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Wreck of the Yangtze River have confirmed 432 people have been killed, search extended to Shanghai

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2015/6/8 8:50:02 Browse times: 164 Comment times: 0

Wreck of the Yangtze River have confirmed 432 people have been killed, search extended to Shanghai

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Wreck of the Yangtze River have confirmed 432 people search scope to | | Oriental star _ the wreck of the Yangtze River, Shanghai news

General AP reporter from the "Orient Star" passenger ship sank in front of headquarters was informed that the 7th afternoon was found 1 dead bodies of the victims. As of 7th at 18 o'clock, "star of the East" the death toll rose to 432, 14 survived, 10 people are still missing. Meanwhile, the victims and DNA collection and is ordered to speed up development of identity than to work.

  Searched 80 square kilometers, Shanghai normal waters

According to the "star of the East" front command describes the passenger ship capsized, 6th "Yangtze River" star of salvage begins, relevant units of the Department of transportation requires the "never stop, never give up" principle, search and rescue and the radius from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River extended to wusongkou 1400 kilometers in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Air patrol aircraft in East China Sea Branch of State Oceanic Administration, the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau police aircraft first aid flights, Ministry of transport and East China, Shanghai maritime safety administration of maritime patrol aircraft are aerial search. 7th, at 7 o'clock to 11 o'clock, two public security police helicopter in the Yangtze River estuary in Shanghai (Chongming, Changxing Island) nearly 80 square kilometers for uninterrupted, blanket search in the waters. Combined with water features, searching for comb-shaped slices, personnel Visual and machine equipment combined with observation method, no abnormality was detected.

In addition, the Shanghai Maritime Bureau sent more than more than 10 patrol boats enhance your search, by the vessel traffic management system information broadcast, coordination between ship involved in the search operation. Chinese Maritime Police Bureau East Branch "Chinese maritime police 2401" and "Chinese maritime police 2003" wheels, the East China sea rescue Bureau "East China Sea rescued 117" waiting for search in the waters.

Reporters learned from the Jiangsu provincial government, 6th launch comprehensive search in Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, a search of about 1100 km of waterfront. Not currently suspected of "star of the East" passenger ship human remains and personal belongings of the victims.

  Continue to organize diver in the waters of shipwreck and we should keep mosquitos

Site search-and-rescue work is still under tension. According to General command arrangements, Hubei Fire Department rescue a crucial evacuation group of officers and soldiers of the fourth instalment, wearing chemical protective clothing continue to Board rescue search and rescue.

Yang, Minister of transportation, 7th in search field command ship "channel 1th" hosted, requires a renewed effort to strengthen victims ' bodies to search for work, take concrete action to show respect for the deceased, for family comfort.

Yang said the current work is still going all out to search for the bodies of the victims, carefully cleaning the nanchuan, one corner of the room one by one investigation, after the inventory is completed, affix seals to ensure complete, risk-free, stand the test of verification and history. Continue organization while divers we should keep mosquitos and the sinking waters, strengthening the search along the waters, along the maritime departments should strengthen communication and coordination, daily reports search, found remains of the first report.

Recent weather conditions, the Ministry of transport asked all units to pay close attention to changes in weather, water, preventing water level changes and extreme weather events dangerous to search. While continuing to do the shipping organization, order and strengthening regional water traffic management.

  Families of the 29 dead and the DNA of success

Rehabilitation of the victims in an orderly manner. At present, there are 1459 families of the passengers arrived in Jianli County, covering 440 passengers. The Ministry of public security sent 9 experts, together with the public security Department of Hubei province to mobilize professionals 145, 24-hour shifts, source identification, Hubei has completed the search in this province to 412 of the remains of the victims tested blood work and 434 families, 29 DNA has been more successful than on, later than the work, expected to be completed in two days.


  The victims "first seven" Japan makes efforts to be Riverside Memorial

Yesterday was the "Orient Star" Ferry victims of "seven" Memorial Day. Organized by the families of the victims in the Government sector, has come to mourn their loved ones in batches.

Reporter in "Orient Star" Ferry capsized rescue scene, devastated "Orient Star" Ferry, unable to float on the river. Although the authorities before the rescue headquarters to build a Memorial, but families of the victims but go straight to the River, towards the "Orient Star" Ferry, they want from their late loved ones closer, closer, closer!

"Grave and drop empty tears, bade road disappeared early."

"Dad, we go home, relatives and friends are waiting for you back home! "About four ten-year lady from Nanjing burn incense burning paper, sprinkle bottle wine, kneeling on the ground, piercing call people all moved. At this point, the patter of rain, as family occasions tear.

Close to the Lady's black-clad middle-aged men from Qingdao. With his brother and daughter, came to mourn dead parents. First they burn incense burning, then kneeling to kowtow, and then cut open a watermelon, peeled apples, Peel oranges, and care dedicated to killing hope MOM and dad to come to "enjoy". Wind, blown the money ash into the air.

A 99-year old girl, went straight to the River, towards the "Orient Star" Ferry, knelt down on the river bank revetment stones, silent setting, and burst into tears. Her Memorial, reporters and talking with her, told her she was the second year at the University, she and her aunt and grandfather came from Jiangsu, hope that killed her mom and dad to take home.

A lady surnamed Xu's father died in the shipwreck, table tennis and racket from her slowly into the River, watching the River will bat and ball away and mumble: "Dad, do you like playing table tennis, rackets and balls to bring you enough to buy you......"

Raining harder and harder, to mourn the death of the victims ' families, for a very long time to leave.

It is understood that yesterday at 10 o'clock in the morning, concerned to have partial organization of more than 1000 more than the families of the victims, to the River Bank pay homage to their loved ones.

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  Jianli to build shipwreck Museum

Passenger ship capsized in Yangtze River in Jianli County of Hubei Province, will build a memorial to alert and educate future generations. 7th, Huang Zhen, Jianli County in Hubei Province, in a media interview, revealed the news.

Citizens advice, the "star of the East" passenger ship has been strengthening water, can set up the lighthouse on the shore shipwreck monument, to mourn the death of compatriots on the one hand, on the other hand, can give after passing the vessel some warning. Some people also suggested, should make "star of the East" was built as a Memorial, part of the cabin stay the same way, other cabins used as exhibition hall.

In response, Huang said, the County has a tentative, to build "star of the East" passenger ship capsized rescue Memorial events and navigation safety warning Al-Qaida, has been reported to superior, still needs extensive argumentation, but for now I can confirm is that a Memorial will be built in the County.

In addition, the "star of the East" wreck can stay in Jianli County, Huang said that they are superior for instructions, including consultations with Chongqing municipality and Eastern shipping company.

"We have arranged for County Record Office and archives, started collecting all events related to rescue data. "Huang said.

Articles/General News Agency and CCTV coverage

(Original title: 432 were confirmed killed RADIUS expanded to Shanghai)

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