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Chongqing fell father of baby girl: after grooming her daughter happy happy

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:42:07 Browse times: 259 Comment times: 0

Chongqing fell father of baby girl: after grooming her daughter happy happy(重庆摔婴女童之父:以后会疏导让女儿高兴快乐)

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Chongqing fell to parents of a baby girl: after grooming her daughter fall baby Chongqing, happy happy | | | original _ of the fall girls babies news

  Chongqing girls fall baby survey

New Chongqing Xinhua Yang Express mission intern Gan Yunyi

"The compensation after finishing, I would focus on child education above with my wife, don't say at all times, would have taken a lot of time each day to spend some time with her, grooming her and make her happy, to make her happy, and keep her in every aspect as far as possible into a good student. "" Chongqing fell baby girls "show their father Li, a Beijing media plans.

His daughter, Lee was only 10 years old, but it only takes less than 1 minute to shock the nation. According to public surveillance, the afternoon of November 25, 2013, so their neighbors – Lee original the one and half year old boy picked up in the elevator in the community fall, punched and kicked. The elevators after 25/f, she threw the original like throwing sandbags into the hallway.

Police investigations showed that Li takes the original to his community after 25 floors of the House, continued to beat them, and place on a balcony railing. Last original falls, resulting in Dura rupture and right hemisphere takes a hash, was in critical condition.

From the incident is in the past for almost a month, but it continues to ferment, original Lee's neighbors, classmates and teachers for girls, trying so hard to erase the fact they came in contact with Lees. Girl's growth trajectory, escape and non-cooperation with the parties, still fuzzy.

In addition to his father, the "Chongqing fell baby girls" Lee and her relatives disappeared almost entirely. 5 years before she changed schools moved away from the residential community, once even left the city of Chongqing. Disappeared with her and her mother, and her grandparents – in November moved away from living more than 30 years after the incident, in addition to her grandparents in order to avoid a large number of media outlets and follow public opinion, went to the canton.

  Lost girls

So far, Lee left the public eye the last picture is of the girl child, wears a ponytail, wearing a pink shirt and a waistcoat, a bit taller than children of the same age. Do not have a clear picture of her face. Fell child event occurred Hou, this five grade of elementary school girls was posted full has "magic female" and "bear children" of label--while she carrying cute of cartoon bag, with with posted full small girls loves of posted paper of pencil case and notebook, even she of father in limited of once out mirror in the clear said, themselves of daughter "is cute goodness, like to small animal feeding and bath".

But no one wanted to know where she's keeping pet dogs and turtles now before, more people are concerned about where the girl and her family took refuge. After the incident, Li Jialing took her mother to a far-away Xinjiang, but the address will soon be online searching online. A few days later, the latest "human flesh search" information display, this mother and daughter after returning to Chongqing and Gansu. But then, suspected his home in Gansu, house number and phone were posted online.

Girls Li's father Li per day going to the Sichuan vinylon factory (hereinafter referred to as dimensional factory) work, but is still not an easy thing to see him. One dimensional plant workers said that Li has lived in the area for some time after the incident, "at that time was the most crazy time media interviews. "Li to a colleague recently had the impression that, although work was pretty normal, but often morose. According to workers, and Li chuan-d occupant monitor positions "in the workshop to be a little right, but definitely not the legend of the outside world as background and conditions. ”

Li did not change the mobile phone number for the time being, but now want to reach him by telephone is almost impossible, said one reporter from Beijing, Li sent a message of up to dozens of requests for interviews, but has not had a response. More journalists continue rotation day and night, kept in the factory or live outside of Li community downstairs, hope had the good fortune to be able to see him.

To Grandpa and Grandma Li has also changed living habits. Neighbors said, did not see the old man has at least half a month, "but it was almost every day to see them out for a walk. ”

  "People keep talking about the things above"

But the fermentation of two family tragedies in public sentiment has gradually evolved into their search under the spree, even after nearly a month of the incident, a network on Twitter "v" feel free to forward a similar message, still in a matter of minutes can be forwarded reviews tens of thousands of times.

Unlike netizens cathartic is, client and the surrounding people, praying, settled as soon as possible. Girls head Li Yang Juan was in the infant fell shortly after the incident, said to have come to cover the media, Lee usually isn't very good in school, but being cute, contradictions between students and there is not much, "even if some of the Chase, but among kids this is normal. "After the incident the next day, Lee's mother came to the school, said daughter sick for a month, official in a few days for her daughter the transfer formalities.

But after undergoing several groups of media interviews in a row, head teacher Yang Juan finally tired to reject all hesitation from Shandong and Beijing, Guangzhou and other places of the media, and the attitude of the school more bluntly: "don't interview, we just hope it fade from public view as soon as the next, everything was calm. ”

And also love to tell family stories about the large number of journalists to neighbours, which began to become impatient, even for identity screening these Mandarin-speaking to outsiders: "where do you come from reporters? Your paper belongs to the jurisdiction of which unit? Press identification? ”

After the incident, they were concerned about this matter of progress, and as a staple of gossip, a mother-in-law who lives in Victoria laochangqu even subscribed to a local city newspaper, only because they want to be able to understand thrown from above boy when the original surgery. But talk much, they start to feel tired, everyone coming to the reporters asked the same question, answered countless times but I still have to repeat, "said to a TV reporter for my close-up, I face the camera seemed so big. ”

Changshou in Chongqing in Sichuan-d factory, live girls xxx Grandpa Li, owner of another of her son's home in Guangzhou in early December, just to avoid press interviews and the pressure of public opinion. Live next to neighbors as soon as you hear in the Mandarin-speaking journalist, it would quickly close the door, "what we don't know, don't ask me any questions."

Who lives in the nearby old people quietly told reporters that the infant fell after the incident, "unit (chuan Wei factory) received notice of the above, it is subject to official propaganda, not allowed to talk about it. ”

  Belated apology

December 20, 2013, Chongqing fell and children's girl's father Li by CCTV news open her daughter's letter of apology, along the lines of the letter: "I'm Li. I don't give a little brother that day. At home (I) playing dog and little brother, little brother down. Was upset by aunts and uncles, aunts and uncles, please forgive. ”

In addition, as the guardian, Li also added a few words to the letter, "as a father, we feel so guilty about the whole family, understanding each other. "Li revealed that he had his daughter a letter of apology to changshou in Chongqing Court. This is a public facing the media for the first time, apologized to the original a wounded baby boy. Original father Li Zhongsheng said he hasn't seen the letter of apology, after hearing a reporter to repeat after a letter of apology, Li Zhongsheng after a few seconds of silence and ask, "why don't they just came out and apologized the first time? ”

On December 16, the original made craniotomy in the Chongqing Medical University children's Hospital, so far costs have spend a hundred thousand of dollars, Yuanyuan's mother Yin Chang said, however, children are still not out of danger, the next step of treatment remains to be seen. Original father Li Zhongsheng insists it has no such contact, "even if there is not contact, they don't even have a minimum level of sincerity and apologize, so now out of apology, I'm sure that won't be accepted. ”

Another Li Zhongsheng angry because the incident a few days later, girls Li's father, Li Jiang, and CCTV reveal themselves even zaguomaitie I will try my best to bring the original treatment, and said he is selling the House and car. But in fact, in addition to the more than 70,000 yuan in the early days of the incident after the donation, Li Jiang was never a penny.

Zhiqian, Li told China Central television reporter, his daughter fall baby thing was a shock, "until after the impact, the daughter remained quietly at home, homework, do not appear to be alarmed or frightened mood. "He continued to be a normal girl, usually at home do not appear strange.

(Edit: SN069)December 24, 2013 Golden Goat NET-Express News(重庆摔婴女童之父:以后会疏导让女儿高兴快乐|重庆摔婴案|女童摔婴|原原_新闻资讯


  ■新快报特派重庆记者 杨林 实习生 甘韵仪



























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