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Guangdong Shunde 3 years village officials name reported the Government owes rent over

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/22 18:52:09 Browse times: 276 Comment times: 0

Guangdong Shunde 3 years village officials name reported the Government owes rent over(广东顺德村官实名举报政府3年欠地租逾千万)

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Guangdong Shunde village officials dealing with reports that the Government owes rent over 3 years | | | land rent _ news

Southern rural News (reporter Mi Zhongwei) a few days ago, Foshan Shunde chencun TAM Chau village Committee Director qurujiang, Shunde area chencun town deputies, TAM Chau village Committee Director status, to report to the authorities dealing with these towns and the land reserve Center (hereinafter land reserve Center) shares Lake village cooperatives has been leased nearly three years in arrears, totaling more than 10 million Yuan. Previously, on July 29, 2013, TAM shares the village cooperatives chencun town, authorize the lawyer to land reserve development center has sent a lawyer's letter, which requests consultations dealing with arrears. In this regard, the land reserve development centres in towns and villages to respond to Chen, who do not pay rent because Lake Village did not deliver to their leased land, land expropriation has not cooperated with it.

Villagers were owed millions rent

In April 2010, TAM Chau Tsuen and land reserve Center tancun share cooperatives signed an agreement with RMB 12,000/acre/year price, lease shares in Tam Tam Chau village village cooperatives Freemason 389.5 acres of land west of, rentals 4.674 million Yuan. Qurujiang said: "after signing the contract, the land reserve Center gave 8 months ' rent, but didn't give any more since November 2010, that is now owed 13.64 million. "Tam shares the village cooperative unit for a total of 4,491, based on lost 3,037 dollars per share earnings. Now and the end of, the village will pay dividends, rent it out, but can't get the rent of land, villagers greatly.

  Village collective land resumption 358 million

Rent why not land reserve Center did not develop on land resumption? Anything from three years ago. April 28, 2010, the cooperative land reserve Center tancun shares a land acquisition agreement was signed: the land reserve Center for the price per acre $ 53,000 worth of, the collection of Freemason 731.68 acres of land on the East side of Lake Village, and more than 2000 Yuan/square meter prices buy 109.75 Lake Village Mu retained.

Chencun town land and urban construction, and Deputy Secretary of the Department of forest, Lake Village, huayang road-building project is a major project, the future will become a transport route linking Foshan and Dongping town. "Huayang road, West of 389.5 acres of land, very good location. Former tenants of the land lease has arrived, if TAM village, then rent it out, and to develop more trouble in the future, but also determination of tenancy, and compensation. "Lin, Deputy Director, said," (the land reserve Center) to rent land, project in the future when you can take out at once. "Lin, Deputy Director, and with that in mind, along with the land reserve Center was talking about land acquisition project, consultations with tancun huayang road, West of the rental program. Lease contract shows that land reserve Center in accordance with price of RMB 12,000/acre/year lease tancun 389.5 acres of land, rent 4.674 million Yuan. The contract, the land reserve Center on the land for investment, investment projects implemented, annual rental income not less than 12,000/acre/year under the prerequisite of land reserve Center to assist Lake Village signed a new lease agreement with investors. At the same time, Lake village town government 83.5 acres of land targets, and responsible for its procedures and pay taxes and fees, a total of 7.1225 million Yuan.

"This is a programme we support TAM village, so shareholders when requisitioned vote Congress also voted to adopt a lease program. "Deputy Director Lin says," compensation for land has in place, after the April rent, 8 months rent for that year into the village. "On December 20 this year, Lin told the southern countryside newspaper reporter, Deputy Director, compensation for land expropriation, to acquisition, retention, compensation, land rent, and athletes attached to material compensation, and collective benefit, these costs add up, the Government paid more than 320 million Yuan for the village. At the same time, huayang road construction project requires a 177.9 acres, land totalling more than 60 million. Qurujiang admitted that village collective land requisition compensation were received 358 million Yuan.

  Only successful 177.9 acres

Then, is imposed by the land reserve Center worked only 177.9 acres of the land. Deputy Director, said Lin, because TAM shares the village cooperatives did not work with the land, there is no delivery of leased land to the land reserve Center, so that starting from 2011, the land reserve Center tancun shares no longer cooperatives to pay rent.

Forest view, Deputy Director, land acquisition and land lease is a "catch-all" programme, land acquisition, land lease. "We have all been given to the village of land requisition, village had split the money, but they collect money not to help us handle the requisition procedures, we rented, nor do they pay us, so we no longer had to rent. "The land reserve Center Director Mak said:" the Freemason is focused on engineering, cannot fail to land, so we take money out of yourself again, go see a consultation, now back under construction. "Two compensation equivalent to the Government, receiving 177.9 acres, equivalent to the land area of only 19.55%. Lam Deputy Director believes that this is the case, associated with the village Committee election. "By signing this agreement, they had a general election the village. After the election the new villagers ' Committee did not recognize the land acquisition agreements, nor does it support we rented. "Qurujiang said, after leasing land in the land reserve Center,, fails to give notice of the resumption, did not send someone to land, so the original tenants to use the land.

Forest view, Deputy Director, land reserve Center rental Lake village land, it should be resolved by tancun relationship between lessor and lessee, empty land and handed over to the land reserve Center. "We always hope they will facilitate the complete expropriation proceedings, our spirit will continue to carry out the agreement, they can also be a business. This is the best solution. "

(Edit: SN091)December 21, 2013 Southern rural news(广东顺德村官实名举报政府3年欠地租逾千万|土地|村官|地租_新闻资讯

  南方农村报讯(记者 米中威) 日前,佛山市顺德区陈村镇潭洲村村委会主任区汝江,以顺德区陈村镇人大代表、潭洲村村委会主任的身份,向有关部门实名举报陈村镇土地储备发展中心(下文称土地储备中心)拖欠潭村股份合作社地租近三年,总金额超过1000万元。此前,2013年7月29日,潭村股份合作社授权委托律师所向陈村镇土地储备发展中心发送了一封律师函,要求其尽快协商处理欠款事宜。对此,陈村镇土地储备发展中心回应,之所以不支付租金,是因为潭村没有向其交付所租土地,也没有配合其进行土地征收工作。












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