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Foreign media revealed that China is to build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:43:05 Browse times: 347 Comment times: 0

Foreign media revealed that China is to build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier(外媒曝中国正建造一艘核动力航母)

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Foreign Media highlights China is building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier | | nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in China | carrier _ news

"Global times reported," in addition to talking about Liaoning ship, organizers said intense speculation on China's domestic carrier until recently. United Kingdom Jane's defense weekly under said, Shanghai Changxing Island shipyard do dock in is built of hull segment, is may is a first used all through deck layout of China amphibious attack ship, but also has guesses think the hull segment is China first ship domestic carrier of part, also has guesses think, China of domestic carrier will in Dalian shipbuilding factory built, Liaoning ship of repair is in the shipyard for of.

"Closely followed by Washington to take action to increase its military footprint in Asia, an outgoing message that China is building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier", "today's Russia" TV 23rd report another guess: China's first China-made aircraft carrier will ship in Liaoning province, reached 110,000 tons, enough with the United States the biggest rival carrier.

India's business standard paper 23rd also said that news that China is building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, large enough to challenge United States Navy's largest aircraft carrier, which is the first of a new round of major military competition. There are reports that this aircraft carrier design drawings was based on the Soviet Union a displacement of 80,000 ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier ship drawings, the Soviet aircraft carrier can carry 60 planes.

For these rumors, Li Jie believes that 110,000-ton giant aircraft carriers the rumor is apparently not reliable. He said: "we built such a large aircraft carrier is no problem, the key is to build what? Cover a range of technical issues, such as aircraft carriers built so much, how many aircraft, what to take off and land, going to dynamical systems, carrier water deep, what kind of ports can get in, and its offshore operations will be limited and so on. ”

In view of "China's aircraft carrier programme is a State secret", Reuters, "successful operation ships in China, Liaoning province in the 2020 years ago, the first step in deploying locally-made aircraft carrier", and think all Chinese and international focus are core elements of command of the ship to aircraft carrier project of Liaoning. This means not only to complete the flight deck landing mission, also involving the aircraft carrier deployment, security and supply the necessary strategies and doctrines of the Navy. Last month United States "George · Washington" aircraft carrier in the South China Sea on a mission, when a United States military officer told Reuters at the carrier said: "aircraft carrier was a very difficult, complex and expensive. "We spent many, many years to get this thing done, and now continues to work hard. China is almost starting from scratch. ”

In terms of combat effectiveness of aircraft carrier formation, to foreign speculation, nothing less. Jane's defence weekly, said China is now done for home-made aircraft carrier catapult final scientific work, and believes that it will bypass the world aircraft carrier development course, leaping flying directly from the sliding transition to an electromagnetic catapult.

According to the global times, a reporter, China five or six years ago, complete system of electromagnetic launch technology research and experiment, to date, this technology is the most advanced in the world, but for some reason, this technique is not used in Liaoning province on the ship. China's next-generation aircraft carrier landing technology will of course using this advanced technology.

"China is ready to leap on the sea", "Russia" commented that "it is estimated that construction of China's aircraft carrier force very quickly. In the first stage of China by 2015 to build two conventionally-powered aircraft carrier, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will be built by 2020. About 10 Chinese in the Pacific with the United States Navy. This will mean that Russia will be relegated to the back of the Pacific, and the main players is the United States and China. ”

"Global times, Japan and the United Kingdom, and Germany, and Canada Stringer Lu Feng Sun Weiqing wood short global times, Qiu Yongzheng Ma Qing yan Liu Tao"

(Original title: foreign media intensive rumors that Chinese are building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier)

(Edit: SN091)December 24, 2013 Global times(外媒曝中国正建造一艘核动力航母|中国|核动力航母|航母_新闻资讯

  【环球时报综合报道】 除了对辽宁舰的议论,外电近来还密集爆出对中国国产航母的猜测。英国《简氏防务周刊》称,上海长兴岛造船厂干船坞里正在建造的船体分段,很可能就是一种首次采用全通甲板布局的中国两栖攻击舰,但也有猜测认为该船体分段是中国首艘国产航母的一部分,还有猜测认为,中国的国产航母将在大连造船厂建造,辽宁舰的修复正是在该造船厂进行的。







  “中国正在准备来一个海上大跃进”,“俄罗斯之声”评论说, “据估计,中国航母力量建设速度非常快。中国在第一阶段打算到2015年建造两艘常规动力航母,而到2020年将建核动力航母。大约再过10年中国将能在太平洋与美国的海军实力相当。这将意味着,俄罗斯将在太平洋退居后面,而主要玩家是美国和中国。”

  【环球时报驻日本、英国、德国、加拿大特约记者路锋孙微 青木陶短房 环球时报记者邱永峥 马晴燕 柳直】



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