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Investigation on violations of style construction of 96 in Chongqing, involving officials of 141 people

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/22 18:53:25 Browse times: 287 Comment times: 0

Investigation on violations of style construction of 96 in Chongqing, involving officials of 141 people(重庆查办违反作风建设问题96个,涉及官员141人)

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Investigation on violations of style construction of 96 involving officials of Chongqing Chongqing _ style of 141 people | | | news

Visit to the script window, investigate and deal with low efficiency problem; visit the grass roots, investigate and deal with problems for incompetence; visit consumer entertainment, thorough investigation of cadres ' problems ... ... Practice activities for promoting the education of the party's mass line, caught the crowd's disgust, reflected most acutely in Chongqing "four winds" issues a wind a wind check change, Suh JI through wind initiatives, in addition to unhealthy and treat evil, advocated fresh air, trees healthy atmosphere, jam breeding from your institutional mechanisms "the four winds" vulnerability, ensure that "four winds" issue does not rebound.

"These days, significantly reduced the consumption of entertainment and corporate party cadres. "Chongqing Wulong County Master Li Minghua, from Chongqing after wind Suh JI carried out special operations, changing local party members and cadres.

This year September, Chongqing in advance party of mass line education practice activities in the, to follow-up implementation Central eight items provides spirit and municipal implementation views for points, focused "four wind" highlight problem, started are wind Suh Yuki special action, focus governance violation political discipline, and luxury waste, and dacaodaban, and cards gambling, and life style, and beliefs missing, and which Office Festival exhibition, and education charges, and medical purchase and sale area rebate royalty, nine big problem, set in party and Government organs, and enterprises and members cadres pragmatic efficient, and A good image of the honest and upright, to the style of new achievements to win trust and support of the masses.

Chongqing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee Liu Xiaowen said, four star hotels and the city's 62 home in Chongqing, high-class entertainment and leisure centres for Dragnet saloon car, with or without money, eating and drinking, gambling, lend us an announcement to collect money at cards and other lifestyle behaviors. At present, the city has found out the correct money gifts, accept an invitation to dinner problem is 2,241; stop arrested for party members and cadres dacaodaban 164, check and return turn in illegally accepting gifts of more than 1 million dollars. City has investigated violations of the style issues 96, involving cadres of 141 people, informed of case 6, played with the delivery of, education results.

As requested by the central door rectification, Chongqing units too much paper work and meetings to attend to, duplication, waste, "sangong" Fund exceeding the "four winds" universal issues, carefully check the modified. Current city-wide meetings per cent decrease in the amount of 28.5%, file number 19%; 20.6% reduction in corporate hospitality, vehicle configuration fee 42.6%, 40% drop in costs incurred abroad or streamline revocation of the deliberation and coordination agencies 60% above, joint meeting of more. Current units have 3,865 to solve specific problems, a large number of investigation laid out "four winds" outstanding problems are gradually solved.

For some members cadres of wait-and-see mentality, and people worried of "wind", problem, Chongqing focused on built chapter State system, and long-term settlement "four wind" problem, as will into city level level system construction plans of system by 30 items increased to 43 items, has introduced has specification appraisals recognition, and check and return membership card, and corporate card reform, and specification cadres due to public abroad, and cleanup cadres Office with room, and members cadres political discipline "eight is strictly prohibited" and life style "12 no" provides, 12 items system, introduced further strengthened visits, and System auditing, supervision, and to promote the style of normalization of long-lasting clear requirements. Units in the city to seize sound regulatory frameworks, innovation processes, have established a system of rules on 1870, it focuses on breeding ground plug on the institutional mechanisms "the four winds" vulnerability. (Xinhua Zhu Wei)

(Original title: investigation on violations of style construction of Chongqing 96 involving cadres 141)

(Edit: SN091)December 22, 2013 Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision site(重庆查办违反作风建设问题96个 涉及官员141人|问题|作风|重庆_新闻资讯






  针对一些党员干部的观望心态、老百姓担心的“一阵风”等问题,重庆市注重建章立制、长效解决“四风”问题,如将纳入市级层面制度建设计划的制度由30项增加到43项,已出台了规范评比表彰、清退会员卡、公务卡改革、规范领导干部因公出国、清理领导干部办公用房、党员干部政治纪律“八严禁”和生活作风“十二不准”规定等12项制度,出台进一步加强巡视、审计、督查工作的相关制度,并对促进作风建设常态化长效化提出明确要求。全市各单位抓紧健全规章制度,创新工作流程,已建立制度规范1870项,着力从体制机制上堵塞滋生“四风”的漏洞。(记者 朱薇)



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