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Author response to industrial backwardness Germany centuries

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Author response to industrial backwardness Germany centuries

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Author response to industrial backwardness Germany centuries: incomplete | _ industries in China News

People's daily Beijing, June 8 (Zhao Zhuqing) the morning of June 6, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Center for modernization research published the China's modernization report 2015. According to the report, 2010 economic industries in China than in Germany and the United Kingdom approximately more than 100 years behind, Japan about more than 60 years behind. The news got out, has caused heated discussion on the Internet, some people wonder how this result is out. To this end, the reporter to interview the report mainly people of China Center for modernization research, CAs, Director of strategic research group He Chuanqi, head of China's modernization. Following is the interview record:

  People's daily online technology: you lead the China modernization report compiled by 2015 after media reports sparked great controversy. How do you see the Netizen controversy?

He Chuanqi: the China modernization report 2015 is our 14th report, study on the subject of industrial modernization, full text of more than 800,000 Chinese characters. During the discussion of the development level of industrial modernization in China and international gap, we had four jobs.

(1) the overall level of industrial modernization in China. Industrial elementary 2010 China belongs to the developed countries, in the middle position of the developing countries, in which China's industrial modernization is ranked 57th in the world for the first time, the second index of industrial modernization 52nd in the world, the composite index of industrial modernization 59th in the world.

(2) industrial indexes of China's level of development. 2010 Chinese industrial production, industrial economics, industrial environmental and industrial factors four 88 indicators, indicators have reached the level of industrial development of 3.4%, 19.3% indicators for the level of moderately developed, 67% index for the elementary and advanced levels, 10.2% index for less developed level.

(3) the international gap of Chinese industrial indexes. Analyzes four 55 indicators of industry, China 2010 international gap, of which 7 relative gap is more than 5 times, 10 relative gap more than twice times, other gaps smaller.

(4) compared with the typical country industries in China. 2010 is analyzed 10 of China's industrial production and industrial indices and 14 countries the age difference, different indicators of age difference is different. If labour productivity by industry, industrial value added ratio and the proportion of the industrial labour force of three industrial index age on average in 2010, "industrial level" than Germany United Kingdom France approximately more than 100 years behind.

  Media coverage of "Chinese industry Germany 100 years", not a complete and accurate representation.

Full and accurate of expressed for: 2010 China industrial modern level for world elementary developed level, in developing countries of middle location; China industrial development not balance, different industrial index of development level and international gap has compared big of difference; if by industrial productivity, and industrial increased value proportion and industrial labor proportion three a index of era poor of arithmetic average calculation, 2010 China industrial economic level than Germany and United Kingdom, about behind 100 years.

  People's daily Tech: the "100 years" How is calculated?

He Chuanqi: calculation method is to first look at the 2010 China's industrial index which was similar with the developed countries, calculates the indexes of the international time difference; the three indicators of age difference is a simple arithmetic average, calculated the average age difference of three parameters.

Worth noting is that different levels of indicators and gaps are different; if using a China high level indicators, calculated the age difference will be small; if you use low level indicator, calculated the age difference will be larger.

Therefore, the international gap of Chinese industrial economy, be clear about which indicators are the gap, or easy to misunderstand.

People's daily online technology: can you interpret the meaning of the results? The results and people intuitively feel the industry be any different? Germany railway company is considering the purchase of trains and accessories from China, and "100 years behind" to human visual perception is not the same.

He Chuanqi: perception about global and local, and sometimes inconsistent. Is often part of the intuitive, understanding the need for statistical analysis and comparison. Our country has both high-tech and also have low technology have advanced technology in the world, there are tracking technology of imitation. High speed rail technology is a success story of China's absorbing and re-innovation, more such success stories, the better. At present, China's industrial development is not balanced, the existing regional imbalances, there are indicators of industry and uneven, the international gap of Chinese industrial macro-economic indicators. For example, the 2010 China's industrial productivity is about United States 1/9, manufacturing productivity for United States 1/8, manufacturing exports per capita value of Germany's 1/11.

  People's daily online technology: this "bad" results of what significance to China's industrial development?

He Chuanqi: international gap analysis is a commonly used method of international comparative research. Its results, providing an international reference for policy analysis. Is when you do policy analysis, need to find out the starting point and the destination, and then seek a reasonable path and countermeasures, the international gap analysis can provide information about a "starting point" for information.

  People's daily online technology: the China modernization report 2015 the overall study contains what its background and significance of the birth of what is it?

He Chuanqi: the China modernization report 2015 consists of three main parts. First, quantitative analysis of facts and prospects of industrial modernization in the world during the 1700-2,100 period, finished 1970-2010 quantitative evaluation of industrial modernization in 131 countries around the world, using data from the World Bank's world development indicators database. Second, briefly discuss the main points of study of industrial modernization, described the basic principles of industrial modernization. Third, a rational analysis of facts and prospects of industrial modernization in China, proposed road map for the next 30 years China's industrial modernization and three major agendas, it is the focus of reports.

We know that after China's industrial modernization is a catch-up modernization, we are faced with the challenges experienced by first nation, he is faced with the new economy and international competition. In 2013, Germany the industry 4.0 strategic plan proposed by the Government, and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing sector. In May 2015, 2025 China's State Council issued the made in China, proposed the "manufactured powerhouse strategies" of the programme of action.

According to the international standard industrial classification, industries is the second industry, including mining, manufacturing, construction and utilities; manufacturing is part of the industry. So, the overall development of China's industries, what should I do? We from a modern perspective, proposed a "roadmap of China's industrial modernization" as a suggestion.

It of basic thought is: in accordance with integrated industrial modern principle, adopted two times industrial modern of essence, avoid two times industrial modern of errors; insisted "quality priority, and innovation drive, and environment friendly" three a principles, implementation "China quality ten years agenda, and industrial innovation agenda, and green industrial agenda" three a agenda, focus advance industrial quality, and industrial structure and industrial environment of modern; accelerated from traditional industrial to modern industrial and wisdom industrial of transformation, catching up industrial modern of future advanced level, construction " Industrial quality power, industrial innovation powerhouse, green manufactured powerhouse, the world's leading industrial powers ".

  People's daily online technology: can you give us more details about the three agenda?

He Chuanqi: OK. First is the China quality ten-year agenda.

At present, the Chinese industry and total manufacturing value added had been ranked first in the world, but quality indexes many industries in China is located in the middle and lower reaches of the world, for example, many of Chinese industrial products exported are low-end products, part of the project and the low quality of service, productivity and manufacturing industries in China ranked 50th in the world around. The next 10 years, improving the quality of industrial, industrial modernization, China should be the first priority should be on the primacy of economic work.

Industrial powers cannot be built on the stall, there must be a higher level of quality assurance. Recommends full implementation of State Councils of the quality programme for the development, formulation and implementation of the China quality ten-year agenda. To a 10-year period (2015-2025), industrial micro quality reaches the 2010 World advanced level in China, Chinese industry macro-level quality closer to 2010, the average level of developed countries, establish industrial quality power.

Proposed "China ten year quality agenda" launched, announced that China's industries "to quality into the" establishment "China quality management center", reconstruction of enterprise occupational skill system, the establishment of "national circuit", the establishment of "quality of the Prosecutor".

The second agenda is the industrial innovation agenda.

Industrial innovation is the driving force behind the modernization of industry. Industrial innovation can create new industries and new economy, could lead to a new system and new ideas, can drive the upgrading of industrial structure, industrial quality, industrial environmental improvement and industrial growth. Synergy innovation policies and innovation resources, improve the mid-range and high-end market share, improve core patent ownership.

Trains run faster all by car, innovation-driven without engines. Recommendations implemented "innovation-driven development strategy", the development and implementation of the "innovation agenda", construction industry innovation power and intelligent manufacturing power. Strive to 30 years (2015-2045), of industrial structure in China reached the world advanced level, industrial quality close to the average level of developed countries and industrial innovation to reach the world advanced level, industrial innovation built big powers, wisdom, industry and green power.

Recommended building industrial innovation-driven engine, the formation of "National Institute of advanced technology"; implementation of "industry innovation Fellows program", organize and implement "Intelligent robot engineering", the establishment of the national SME services, and so on.

Finally, the green agenda.

Human development is inseparable from the natural environment. Industry is natural resource extraction, processing and reprocessing industries, and natural resources and the environment are closely related. In the 1960 of the 20th century, the environment has received worldwide attention. My Government is highly concerned about environmental problems, ecological civilization construction is proposed.

Since in the 1980 of the 20th century, Europe and the United States generally uses the principle of industrial ecology and ecological modernization, adopt the principle of prevention and innovation through green technology innovation, green innovation and economic restructuring (ECO), decoupling economic growth and environmental degradation, and achieve a win-win situation between economy and environment. Current OECD country environmental indicators with economic decoupling rate than 50%.

We believe that industrial development could not be "single-minded" do not speak of not only the growth environment. Proposed "green agenda" and build green industrial power, achieve win-win industry and environment. Strive to 30 years (2015-2045), the main indicators of environmental impacts of industry close to the average in developed countries, main indicators have reached the developed world average of industrial environmental management, industrial environmental quality reached the level of developed countries; restore the virtuous cycle of natural ecosystems, industrial ecology civilization reached world advanced level.

Recommends the establishment of responsibility system for environmental quality and environmental losses in the 20-year investigation system, formulate and implement pollution control plans, construction of a number of demonstration project of clean production and green industrial park to establish environmental polluting enterprises and information disclosure systems on a regular basis, development of national resources safety and energy security strategy.

Through the implementation of China's industrial modernization road map, and three of the agenda, Chinese industry's reputation in the world, to realize the leap three times: from made in China quality from China quality standard in China, from standard to China to design.

Source: people's daily online

China Youth Network

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