China News Network(广西一村屯铁矿厂坍塌 1名工人被埋死亡|工人|铁矿|广西_新闻资讯

  中新网柳州12月23日电 (周潇男) 广西柳州市鹿寨县中渡镇响水村一铁矿厂23日发生坍塌埋压事故,致一人被埋死亡。




(原标题:广西柳州鹿寨一村屯铁矿厂坍塌 一被埋工人死亡)


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