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At the expense of mainland agents decrypt

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At the expense of mainland agents decrypt(在台牺牲大陆特工解密)

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At the expense of mainland agents decrypt: General Wu Shih Yin death poem to die | the general political Department | contact | underground _ news

The unknown soldier Memorial, by the general political Department of the PLA Department of construction, recently completed in Beijing Xishan scenic national forest park.

Square is a memorial to the late 50 's for the cause of national unity and people's Liberation sacrifice in Taiwan built a large number of the hidden line were the unsung heroes of. Around 1949, our army in accordance with the central authorities on the liberation of Taiwan's decision to deploy, secretly sent more than 1500 people into latent. The early 50, because the traitor betrays, the underground party organization was severely damaged on the island, a large number of underground party members arrested were killed. These believers, to surrender the heroes, "Don't Kiss ions in water, easy foe to seek common ground while", but "Feng Xiao cold water, straying, cream shoes blood, or become or lost, or prisoners, or Hui, people do not know, and even after the meteorite of the unknown".

Beijing Xishan national forest park in the unknown soldier Memorial Plaza.

Touching the names embedded in granite that looms, recite the inscription of that period feeling flying, zhuanghuaijilie, facing Wu Shi, Feng Zhu, Chen Baocang, Nie Xi of human dignity, such as statues, gazing at landscape of Chairman Mao Zedong on the wall, "any Island, blue Ying Xiao. Den hidden in mountain eternally and usher in the dawn early "poems, tears blurred the viewer's eyes several times.

 846 greatness into one

 Engrave engraved pigment on the granite

Square copper plate inscription that reads: "in the 1950 of the 20th century, a large number of unknown soldier for national unity, people's Liberation, and secretly went to Taiwan to perform tasks sacrifice in Taiwan. In both wars, or in the moment of celebrating the birth of new China, they will still maintain its covert front until the blood flushed sky before dawn, with great love and faith do not die cast soul. ”

Square is winter sun cast a warm, solemn, add a dash of warmth. Along the stairs to the right of the square, hands on the granite walls of Red handrails on the stairs, designing company owner Xu, the handrails on the design concept has its unique significance, it is like a red, square engraved 846 a good string together, symbolizing the hero under the banner of the party and United struggle. Hung Kwok-check national, Cheng Fei long, Liu Tianzhao, Wang Yulin ... ... All names all engraved plain carves in granite, goes perfectly both the fighting qualities of the covert front, demonstrating his noble character of Fame. Quite a lot of white space and spaces, Xu said, because at that time were executed by the Kuomintang authorities a public trial of more than 1100 employees, there are many names of the martyrs that have no way to know, to keep them here for future additions at any time.

At the end step, there is a large copper plates, carved inscriptions, titled "mountain eternally." "The square there are 6 inscription, various themes, from different sides to portray a living picture of the hero group group. "Mr Tsui said.

Monument to the East in the West, a length of 14 meters, 4 meters high, with Wu Shih, and Feng Zhu, and Chen Baocang, Nie Xi as the prototype of Heroes statue in the former, the monument engraved, inscriptions engraved engraved scenes on the polished granite. They simply vanity searches, displaying the revolutionary exploits hidden line.

 Your name unknown

Your exploits never die

Wu Shi, Feng Zhu, Chen Baocang and Nie Xi for prototypes of the statue at the top center area of fore, is the highlight of the entire Memorial highlights.

Why would put them as the hero group representative? Let us to turn the clock back to 63 years ago, Taiwan Taiwan.

It was June 10, 1950, the KMT authorities will then "conseiller" General Staff Vice Minister Wu Shih, female party member Feng Zhu, combined service force General Headquarters, quartermaster general Chen Baocang IV and killed Lieutenant Colonel Nie Xi Wu Shih Chen-Cho of the race course. General Wu Shih recitals he made in prison "by virtue of this several times Dan-SIM, the nether world to me it never hits Weng" death poem easy to die. Reports said Feng Zhu "7 gun, shouting long live the Communist Party of China in" die a martyr's death. Case taidao sensation, when us and European media reports.

Wu Shih, was born in August 1894 Fujian Minhou County Beaufort (now Wu village, cangshan district, Fuzhou City, Beaufort town). In 1911, the Xinhai revolution, has graduated at the top of the whole school in Wuchang, Wuhan reserve officer school, the Baoding Military Academy, Japan artillery school and Japan army University. During the war, which was responsible for intelligence work, successor IV Theatre will be the Chief of staff level, well received by Chiang Kai-shek commended. Wu Shih have long had a crush on the Communist Party of China. In August 1938, Wuhan battle during the "battlefield intelligence staff officer training course" specially invited Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying's guerrilla war. In April 1947, the then HO (when he was Chairman of the military Committee of the Legislative Yuan of the nationalist government, the "Xian incident" has been actively helping the Communist Party), introduced, meet people such as Liu Xiao Wu Shih and mainland China's East China Bureau Secretary, establish contact with Communist Party official. In July 1949, Wu Shih fengdiao Taiwan "Deputy Minister Ministry of defence staff" prior to departure will be 298 boxes save non-destructive military secret archives was presented to the people's Liberation Army of the Kuomintang. In October 1949, the PLA attack on Kinmen and Zhoushan archipelago once lost. Understanding the enemy as soon as possible, long-term in Shanghai, East China Bureau decided to send female Communist Party members engaged in intelligence work in Hong Kong contact Wu Shih Feng Zhu to visit Taiwan.

Feng Zhu, was born in December 1905 in zhenhai, Zhejiang Province good ancestry. 1937 "77 war" began, Feng Zhu decided to put anti-Japanese movement. Early in 1938 to join the publishing business--new knowledge Bookstore joined the revolution led by the CPC, after repeatedly sell their assets to finance revolution in publishing and help Taiwan Patriots Li You-pang to build "Taiwan anti-Japanese volunteer force". In Wuhan, Shangrao, Guilin, Chongqing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other places in the Communist underground, contentions between the KMT military senior, intelligence gathering, to rescue a comrade, to raise funds. Joined the Communist Party in late 1944. In 1948, are already deployed to Hong Kong, he fulfilled the run-up to coming back to the Mainland for family reunion, decided to accept the East China Bureau in November 1949 assigned to visit Taiwan.

November 27, 1949, Feng Zhu arriving, get in touch with mainland China work Committee of Taiwan Province Cai Xiaoqian. A week later, Feng Zhu came to the home of General Wu Shih, from his hand took the microfilm of top-secret military intelligence. Topics including the Taiwan theater strategic defense; the most recent compilation of the Zhoushan Islands, Kinmen the frontline positions of coastal defence force, firearms equipped with map; the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan sea current information; Taiwan island's strategic landing point for geographic information of analysis; naval fleet deployment, profile of the air force fleet and type, the number of aircraft at the airport. In addition, along with the nationwide guerrilla organization after the fall of the Mainland contingency plan.

A few days later, this intelligence passed rapidly through Hong Kong to the East China Bureau, where several top-secret intelligence sent by Chairman Mao Zedong. When Mao heard that intelligence is a secret female correspondent to visit Taiwan from a nationalist elites "emissaries first" when you retrieve them, immediately asked the leaders: "be sure to give them a yo! "Excitement poem a poem by Mao Zedong, and be sure to upload (Taiwan):" any Island, blue Ying Xiao. Den hidden in mountain eternally and usher in the dawn early. ”

However, in February 1950, Cai Xiaoqian arrested for mutiny, mass CPC underground party to have been killed on the island, Feng Zhu, Wu Shih and Chen Baocang, Nie Xi has also arrested were killed. In 1951, the East China Bureau approved by the Organization Department of Feng Zhu for revolutionary martyrs, Shanghai Municipal People's Government issued the certificate. In 1973, in recognition of General Wu Shih made special contributions for the reunification of the motherland, Premier Zhou Enlai prevail over all dissenting views, with the support of Chairman Mao Zedong, ratified by the State Council General Wu Shih for revolutionary martyrs.

Wu Shih, Feng Zhu 4 people before his statue, there are also some inscriptions, titled "light", in which there is a "no one knows your name, your fame is immortal. You, eternal life in the fire. ”

  Dreams never end

 Lives remembered

At the ends of the square on the granite walls, inscriptions are engraved two paragraph entitled "home country" and "faith".

"State": "we called mother country, we have men as brothers, to their homes will not be subjected to poison, to loved ones no longer suffering, chose to fly away, fight, the pursuit of light, the pursuit of peace. ”

"Faith": "for conversion to belief, frankly facing life and death, because a great love, without regret China worth of blood. CPC underground party Zhong Haodong Jiang Biyu secret agent calmly said: we did not come to die, however, our great Motherland, the great party in Taiwan first drop of blood, we will die with honor! ”

This is the unsung hero of Heroes for the first time in the Memorial inscription--the name of Chiang Kai-shek Jasper, is also a "Feng Zhu" more strange name. She has a more common than in the sea of faces, able to ears of hair, eye and soft but resolute determination; displeasure voices are not high, but every sentence, every word is then determined without regrets.

63 years is not a long time. Fire smoke has dispersed over the shrouded Strait that year, direct passenger flight, and the coming and going of people on both sides of a beautiful landscape. In particular, the "three direct links" to achieve, opens up cross-strait exchanges, cooperation, development and integration of history. Our country is remarkable in the peaceful rise, the Taiwan Strait and Chinese people all over the world, we are closer than any time in history new era goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In such of moments, to such of way, to Memorial those "in Taiwan stream first drops blood" of hero were, is on heros of comfort, on a had penetration, and lurking of eventful of restore and memory, more is on moderns and descendants of incentive and alert, we cannot forget these Chase dream who great of feelings, we should towards these Chase dream who unfinished of target courageously forward.

Today, the realization of complete reunification of the motherland is the general trend, aspiration, we are more confident than ever, these unsung heroes dream will become a reality.

(Edit: SN064)December 18, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily(在台牺牲大陆特工解密:吴石将军吟绝命诗赴死|总政治部|联络部|地下党_新闻资讯
































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