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Yangtze River shipwreck 65 year old rescued red beauty transferred out of intensive care

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2015/6/9 6:44:19 Browse times: 183 Comment times: 0

Yangtze River shipwreck 65 year old rescued red beauty transferred out of intensive care

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Yangtze River shipwreck 65 year old rescued red beauty out of intensive care | | Oriental star _ the wreck of the Yangtze River news

Xinhuanet, Wuhan, June 8 (reporters Li Changzheng and and Wang Wei)-8th from Hubei provincial health Commission was informed that, in the "Orient Star" Ferry capsized were rescued in the event of people aged 65 years red beauty, in Jianli County people's Hospital intensive care ward after medical experts and medical personnel after careful treatment, have been transferred to the general ward for treatment.

2nd vermilion beauty at 14 o'clock was sent to the hospital, drowning for a long time, and a low body temperature, tension and lung infection symptoms such as, income of ICU intensive care treatment. National medical expert group immediately for their condition, and Hubei Province, has made a careful and detailed treatment plan.

To try to reduce the suffering of the elderly, in intensive treatment, nurse Morohira Wenjun in charge in addition to the normal care, also for washing your hair, clean the body. "The old man was so much harder, we can help point is a point, tired it's okay. "Wenjun said.

6-day and night, and care for the elderly has brought great psychological comfort, learned he will be transferred to the general ward, the old man raised Ping Wenjun considered "daughter". June 7, 1:30 P.M., vermilion transferred to the general ward treatment. Ping Wenjun said the future will continue to care for the elderly.

According to reports, Zhu Hongmei treatment for the elderly will be transferred to the soothing, drug therapy as a supplement to the new stage, strive to get discharged.


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