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Fujian-smashing the mega-Drug dens, pay the ice 350 kg

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/22 18:51:55 Browse times: 254 Comment times: 0

Fujian-smashing the mega-Drug dens, pay the ice 350 kg(福建捣毁特大制贩毒窝点,缴冰毒350公斤)

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Fujian paid Drug dens of smashing the mega-ice 350 kg | | | drug methamphetamine _ in Fujian news

Zhangzhou, China News Service, December 21 (Xinhua Zhang Yu) 21st in Zhangzhou city, Fujian Province Public Security Bureau revealed that recent police detachment of the armed police corps in Zhangzhou city, Fujian province, Zhangzhou's work, Fujian Nanjing County Mei Kui town shop successfully destroyed a large drug gang hideout, meth seized finished 350 kg, 800 kg of semi-finished products, chop 5, captured drug gang member of the Ministry of public security, supervision of 6.

This is the rare drug trafficking cases in China in recent years. Police said the gang across the province secretly trafficked drugs for several years, recently "submerged" into Fujian, hiding in the mountains of secrets in drug trafficking activities.

Zhangzhou, according to the police, drug manufacturing plant is the leader of Zhangzhou, Nanjing native, other members are mostly out-of-towners. Their village is a hidden shop more remote mountain villages, more than 50 kilometers from Nanjing County, meandering walk one hour to get to the mountain road.

19th morning, investigators close to drug dens for early detection. Outside the dens are only ordinary houses, part with possession of drug manufacturing equipment and materials, another part of the area is the drug of life area.

After the investigation found that drug manufacturing plant in no one, suspects most of them sleep in a home invasion. Police and paramilitary troops quickly "anti-drug" nets, 5 men and 1 woman were arrested 6 suspects and seized meth finished 350 kg, 800 kg of semi-finished products, chop 5.

Investigators told news agency reporters, due to the manufacturing process will give off a very pungent smell, factory location, neighbors were relatively small, but in a village next to the traffic and passers-by are more suspect for diversion, resting during the day, evening cooking again.

At present, the police carry out further investigations on this case. (End text)

(Original title: Fujian paid Drug dens of smashing the mega-ice 350 kg)

(Edit: SN095)December 21, 2013 China News Network(福建捣毁特大制贩毒窝点 缴冰毒350公斤|福建|贩毒|冰毒_新闻资讯

  中新社漳州12月21日电 (记者 张羽)福建省漳州市公安局21日披露,近日漳州警方联合武警福建总队漳州市支队协同作战,在福建南靖县奎洋镇店美村成功捣毁一个特大制贩毒团伙窝点,缴获冰毒成品350公斤、半成品800公斤、赃车5部,抓获公安部督办的制贩毒团伙成员6名。







(原标题:福建捣毁特大制贩毒窝点 缴冰毒350公斤)


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