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Jiangxi 73 year old woman who was diagnosed with H10N8 type a bird flu death

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/18 9:55:25 Browse times: 259 Comment times: 0

Jiangxi 73 year old woman who was diagnosed with H10N8 type a bird flu death(江西73岁女子罹患H10N8甲型禽流感死亡)

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73 year old woman suffering from H10N8 of Jiangxi | avian influenza avian influenza deaths | old | H10N8_ news

"Found in Jiangxi, H10N8 case of human infection cases of bird flu patients have died," Jiangxi provincial Department of Health confirmed on 18th, recently, Nanchang, Jiangxi province, a 73 year old woman suffering from H10N8 avian influenza, December 6 due to respiratory failure, shock and death. Expert analysis, preliminary consideration to this case is the case, lead to human infection and the risk of transmission of the virus.

(Edit: SN089)December 18, 2013 Xinhua News Agency(江西73岁女子罹患H10N8甲型禽流感死亡|禽流感病例|老人|H10N8_新闻资讯

  【江西发现一例人感染H10N8禽流感病例 患者已死亡】江西省卫生厅18日证实,近日,江西省南昌市一名73岁女子罹患H10N8甲型禽流感,12月6日因呼吸衰竭、休克死亡。专家分析认为,初步考虑该病例为个案,病毒导致人感染和传播的风险低。


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