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Experts talk: in China people difficult to prosecute officials put on record, said should break the regional jurisdiction rules

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:42:50 Browse times: 232 Comment times: 0

Experts talk: in China people difficult to prosecute officials put on record, said should break the regional jurisdiction rules(专家谈:在中国老百姓起诉官员立案难,称应打破地域管辖规则)

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Experts talk about form mingaoguan ' should break the rules of territorial jurisdiction | file | regional | executive _ news

Legal evening news (reporters Wen Rujun) this afternoon, the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National Conference, opened here in Beijing, meeting for the first time to consider the People's Republic of China administrative litigation law amendments (draft).

Last modified in the administrative procedure is in three major lawsuit, and it's a "mingaoguan Act", which directly regulate the rights and obligations of citizens and the Government, by the Court's judicial review of administrative acts of Government. Existing administrative procedural law was promulgated, to 1989 onwards. The overhaul of the law is to enact has started for the first time in 23 years. Therefore, amendments to the administrative procedure law for nation-building, promotion of administration by law, its meaning is more direct.

Even more worth mentioning is that the existing three procedural law, civil and criminal law has gone through two major amendments, with the exception of administrative procedure law also maintains the original look.

  Problem hard case, tried hard, difficult to enforce

According to the trial at the national court of 2012 more than one instance over administrative cases, involving administrative field has more than 70 pieces, more urban construction is charged, labour and social security, public safety, family planning, Commerce, industry, transportation and other sectors.

The law 23, the "mingaoguan" road is not smooth, administrative procedure law on the scope of accepting cases, jurisdiction, proceedings and other aspects of quite controversial, practice hard case, in the course of the hearing, difficulties in carrying out three "malaise."

"Office" is mingaoguan hard to get into the door. In 2011, the national was inadmissible and dismissed the charges of administrative cases, accounted for 7.8% of the total number of cases of first instance, civil and commercial cases were 7.8 times. If every "don't let Venice" local policies, "hidden" form does not ' events are countless.

Second, the grass-roots courts are subject to local, public trust in their justice gap, leading to excessively high administrative proceedings the appeal petition, complaint rates, rates. Data show that in 2011, the national administrative cases appeal rate reached a record high of 72.85%, is 6 times in criminal cases, civil cases are 2.4 times; administrative cases the complaint rate was as high as 8.5%, was 6 times in criminal cases and civil cases of 6.3 times.

Meanwhile, Beijing appeals for continued gains in 2011 in the administrative 1.8% of the total number filed in the first instance only, but to the registration appeals appeals of administrative cases of the Supreme Court, 18.5% of all the appeals petition cases.

Supreme confession of a judge: "no County Government County Court trial" has become widespread, grassroots courts of first instance practically useless function. Academia is fortunately, 18, adopted at the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision is clear: push below the provincial district court over the unified management and prosecutorial power to ensure independent and impartial judicial power should be exercised according to law. This principle of provisions to address the "three-pronged" laid the groundwork.

 Expert Office should break the rules of territorial jurisdiction

With the "mingaoguan" cases increased in recent years, "people don't fight officers with" the tradition is gradually breaking down.

But the "mingaoguan" series of problems encountered, and the intervention of local governments have great relationships. In fact, a common problem is that courts did not dare and were reluctant to directly award the Government loses, thus mobilizing citizens to put their case for withdrawing treatment to circumvent the decision, mainly avoiding judgment against the Government.

In addition, existing laws itself should not be ignored, such as the "jurisdiction" issues.

Many scholars believe that jurisdictional issues will have important implications for the effect of the administrative procedure law. Lv Liqiu, Deputy Director of the National Association of administrative law Professional Committee called for, modify the administrative procedure law should be a major breakthrough.

"Want to be able to break the rules of territorial jurisdiction, such as administrative organs in Beijing, not necessarily a plaintiff must prosecute at Beijing, it is able to select another domain to prosecute, on the practice field hoping to facilitate the plaintiff, case, such a convenient jurisdiction rule, to crack the case difficult challenges. "Lv Liqiu said.

 Recommended range of accepting and hearing cases again draw borders

In 2011, the national administrative cases have been ruled inadmissible, dismissed the prosecution's ratio is 7.8%, up 7.8 times times more civil and commercial litigation, for a variety of local policies are countless hidden inadmissible. Less than 10% of the plaintiffs, administrative cases in the same period the rate of 72.85% of appeal, complaint rate is 8.5% per cent, is much higher than the rate of appeals in civil and criminal cases and complaint rates.

Typically, it dismissed on the grounds that do not belong to the scope of accepting cases. Local policies, ultra vires of dislocation of local government red tape, violations of citizens ' own interest, which is what academics called the abstract administrative behavior, can you sue, has been controversial, experts want to break the law.

Existing lists 8 cases the administrative procedure law, administrative sanctions, administrative coercive measures against, or Executive operational autonomy, personal rights, property rights and other violations, the Court should accept. University Professor, President of the Association of administrative law of China Law Society Ying Songnian believes that modify the administrative procedure law, scope should be expanded.

Scope for further expansion of thought, academics are essentially uniform. Key is how to expand, extend to what extent, how to determine its boundaries.

"Could be incorporated, in addition to the eight I've got so much, we called a grey area, so from that day on the problem arising from the administrative procedure law, and later said the judicial interpretation, exercise the executive powers of all behaviors can be prosecuted, but ' the following acts are not ' listed in the negative, it has expanded the scope of certain. "Ying Songnian said.


The "mingaoguan" case

The earliest

In 1988, the fishermen Wenzhou Bao Zhengzhao a hundred thousand of buildings the County Government which flood disturbance caused by forced demolition, sued the County, known as reform and opening up "mingaoguan" first. It is understood that because there is no relevant legal provisions, light bearers ran more than a year. Case hearing, difficult to get 1000 audit certificate a certificate.

Most plaintiffs

Chengguan district, Lanzhou city, Gansu province, song's Beach Village built on the land due to collective marketing was taken to prosecute provincial, municipal and district-level Government and related sectors series of administrative cases on August 21 this year at the Lanzhou intermediate people's Court this morning public hearing. 1102 farmers when the plaintiff, song's Beach Village.

Claim up to

On December 11 this year, due to his own private museum by forced demolition, a large number of collections lost Shanghai Liu Guangjia and 75 years old wife Zhu Rongzhou Shanghai Minhang District Government, the claims 289 million dollars. This edition/reporter Wen Rujun

(Edit: SN098)December 23, 2013 Legal evening news(专家谈民告官立案难 称应打破地域管辖规则|立案|地域|行政_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(记者 温如军) 今天下午,第十二届全国人大常委会第六次会议将在北京人民大会堂开幕,会议首次审议《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法修正案(草案)》。



  问题 立案难、审理难、执行难







  专家 立案应打破地域管辖规则






  建议 案件受理范围重新划边界













  今年12月11日,因自家私人博物馆遭强拆,大量藏品遗失,上海市75岁的刘光嘉及妻子朱荣周起诉上海市闵行区政府,索赔2.89亿元。 本版文/记者 温如军


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