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In some Chinese provinces can be implemented in the first quarter of next year have a two-child policy

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:44:06 Browse times: 341 Comment times: 0

In some Chinese provinces can be implemented in the first quarter of next year have a two-child policy(中国部分省份明年一季度可实施生两胎政策)

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Health Planning Committee: in some provinces in separate two-child policy can be implemented in the first quarter of next year Health Planning Commission alone | | b | children to commit _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 23 (reporters Lunaud and and Hu Hao)-national health family planning Commission Secretary Yang Wenzhuang said 23rd grass-roots family planning guidance, currently around is to start "two kids alone" policy efforts are expected in some provinces can be implemented in the first quarter of next year.

Yang Wenzhuang said that carried out by the local population and family planning departments are thoroughly investigated, in order to fully know the bases of the individual couples and their children, the demographic situation, family planning and policy based implementation of risk assessments, and the perfection of relevant supporting policies. The next step will be adopted by the provincial people's Congress or its Standing Committee revised population and family planning regulations or special requirements, in accordance with the implementation of the two-child policy alone.

He said State Health Commission will guide further strengthen basic work, strengthen the construction of family planning technical service institutions, maternity and child care institutions, comprehensive free prepregnancy genetic health inspections. Relevant institutions will focus on compliance with the policy of elderly couples provide better quality of service, reducing the risk of older mothers pregnancy childbirth.

18 adjusting the sound to the third plenary session of the party policy decisions to deploy, clear call "adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two kids, and gradually perfecting family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development". 23rd at commencement of the sixth meeting of the NPC session consideration of the draft resolution on adjusting the perfect maternity policy.

(Edit: SN098)December 23, 2013 The website(卫计委:部分省份明年一季度可实施单独二孩政策|卫计委|单独二孩|实施_新闻资讯

  新华网北京12月23日电(记者吕诺、胡浩) 国家卫生计生委计划生育基层指导司司长杨文庄23日表示,目前各地正在为启动“单独两孩”政策积极努力,预计部分省份明年一季度可以实施。





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