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The livestock industry experts: too much about bird flu response is a waste of social resources

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/22 18:56:15 Browse times: 224 Comment times: 0

The livestock industry experts: too much about bird flu response is a waste of social resources(禽畜业专家:对禽流感过度反应是浪费社会资源)

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The livestock industry experts: overreaction on avian influenza avian influenza is a waste of social resources | | | virus experts _ news

"According to data network of China animal husbandry Association, at the end of June, H7N9 events cause more than 60 billion yuan losses to the poultry industry, no contact with live birds, 70 million poultry nationwide in China go from here? We should accept H7N9 influenza flu persistence of reality to prevent normalization, you want to fight a protracted war, don't rely on the blitz of annihilation can solve the problem once and for all. ”

  ---Poultry expert Bi Yingzuo

Informed the reporter of Nan Yang Guangxia from April this year for the first time since human infection H7N9 influenza virus, China has received more than 140 people have been infected, becoming the focus of the poultry market.

Study on avian flu Super 20, Browns w Group Chairman of the Institute of Guangdong, South China Agricultural University, College of animal science Chief specialist, avian flu expert of Bi Yingzuo view of many commonly referred "had something to say." He cited a recent study that, source of human and avian strains of "highly homologous" argument error, live history of exposure to poultry, not "far-fetched" to avoid contact with live poultry is completely unfounded. He argued that overreaction will waste resources.

  "People, avian source of virus is not a virus"

Bi Yingzuo has been concerned about the recent authoritative magazines on H7N9 research. He recently published a research paper from the Science and George f. Gao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Microbiology researcher teams draw inference research on viruses isolated from people, 226 h a protein the virus to asparagine, and birds in the appropriate place for Leucine. "The same mutation occurring over more than 150 viruses from Leucine mutation probability of all amides in winter is almost zero! Explain human, avian source of virus is not a virus, the so-called strains isolated from animals and people ' highly homologous ' is wrong in itself, can only be said to be similar. "Bi Yingzuo said.

  Cold tolerance of chilled chicken virus is not completely secure

Bi Yingzuo suggested that live poultry exposure history is happening after human cases, focused object of investigation. "Patients visiting live poultry markets" and "farmhouse chicken" "chicken legs" is magnified. History of exposure to infected live birds is unclear, not "far-fetched". Bi Yingzuo says, "avoid contact with live poultry," references are totally unfounded. Cold tolerance to heat and virus, the so-called chilled chicken is absolutely safe, it is "it would be a mistake, killing chickens does not mean the virus does not exist."

However, the isolation of the virus in a sample from a poultry market environment remains an indisputable fact. Therefore, Bi Yingzuo quo "disinfection clean in one day, one week, one month and one rest" live poultry were same-day trips and measures "and a long-term basis, the national promotion. ”

  "Case-frequency and climate-related"

Why Guangdong frequency h 7N 9 cases of infection in the near future? Bi Yingzuo inference, in winter and spring in Guangdong flu-prone season, plus the testing greater levels of health, agriculture, able to detect cases at an early stage. "This climate-related. ”

What crowds susceptibility, disease and death? Bi Yingzuo said that there are three conditions. First of all, access to large amounts of the virus. For example, Indonesia h 5N 1-highest number of infections, where wet weather for virus, delicious chicken and duck blood and poultry dominated by stocking, restructuring of the virus a better chance. Secondly, the susceptible population also has a genetic trait, have a family tendency, which is genetically determined. In addition, immunocompromised, the elderly and people with underlying diseases, populations more vulnerable to flu.

  Experts call for

  No false alarm: alarm

Bi Yingzuo ruling H7N9 aggregation, possibility of huge outbreaks of influenza is extremely low. He said, reminiscent of the March 2009 from Mexico and the United States, outbreaks of influenza epidemic in more than 210 countries and territories worldwide, the official also called for stockpiling Tamiflu, 1.5 years after the World Health Organization website, H1N 1 killed more than 18,000 people worldwide, "more than 200,000 people die each year from seasonal flu, h 1N 1 low death rate than normal flu. But at that time all over the world in temperature. "Clearly overreacted.

See h 5N 1, April to 2003 period, the number of global infections about 624 people, death toll to 371 people. Bi Yingzuo appeal not overreaction, extremely suspicious, resulting in heart scare, wasting a lot of social resources, increased country office costs, and pay attention to the Tamiflu resistance problems caused by abuse.

(Original title: "avian influenza overreacting wasting resources")

(Edit: SN091)December 22, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily(禽畜业专家:对禽流感过度反应是浪费社会资源|禽流感|病毒|专家_新闻资讯


  ——— 禽畜业专家毕英佐

  南都讯 记者阳广霞 从今年4月份首次通报人感染H7N9流感病毒以来,中国已有逾140人陆续感染,家禽交易市场渐成关注焦点。



  毕英佐一直关注近期权威杂志对H7N9的研究。他从Science上近期发表的研究论文和中科院微生物研究所研究员高福的团队从人分离的病毒等研究中得出推断,病毒H A蛋白226位为天冬酰胺,而禽鸟相应位置为亮氨酸。“150多病毒发生同一变异,从亮氨酸突变成天冬酰胺的概率几乎为零!说明人、禽源病毒根本不是一个病毒,所谓从人、禽分离的毒株‘高度同源’本身就是错误的,只能说是相似。”毕英佐说。

  病毒耐冷 冰鲜鸡不是绝对安全




  为何近期广东频出H 7N 9感染病例呢?毕英佐推断,冬春季节是广东流感易发的季节,加上卫生、农业等各级部门检测力度大,能够及早发现病例。“这个跟气候有关。”

  什么人群易感、易发病死亡?毕英佐说,存在三个条件。首先,接触了大量的病毒。例如,印度尼西亚H 5N 1感染人数最多,那里天气潮湿适合病毒滋生,好吃生鸡鸭血,且家禽饲养以放养为主,病毒重组机会更大。其次,易感人群也具有遗传特质,有家族倾向,这是由基因决定。另外,免疫力低下、年长且患有基础病的人群更易感。



  毕英佐判定,H7N9流感聚集性、大面积暴发的可能性极低。他说,回想起2009年3月,由墨西哥、美国等地暴发的甲型H1N1流感在全世界210多个国家和地区流行,官方也呼吁储存达菲,一年半后世界卫生组织官方网站公布,H1N 1全球致死1.8万多人,“每年死于季节性流感的都超过20万人,H 1N 1比普通流感致死率低。但当时全世界到处都在量体温。”显然是过度反应。

  再看H 5N 1,2003年到2013十年间,全球感染人数约624人,死亡人数371人。毕英佐呼吁,不能过度反应,杯弓蛇影,造成人心恐慌,浪费大量社会资源,增加国家执政成本,且要关注达菲滥用所引发的抗药性问题。



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