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Fraud investigation data five deadly sins of Beijing, with a focus on checking image project

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/18 9:51:18 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

Fraud investigation data five deadly sins of Beijing, with a focus on checking image project(北京严查数据作假五宗罪,重点检查形象工程)

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Fraud investigation data five deadly sins of Beijing focused on checking image | image | false | Beijing _ news

The Beijing News (Xinhua Jiang Yanxin) Act of false data exaggerated results, data injection, Beijing will be severely punished. Yesterday, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of statistics, the national statistical office survey published in Beijing on to manufacture fake fake numbers leave typical misrepresentation of work performance issues notice of the rectification work arrangements down 5 misrepresentation Act.

Key check "image projects"

According to reports, the regulation of the "image projects", "prestige projects" manufacturing of counterfeit, fake numbers in typical, make false claims, false performance problems, covering the city's Party Committee, Government, the NPC and the CPPCC organs, the city's Government departments, trial and procuratorial organs at all levels and democratic parties, federations of industry and people's organizations.

Earlier, the national statistical offices who have multiple-exposure data fraud case. Occurs before the sum is always greater than GDP figures released by the national statistical office, data fraud is also an important factor.

  Public oversight report

Special regulation in the, main investigated 5 species acts, including: themselves modified statistics information, and fabricated false statistics data of; requires statistics institutions, and statistics personnel or other institutions, and personnel forged, and tampered with statistics information of; knows statistics data not real, not fulfil duties for investigation verified of; in pushed u and the economic social development performance evaluation in the trickery of; cover work errors or errors, false work performance of.

Since this will be the focus in 2012 manufacture fake, bogus numbers, typical performance, make false claims Act. Checking and correcting themselves, management and priorities identified in the verification for violation of laws or disciplines, dating back to the year accordingly.

Citizens can call the city discipline inspection bodies by phone. Special hotlines (010-83547606) report-mail (

(Original title: fraud investigation data five deadly sins of Beijing)

(Edit: SN098)December 18, 2013 The Beijing News(北京严查数据作假五宗罪 重点检查形象工程|北京|形象工程|造假_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者蒋彦鑫)虚报数据夸大成绩、给数据注水等行为,北京将严肃查处。昨日,北京市统计局、国家统计局北京调查总队印发《关于对制造假情况假数字假典型虚报工作业绩问题进行专项整治的工作安排》通知,查处5种虚报行为。










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