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A separate two-child policy next year, and applications with four card

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/24 8:41:04 Browse times: 335 Comment times: 0

A separate two-child policy next year, and applications with four card(单独两孩政策明年实施,夫妻申请需带四证)

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A separate two-child policy next year a couple of applications which need to take four cards | | separate child | reeducation-through-labor _ the second of the NPC news

AP 18 the third plenary session of the decision made by the party starts a separate two-child policy, this policy when it will start all over recent interest. Yesterday, the national health planning Commission official said in in an interview with CCTV reporters everywhere will be launched early next year.

How to implement such a policy? Yesterday in Beijing opening of 12 session National Standing Committee sixth times Conference considered has on adjustment perfect fertility policy of resolution draft, draft made, around to followed economic social development and population development of objective law, from actual departure, seriously do population situation, and family planning work based and policy implementation risk of assessment work, and by provincial NPC or its standing through amendment population and family planning regulations or made specifically provides of way, law implementation alone two kid policy.

Adhere to the basic State policy of family planning was also requested on the draft resolution, offered to seriously implement the Constitution, the population and family planning law and other laws and regulations, adhere to party "boss" personally and negative overall responsibility, strengthened family planning work at basic level, step up efforts to assist families practicing family planning and reward the to law cracking down on illegal reproductive behavior.

In addition, the meeting was briefed on the draft amendment to the administrative procedure law, draft amendment to military facilities protection law, the marine environment protection law 7 description of the draft amendment to the law, were briefed on the attention of the abrogation of the decision of the State Council on re-education through labour, and the motion of the supplementary provisions of the State Council on re-education through labour for instructions.

  Other agenda for the Conference

12 session of the national people's Congress at its sixth meeting was briefed on the attention of the examine and approve of the People's Republic of China and the Kyrgyz Republic on the transfer of sentenced persons Treaty description of motion, considered submitted for deliberation by the NPC session national people's Congress on 12 motion for the second meeting, a draft decision of the NPC.

, Vice-Chairman of the national people's Congress, Wang Shengjun, Deputy Chairman and Secretary General Wang Chen, on behalf of the Standing Committee law enforcement inspection on checking inspection reports, on the implementation of the administrative reconsideration law report of the implementation of the law on compulsory education.

Meeting was briefed by the Chairman of the Credentials Committee of the NPC also Ma Wen's report on the representation of individual representatives; case considered the appointment and removal.

  A separate two-child policy

Around early next year have been pushed

Yesterday, the national health family planning Commission Secretary Yang Wenzhuang grassroots guidance in CCTV reporter, said, the implementation of individual two-child policy to a certain legal procedures, legal procedures to go through to the ground. He said, the provinces may also need some time to implement, the fastest around early next year after another will be carried out.

Prior to this, when it comes to time to implement the new deal, the State family planning Commission, Wang Peian, Deputy Director of health pointed out, launched a separate two-child policy, pursuant to the law on population and family planning, through the provincial people's Congress or its Standing Committee amend local regulations or provisions organizations according to law. No timetable for unification of the country, from various provinces (cities, districts) according to the actual situation, and to establish concrete time.

  Eligible couples do not need to take

Yang Wenzhuang reminds couples that match your new birth alone two children for long-term policies, we don't try to Rob, but rather according to their living conditions, working conditions and other aspects of the timing of birth a more suitable conditions to meet their baby.

Consistent with policy and his wife took residence booklet, identification cards, marriage certificates and one-child parents honor certificates and other materials to street town planning applications before they reproduce. Both sides only one province where the account "separate second child" policies, you can apply for.

National Health Commission required local health planning proactive preparation system, while consultations with the local development and Reform Commission, health, education, to guarantee the provision of public services such as health care, on the other hand, in line with individual reproductive conditions of the larger of the two children, can foster reasonable approval measures such as birth spacing, reproductive health, slow the pressure of a pregnant women congregate to medical resources.

  Peak fertility does not occur

Question about whether the new deal would add baby boom, Yang Wenzhuang said that indicators of China's economic and social development is that by 2020 the total population reached 1.43 billion as the base measurement, policy adjustment will not break through the cordon, therefore measures are supposed to be very secure, gradual change, not for employment, education, health and other public services caused too much pressure.

Previously, the State family planning Commission, said Wang Peian, Deputy Director of health, in line with the two kids alone before they reproduce conditions large areas can take to advocate proper birth spacing, give priority to older couples before they reproduce individually, before they reproduce, approval to prevent accumulation of birth.

Morning news reporter Wu Tingting

  Overhaul of administrative procedure law

Law overhaul to crack "mingaoguan" problem prescription

In the promulgation and implementation of the administrative procedure law faced the first overhaul after more than 20 years. Yesterday, the draft amendment to the administrative procedure law submitted to the national people's Congress. Experts say the overhaul for excluded currently "mingaoguan" of legal obstacles and difficulties, guaranteeing smooth governmental and private dispute resolution legal channels will play an important role.

  Executive authorities must not interfere with case

Draft: Court should prosecute rights the protection of citizens, legal persons or other organizations, should be inadmissible admissible according to the law of administrative cases. Administrative organs must not interfere with or hinder the Court in administrative cases.

Hotel reviews: "in practice, executive interference, obstruction cases before administrative court more, particularly relating to the prosecution of cases involving house demolition and land expropriation. "Director of Constitution and administrative law research center of Peking University said Jiang Mingan.

Draft: the people's Court shall register it after receiving a complaint on the spot, and issue a written document with date. Does not receive a complaint, the party may make a complaint to a higher court, the superior court ordered corrective action and responsibility take disciplinary measures against the persons.

Comment: "this law defined the principles and purposes of the fair administration of Justice, administration, defined the general thrust of the administrative litigation due to make it return legal standard, is a highlight of this amendment. "Shen Kui, a professor at Peking University law school said.

  Land violations into the scope of accepting cases

Draft provisions relating to land and other natural resources ownership or right of public disputes, violations of the executive authorities of rural land contractual management, illegal collection of funds, expropriation of property, the executive authorities assessed costs, failing to comply with the payment of the minimum living wage or social security treatment scope included.

Comment: "the current scope of citizens, legal persons and other organizations the right to participation, the right to such rights cannot be protected. Administrative contracts, payment administration and other new types of administrative acts is not listing the full, resulting in barriers to receiving and hearing. "China's Wang Jingbo, a professor at the University of politics and law said.

Draft stipulates that prosecutions should be submitted to the Court indictment, written complaint is difficult, can sue oral, recorded by the Court, dated a written document issued by, and inform the other party.

Comment: "high education level not many people prefer using oral prosecution. Such an approach in practice and operationally strong. "Shen kui said.

 Offsite governing intervention trial

Draft: higher people's courts can determine a number of grass-root administrative area of cross-jurisdiction of the courts of first instance over administrative cases. Made by specific administrative behaviors of local governments above the county level prosecuted cases governed by the intermediate people's Court.

Comment: "this is administrative trial out of local intervention, to achieve independence in the exercise of administrative jurisdiction is of great significance. "Jiang Mingan said.

  Officials of the enforcement of sentences may not have been detained

Draft: refusing to comply with the judgement, determination, mediation, social influence, the executive authorities can be direct liable persons in charge and other direct liable persons shall be detained. Administrative authorities refused to carry out judgments or orders, the conciliation statement shall be published.

Comment: "for facilitating the implementation of this provision is still relatively strong, although there is ' social influence ' constraints, practice may be prudent in using this means of detention but still have a certain deterrent effect. "Wang Jingbo said.

According to Xinhua News Agency

  Related news

"Two kids alone" for future adjustments Pathfinder

According to Xinhua News Agency, the State family planning Commission Li bin, Director of health, said yesterday that implement a separate two-child policy, you can further adjust and improve family planning policy for the future, progressive realization of both urban and rural, regional, and national family planning policy in basically the experience.

Li bin yesterday on the draft resolution on adjusting the perfect maternity policies explained to the 12 session of the national people's Congress at its sixth meeting. She suggested that the current, low fertility in China's long-term stability, labor resources relatively abundant, less taxing on social care, adjusting the sound family planning policies, timing, favourable conditions.

She noted that women's total fertility rate now stands at 1.5 per cent. If you maintain the current family planning policy, total fertility rates will continue to fall, the total population will rapidly declining after the peak. In 2012, China's working-age population began to decline, compared with 3.45 million less people; after 2023, with an average annual reduction of about 8 million people. Early 30-ageing population reached 400 million, the total population will increase from the current one-seventh to one-fourth per cent. Sex ratio at birth is on the high side for a long time, 2012 up to 117.7.

Implementation of the two-child policy alone will not pose a big pressure on my food security. Resource allocation planning of food security and basic public services in our country are by 2020 population of 1.43 billion peak in 2033, the total population of 1.5 billion people as the base to develop. After policy adjustment is expected in 2015, population less than 1.38 billion people, not more than 1.39 billion people "Twelve-Five" planned control target, nor breakthrough vision national population and development objectives.

 Abolition of reeducation-through-labour system

Lifted after the abolition of re-education through labour

Organized by the State Council

AP 12 session of the Standing Committee of the sixth national meeting yesterday began consideration of State Council drew attention to the annulment of the decision of the State Council on re-education through labour, and the motion of the supplementary provisions of the State Council on re-education through labour. Entrusted by the State Council, Deputy Minister of public security Yang Huanning illustrated above motion to the Conference.

Yang Huanning said in the note, on August 1, 1957, the first session of the 78th meeting of the NPC ratified the decision of the State Council on re-education through labour, establishes the system of reeducation through labour in accordance with law. On November 29, 1979, the v session of the national people's Congress ratified the 12th meeting of the supplementary provisions of the State Council on re-education through labour, further defined the term of re-education through labour management Committee was established, the reeducation-through-labor and supervision of the people's Procuratorate of reeducation-through-labor institutions activities.

The motion, the re-education through labour system in accordance with the purposes of more than 50 years, in order to maintain social order, ensuring social stability and save historic offenders played an important role in education.

Said Yang Huanning, administrative penalties for public security, anti-drug law and the criminal law continues to improve organic cohesion and related laws, reeducation-through-labor system was gradually replaced by decreasing use of re-education through labour measures, initiated legal proceedings to abolish reeducation-through-labor system is ripe.

After the abolition of the system of reeducation through labor-related work, said Yang Huanning, following the decision of the national people's Congress made abolition of re-education through labour system, need of relevant laws, regulations, judicial interpretation, regulations and regulatory documents in accordance with legal procedures for cleanup. Relevant departments of the State Council will organize proper persons shall be lifted by reeducation-through-labor reeducation-through-labor and reeducation-through-labor management changes in the functions of the organs of the people's police and the rational use of reeducation-through-labor sites, and so on.

(Original title: Health Planning Committee: two separate children into operation early next year)

December 24, 2013 Beijing morning post(单独两孩政策明年实施 夫妻申请需带四证|全国人大常委会|单独二孩|劳动教养_新闻资讯

  据新华社电 党的十八届三中全会《决定》提出启动单独两孩政策,各地何时会启动这一政策近期备受关注。昨天,国家卫生计生委相关负责人在接受央视记者采访时表示,各地明年年初将陆续开始实施。



















  晨报记者 吴婷婷


  行诉法大修 为破解“民告官”难题开药方











  点评: “很多文化程度不高的老百姓更希望采用口头方式起诉。这种做法在实践中操作性较强。”沈岿说。










  据新华社电 国家卫生计生委主任李斌昨日表示,实施单独两孩政策,可为今后进一步调整完善生育政策,逐步实现城乡、区域、民族间生育政策的基本统一积累经验。







  据新华社电 十二届全国人大常委会第六次会议昨日开始审议国务院关于提请废止《国务院关于劳动教养问题的决定》和《国务院关于劳动教养的补充规定》的议案。受国务院委托,公安部副部长杨焕宁就上述议案向会议作说明。







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