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China’s visiting wineries to the crash, three renzhuang primary have been plane crashes

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/22 18:50:44 Browse times: 312 Comment times: 0

China’s visiting wineries to the crash, three renzhuang primary have been plane crashes(中国富豪巡视酒庄坠机,三任庄主均遭飞机失事)

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Visiting wineries crash three renzhuang wealthy Chinese have been a plane crash | France | | helicopters _ wealthy Chinese news

S. Residents of Hong Kong and the Mainland businessman Yunnan Bai Hao Lin, President of the group the day before yesterday in France after you buy a chateau, departing by helicopter when the crash, he and his 12 year old son disappeared, picked up a dead body at the scene. Wife and brilliant group chairman Liu Xiangyun at the last minute, "afraid of helicopters" and there were not, survived. At present, the French were still in the overnight search and rescue.????As it happens, the winery also suffered last renzhuang plane crash. Chateau sign just before the crash

It is reported that the crashed the same day (December 20) morning, Hao Lin on behalf of the brilliant group in France, Bordeaux finished enter local rivers Winery purchased agreement, followed by celebration and press conference were held.

River Winery is France Bordeaux a prestigious wineries and attractions, winery history dating back to the 8th century AD. Castle of 65 hectares of the great river, winery officials said 53 of its vineyards, is the largest Winery in Fronsac region, leisure park has room for visitors. Winery owned and managed since 2003 by zhanmusi·geleigeli.

It is reported that the river Winery's sale price was approximately EUR 30 million, is now a country where acquired Bordeaux Chateau transaction amount.

  His wife who "feared helicopter" Dodge bullet

Agence France-Presse photographer participated in the press conference, memories, Hao Lin briefed the media on the day after the takeover, its corporate team and the winery owner dined with zhanmusi·geleigeli and others.

To celebrate the success of this transaction, zhanmusi·geleigeli proposes to let China's helicopter Manor at night, while he is the pilot of this flight.

46 year old Hao Lin and 12-year old son of boarding and brilliant group chairman Liu Xiangyun at the last minute, his wife said, "afraid of helicopters" and there were not.

An AFP photographer on the scene, he is said to have seen zhanmusi·geleigeli patiently checking, do all pre-flight preparation, confirmed the invitation had been left up to the door. Helicopters from zhanmusi·geleigeli drive, except for Hao Lin and his son, there was also a translator Wang Peng, is brilliant, the new group in France represents.

20 minutes after takeoff, because he didn't see the helicopter back, firefighters calls Winery employees call the police. Initially the police were unable to locate the plane's location. Then around one witness claimed that a helicopter fell on the phone in the Dordogne. Local Government sent helicopters, rubber boats, the divers and about 100 personnel on the scene searching. Until late at night, rescue workers found helicopter wreckage in the crashed on the Dordogne, and picked up a corpse, but the remaining 3 were not found. Search and rescue work was suspended and it was dark. Local time on the 21st morning search and rescue continues.

  Renzhuang suffered the third crash

It is reported that, in 2002, the former Zhuang Zhujie en·lepulunsi wineries around the Castle after the assignment is complete, who died in the plane crash. If a plane's master zhanmusi·geleigeli and Hao Lin, then three consecutive renzhuang River Manor touched plane crash.

According to local media reports, the brilliant group has been established by the year 2014 to enter new goals for the development of the wine industry, at least in the talks began six months ago to buy a well-known winery in Bordeaux River Winery; but also built large wine cellar in yangzonghai Lake.

Friday's incident, River Castle byoo told a news conference, Chief Executive Officer, brilliant group apart from the Dahe Castle wine business will continue to operate, and are prepared to turn the castle into a high-end tea tasting Center and Winery near the hotel.

Text/reporter Wu Lin-Lin

  Hao Lin's wife


  Create brilliant group

Brilliant group, founded in 1995 by Liu Xiangyun, base in Kunming, Yunnan province, engaged in real estate development, tourism, Department stores, hotels and Puer tea, and other items. Brilliant brilliant group square familiar to persons of Kunming, are also involved in development of ancient town of heshun in tengchong.

Brilliant Group International has been very low-key, Hao Lin, Chairman Liu Xiangyun and rarely accept media interviews. Yesterday, the Beijing Youth daily reporter got in touch with a brilliant group of employees, he told reporters: "there are on vacation, did not know this", "group of very low key, not on this matter an interview".

Hao Lin and Liu Xiangyun 2010 interview, Hao Lin had said, "we are on the whole are a married couple, must be very, very tacit cooperation, otherwise people will be confused, no way to do things." For two people in a brilliant group of Division of labour, Hao Lin says, "General Liu is primarily responsible for foreign media; I was more responsible for the company's management, operations and specifications, including financial. "Liu Xiangyun joked that" his money, I don't care. I have no concept of digital, but I'm going to make money. " Text/reporter Wu Lin-Lin

  Locate Hao Lin Hao Lin son remains has confirmed France and others mobile phones

As reporters press time last night, search and rescue personnel from the helicopter wreckage in the crashed on the Dordogne's body was identified for Hao Lin's son. Hao Lin, his translation Wang Peng and estate owners zhanmusi·geleigeli no messages.

Yesterday, North of green news reporters call a brilliant group of Yunnan province's switchboard, cause may be due to a rest day, phone no one through.

As far as the Chuncheng evening news reported, Hao Lin family in Yunnan province who was yesterday departed from Chengdu France dealing with the aftermath.

It is understood that the French side headed by a Vice Governor at the accident scene directing rescue work. Due to helicopter into the Dordogne River flows very fast, it brings to the search and rescue work had an impact. But the police have for Hao Lin, zhanmusi·geleigeli and other people's mobile phone that has helped define the search.

Happened that night, the Embassy Minister Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in France, rates the Group urgently rode the train for about three hours, in France 21st morning local time (Saturday), rushed to the accident scene Bordeaux.

According to media reports, Hao Lin and his son are residents of Hong Kong, China. China yesterday said it had received the Hong Kong Immigration Department for help, and was informed that the families of the Embassy and get in touch.

Text/reporter Wu Lin-Lin

  Press the memory


  Chinese took over a month France Bordeaux Chateau

The last five years, China's rich and squeezing businesses large to France acquisition of various types of wine. In Bordeaux, at least 50 vineyards taken over by China's capital, is essentially a speed per month. Although many French against China's capital to purchase wine estate, but the hospitality of its people is made extremely difficult trading Winery TT.

At present, the Chinese to buy some wineries have become stranded assets. This is mainly because it was selling out completely is cheap. Prices, Bordeaux Winery price range is great, and if the vineyard, at a lower price, cheapest from 100,000 euro/HA went on sale. In General, the purchase price is not high, but the need to consider many factors, or it may be losing money black hole. Standard equipment, Brewer, climate, geography, weather, and so must be taken into account. In addition, newly planted vines, the first three years were able to BREW, 3-20 years vine quality only in 20-60 years old vines, wine made to achieve optimal quality.

Once China's richest pay a winery, but does not take into account the winery the drain problem and the result the same price as the original purchase price refurbished drainage facilities. Chinese estates management oversight, resulting in vines infected with pests and crops all year round, not to mention the money. Typically, if a winery 10 million euros, operating enterprises tend to at least 10 million euros.

In addition, sales of red wine is also a challenge. Many Chateaux Regal or the company, just see the red wine boom in China, wanted to acquire a foreign brand just post a sold and profiteering. Acquired wineries but found that while the cost of wine is cheap, but product sales to China has become a problem. Text/reporter Fan Hui cartographic/Julin

  Latest developments: informed the French side: could not find France Bretagne crash on missing persons

(Edit: SN091)December 22, 2013 Beijing Youth daily(中国富豪巡视酒庄坠机 三任庄主均遭飞机失事|法国|直升机|中国富豪_新闻资讯

  世事无常。香港居民兼内地富商云南柏联集团总裁郝琳前日在法国买入一个酒庄后,搭直升机巡视时坠机,他和12岁儿子失踪,现场捞起一具尸体。妻子兼柏联集团董事长刘湘云在最后关头表示“害怕直升机”而没有随行,幸免于难。目前,法方仍在连夜搜救之中。巧的是,该酒庄上一任庄主也曾遭遇飞机失事。 坠机前刚刚签约酒庄














  文/本报记者 吴琳琳






  刘湘云和郝琳在2010年接受媒体采访时,郝琳曾表示,“我们总体上来说就是一个夫妻档,一定要很好、很默契地配合,否则下面的人会无所适从,没办法做事”。对于两个人在柏联集团的分工,郝琳说:“刘总主要负责对外媒体宣传;我更多的是负责对公司的管理、运作和规范上,包括财务。”刘湘云则笑称,“他管钱,我不管钱。我对数字没概念,但我会赚钱”。文/本报记者 吴琳琳

  郝琳儿子遗体已确认 法方定位郝琳等人手机







  文/本报记者 吴琳琳







  除了生产,销售红酒也是一个挑战。许多购买酒庄的富豪或者公司,当时只是看到国内红酒热潮兴起,就想着收购一个洋品牌随便贴个标销往国内,牟取暴利。但是收购了酒庄后发现,虽然红酒的成本很便宜,但产品到了中国销售却成了问题。文/本报记者 范辉 制图/巨琳



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