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Guangzhou jumped on the river save enlisted military widows are specially-recruited teaching major rank

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:43:22 Browse times: 300 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou jumped on the river save enlisted military widows are specially-recruited teaching major rank(广州跳江救人武警遗孀被特招入伍,授少校警衔)

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Jump river in Guangzhou rescue armed police widows are specially-recruited Army major grant | rank | martyrs armed police | Zheng Yilong _ news

From the armed police detachment Political Commissar of Guangzhou Senior Colonel Qiu Yu Pang Hongyu took notice of enlisted rank major and a warrant was too excited to say: "the join this glorious team can contribute to build a powerful army, it is my honor and passion. I'll inherit the Yi Dragon legacy learning exercises and assiduously business, familiar with her job, working hard. ”

Zheng Yilong was a detachment of four Deputy together with Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, people's armed police corps, and on March 1 of this year for saving drowning people, unfortunately, dying, his heroic exploits in the army, and produced strong repercussions in the community. After Zheng Yilong sacrifice, was named the fourth "national moral models", the armed police force awarded comrade Zheng Yilong "dedicated loyal guards of the people," the honorary title, awarded the "Medal of China armed police loyal guards", the Communist Youth League Committee of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Youth Federation awarded him "Wusi Guangdong youth Medal".

Zheng Yilong's widow Pang Hongyu, she managed to lose her husband's great grief, said parents must do their best to support good martyrs, fostered good martyrs orphans. Head of party committees at all levels from the police forces concerned to help, warmth of her family was deeply impressed by force, to police camp life is full of yearning. She passionately applying to a force representing the legacy to inherit Zheng Yilong martyrs, volunteered for military service.

Armed forces Chief Pang Hongyu aspired to become an Honorable soldiers, completing the unfinished Zheng Yilong martyrs welcome the aspiration and support, and timely arrangements for relevant departments as required the recruitment formalities.

This morning, armed police detachment Political Commissar of Guangzhou Qiu Yu Pang Hongyu recruitment notices were issued, granted the rank of major, and professional and technical level 11.

(Original title: Zheng Yilong widows specially-recruited army ceremony was awarded the rank of major (map))

(Edit: SN095)December 24, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news(广州跳江救人武警遗孀被特招入伍 授少校警衔|烈士|武警|郑益龙_新闻资讯






(原标题:郑益龙遗孀特招入伍仪式举行 被授予少校警衔(图))


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