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Nanjing, Nanjing municipal party Committee held the young Jiang Zemin and learning Symposium

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Nanjing, Nanjing municipal party Committee held the young Jiang Zemin and learning Symposium(南京市委举行《青年江泽民与南京》学习座谈会)

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Nanjing municipal party Committee held a symposium on youth of Jiang Ze-min and the Nanjing youth | | | seminars _ Jiang Zemin's news

  The youth of Jiang Ze-min and the Nanjing Symposium held

Luo zhijun water dissolved last attended the Forum and delivered a speech

Gu Leiming

Reporter (reporter Gu Leiming) the revolutionary passion for youth-young Jiang Zemin and the official publication of the book of Nanjing on December 17. CPC Nanjing municipal Committee yesterday held a symposium on the book learning, water dissolved, Luo zhijun, Secretary of provincial party Committee of Central Party literature Research Center Director attended the Forum and delivered a speech.

April to September 1943, youth in Nanjing, Chinese President Jiang Zemin spent more than two years of college life. Under the leadership of the party, he was with a group of progressive students, took part in the revolt Japan qingdu opium poisoning campaign, and on the road to revolution. For real recorded this paragraph history, education descendants, by Communists Nanjing municipal agreed, Nanjing municipal history work Office edit has revolution youth filled with blood--youth Jiang and Nanjing under a book, to overview plus memories of forms, narrative has Jiang gay youth times go travel Nanjing, and is committed to pursuit truth, and participate in patriotic movement, and took to the revolution road of course, vivid interpretation has Jiang gay of personality charm, and innocence and revolution feelings. The book is published by the Central literature Publishing House.

Luo zhijun said, 70 years ago, the increasing age of turbulence in the national disaster, youth and the progress students risk their lives, patriotic movement, is a firm ideal and conviction. The revolutionary passion for youth-youth of Jiang Zemin and Nanjing publishing, we conduct ideal and belief education offered vivid teaching material. Young Jiang Zemin's revolutionary experience and progress of students in Nanjing, is and important chapter on the history of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, is to inspire people to forge ahead on new journey across the province's valuable spiritual wealth. Now, Jiangsu Province and conducting a thorough implementation of the party's 18 and 18 and the third plenary session of second, XI series spirit of the important speech, General Secretary, plotted and actively promoting the new round of reform to comprehensively deepen reform, promote "eight projects" to achieve greater effectiveness, Jiangsu, strive to create a "double top" new ground, to excellent results to write good dream of China's Jiangsu chapter. We to to revolution youth filled with blood--youth Jiang and Nanjing under a book of published release for opportunity, further enhanced aggressive consciousness, and opportunities consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, firm advance Central full deepening reform decision-making deployment in Jiangsu of follow-up implementation, continues to keep economic social development good momentum, solid carried out party of mass line education practice activities, in to XI gay for General Secretary of Central strong led Xia, efforts put Jiangsu of tomorrow construction have more better.

Water dissolved in speaks in the said, revolution youth filled with blood--youth Jiang and Nanjing under this this book, full reflect has Jiang gay in Nanjing learning and life of this paragraph experience on he revolution career produces of important effects, full reflect has youth Jiang pursuit truth, and fear sacrifice, and brave wit, and full vitality of revolution spirit, full reflect has Jiang gay and year together fighting had of revolution comrades, and students Zhijian of deep friendship, full reflect has Jiang gay that generation Communists firm of ideal faith, and Unlimited loyalty to the party and the people's lofty realm. After comrade Jiang Zemin from Nanjing on a revolutionary journey and commitment to fight for the cause of the party and the people, the establishment of a remarkable feats. Achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the cause of generation after generation of Chinese Communists continued the struggle. We want to take over the baton of history, more closely rally around comrade XI Jinping as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, seeking unity of thinking, pull together to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream.

Yang weize, Secretary of CPC, Nanjing municipal Committee chaired the seminar and introduced a book compiled by, provincial Committee, Director of publicity Wang yanwen attended the Forum, Hong Yinxing, Secretary of Nanjing University also delivered a speech at the Symposium. Nanjing University, Nanjing Jinling library, library, middle school, provincial anti-drug exhibition hall, China Southern Airlines 5 units receive a free autographed book by Comrade Jiang Zemin.

Provincial and municipal stakeholders responsible comrades, and part of that year's old comrades who fought together with comrade Jiang Zemin's representatives and their relatives to participate in the Forum.

(Edit: SN094)December 18, 2013 Yangtse evening post(南京市委举行《青年江泽民与南京》学习座谈会|青年|江泽民|座谈会_新闻资讯




  本报讯(记者 顾雷鸣) 《革命青年 满腔热血——青年江泽民与南京》一书12月17日正式出版发行。中共南京市委昨天举行该书学习座谈会,省委书记罗志军、中央文献研究室主任冷溶出席座谈会并讲话。

  1943年9月到1945年12月,青年江泽民在南京度过了两年多的大学生活。在党的领导下,他和一批进步学生一起,参加了反抗日本鸦片毒害的清毒运动,由此走上革命道路。为真实记载这段历史,教育后人,经中共南京市委同意,南京市委党史工作办公室编辑了《革命青年 满腔热血——青年江泽民与南京》一书,以概述加回忆的形式,记叙了江泽民同志青年时期负笈游学南京、矢志追求真理、参加爱国运动、走上革命道路的历程,生动诠释了江泽民同志的人格魅力、赤子之心和革命情怀。该书由中央文献出版社出版。

  罗志军在讲话中说,在70年前那个民族灾难日益加剧的动荡年代,青年江泽民和进步同学,之所以甘冒生命危险,开展爱国运动,靠的就是坚定的理想信念。《革命青年 满腔热血——青年江泽民与南京》一书的出版,为我们开展理想信念教育提供了生动教材。青年江泽民和进步同学在南京的革命经历,是江苏和南京党史上的重要篇章,是激励全省人民在新的征程上奋勇前行的宝贵精神财富。现在,江苏全省上下正深入贯彻落实党的十八大、十八届二中、三中全会和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,积极谋划和推动江苏新一轮改革,以全面深化改革推动“八项工程”取得更大成效,努力开创江苏“两个率先”新局面,以过硬成果谱写好中国梦的江苏篇章。我们要以《革命青年 满腔热血——青年江泽民与南京》一书的出版发行为契机,进一步增强进取意识、机遇意识、责任意识,坚定不移推进中央全面深化改革决策部署在江苏的贯彻落实,继续保持经济社会发展良好势头,扎实开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央坚强领导下,努力把江苏的明天建设得更加美好。

  冷溶在讲话中说,《革命青年 满腔热血——青年江泽民与南京》这本书,充分反映了江泽民同志在南京学习和生活的这段经历对他革命生涯产生的重要影响,充分反映了青年江泽民追求真理、不怕牺牲、勇敢机智、充满活力的革命精神,充分反映了江泽民同志与当年一起战斗过的革命战友、同学之间的深厚情谊,充分反映了江泽民同志那一代共产党人坚定的理想信念、对党和人民的事业无限忠诚的崇高境界。江泽民同志从南京踏上革命征程后,就矢志不渝地为党和人民的事业奋斗,建立了卓越功勋。实现中华民族伟大复兴,是一代又一代中国共产党人接续奋斗的事业。我们要接过历史的接力棒,更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央周围,统一思想,凝聚力量,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。




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