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Mao’s granddaughter Kong Dongmei told family traditions

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/18 9:55:59 Browse times: 314 Comment times: 0

Mao’s granddaughter Kong Dongmei told family traditions(毛泽东外孙女孔东梅讲述家风)

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Mao's granddaughter Kong Dongmei told trait | | granddaughter | tradition of Mao Zedong _ news

The morning of December 17, "commemorate the 120 anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong's exhibition" at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Mao's daughter Li min be fore, granddaughter Kong Dongmei and her daughter has been invited to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the Exhibition Center opened in the Chinese national anthem in unison at the opening ceremony. Mao Zedong is the founder of new China, December 26 this year is the 120 anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong. Today's opening ceremony, Mao's daughter Li min be fore, granddaughter Kong Dongmei and her daughter were invited to attend, as the great man's offspring, they have also become the focus of the scene.

The opening ceremony had just ended, be fore is surrounded by Hong Kong people came to the ceremony was so many people took out cameras, scrambled to take pictures.

Granddaughter Kong Dongmei has a striking resemblance to Mao Ze-Dong's face has a mole on his chin, a smile can faintly see a frown grandfather Mao Zedong "countenance". Fore told reporters that although Grandpa has been dead for many years, but the family get together every year, honour the memory of Mao Zedong.

Mao's granddaughter Kong Dongmei: of course, Grandpa, go for 37 years, but we felt as if he had never been through, will always be in our hearts, so our family every year to special days are coming together, to honour the memory of the old.

Apart from the introduction of Mao Zedong as the deeds of great men that day in addition to demonstrated his family life. In the eyes of this granddaughter Kong Dongmei, Mao Zedong was just an ordinary person. She wishes the family life of Mao show, let the people of Hong Kong understand Mao Zedong's people's side.

Mao Ze-Dong's granddaughter Kong Dongmei: because I think Grandpa he is a people, is a General of people, he has themselves of family, he also has themselves of family, as a political great, a strategist, a leader, he also has very humanity of side, so I hopes does, is Hong Kong people can to this exhibition, see he is how show he of this family of side.

Kong Dongmei says family embodiment of traditional Chinese culture by Mao Zedong, leader of the family's unique flavor and style. More than 30 years ago, the attention of Mao Ze-Dong's family may be out of the cult of the leader and the curious, today people are more with a common heart, hope from Mao Ze-Dong and his family, and choose a life of inspiration and reference.

Mao's granddaughter Kong Dongmei: because my family philosophy, Chinese people know that Chairman Mao to teach her children to be very hard work, always with the masses, with people, so my mother grew up and she teaches us to be with people mingle around, that do not stand out, very low-key, is learning to advance, but above you wish to keep a low profile.

Kong Dongmei, Mao's heirs have been public concern, most of the time they are surrounded by great offspring of "tag". In this regard, Kong Dongmei told reporters, as a 70hou, in fact, her life is ordinary, using about the same amount.

Mao's granddaughter Kong Dongmei: I am 70 a stranger, so it would be like everybody else, I don't know, living, learning, as any other, what I can do and what we can do.

According to hosted party introduced, this of exhibition is Hong Kong first a Mao Ze-Dong's personal theme exhibition, exhibition total points 8 most, by 500 Zhang precious history pictures and related physical heritage composed, seeks to from thought, and political, and military, and philosophy, and calligraphy, multifaceted to Hong Kong audience show Mao Ze-Dong's not ordinary of life, Bing special established Mao Ze-Dong's and Hong Kong, Macao and column, introduced has Mao Ze-Dong's on Hong Kong made of some decision-making. Exhibitions attract many people attending the event.

(Edit: SN095)December 18, 2013 China News Network(毛泽东外孙女孔东梅讲述家风|毛泽东|外孙女|家风_新闻资讯














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