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Chinese students in America’s image reversed: cheating on hard elite rich kids

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2015/6/8 8:48:28 Browse times: 162 Comment times: 0

Chinese students in America’s image reversed: cheating on hard elite rich kids

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Chinese students in America's image reversed: cheating on hard elite | cheating _ millionaire | Chinese student news

"Global times, Ambassador United States correspondent Sun Weichi global times Xing Xiaojing" on May 26, the United States reported houren education of students in educational institutions, 2014 of approximately 8,000 Chinese students were United States expelled from school, where 80% is the result of poor academic performance or academic misconduct were dismissed. Two days later, the United States Department of Justice issued a statement, charges against 15 alleged "to employ another person to exam" Chinese citizens (students). Chinese on education of attention is out has name of, and United States is China students most favored of study destination, above two is message makes many people was embarrassed, also deepened has in recent years on students groups of negative cognitive--China left beauty students seems no longer is "hard" of "elite", but open "Howe car", and love "cheat" of "rich home children". In fact, such generalization is a stereotype, student groups are hard, but because of the increasing number of Chinese students and staff structure is changing, "disappointing" in absolute terms increased. Hou ren, Chief Development Officer, Chen hangfeng, acknowledging that, the image of Chinese students than before, he said in an interview with newspaper reporters, and fundamental changes in the structure of Chinese students in the United States, an influx of Chinese students the characteristics of low age, more and more students are "medium quality". "The old generation and new the biggest difference is going to study in the United States from elitist to populist changes", Wang huiyao, Director of China and globalization think tank told the global times.

  Often caused by puppy love crime

On May 19, 20 Chinese students Xiao Chen in Santa Barbara, California Superior Court, the prosecution put forward by animal cruelty counts pleaded to the judge. Outside the courthouse, Chen told local media that, because of his misconduct and affect families, schools, and the community, he is deeply sorry.

What happened is that last May, Chen in the Santa Barbara Community College learning things fell out with live-in girlfriend, not only violence and hurt and their pet dog. When Chen held the dog at the Pet Hospital, the hospital learned that Chen might abuse their pets to the police. Subsequently, Chen girlfriend is the police domestic violence. Prosecutors said, because Chen was arrested in abetting his girlfriend after the withdrawal, the destruction of evidence, therefore instituted against it, including domestic violence, animal abuse, abetting witnesses and violation of court orders and other 5 charges, a maximum sentence of 6 years and 10 months in prison.

Deng Hong Xiao Chen's defence counsel told the global Times newspaper said the case reflects the present problems in the Chinese student: age, mental capacity is weak and the ability of daily life and self-discipline is poor, poor, legal awareness and the idea of puppy love. "In the past few years, we have dealt with thousands of cases of Chinese students, in addition to drunken driving, domestic violence and theft cases, some new more and more problems, has become more and more severe," Deng Hong said.

Deng Hong told the global Times newspaper said puppy love cause crime is a new problem for Chinese students. Lot 66 year old teenage students, in a foreign country without parental control. He was dealing with a kidnapping case involving 12 Chinese students studying abroad, one of the guys when I saw the girlfriend with another guy, forced his girlfriend to enter form a kidnapping. Deng Hong noted, there are 66 years old girl has several boyfriends, and their parents don't know. In addition, students of promiscuity seriously, which lead to violence and even passion.

Another widespread problem is that although the majority of students to the United States is willing to learn, but a lot of students to the United States after indulging in computer games, and can finish their studies meant to spend more time and more money. California State University at Fullerton, a Chinese student for a long time unable to complete language course studies, in the case of no money to a few friends take turns to spend, and finally cornered and committed suicide by jumping in the school.

  "Love cheat of Millionaire"?

Chen pleaded guilty to apologize and hope local people will not all wrong because of the fault of his Chinese students. But in fact, all kinds of events has made the Chinese student groups have been "stigmatized." In addition to puppy love for the local media, cases of domestic violence, the collective nature of cheating as well as luxury cars, buy brand name such as behavior is the focus of attention by the mainstream media. In the United States in the eyes of the media, the glorious image of Chinese students has not. "In the past, China (USA) students are considered to be the best, but in the past 5 years, their image changed completely into a love cheat of Millionaire", the Wall Street Journal quoted Hou ren Chen hangfeng, Chief Development Officer of education as saying.

When in an interview with newspaper reporters, Chen hangfeng, said Chinese students illustrating the obvious and fundamental changes in the structure of groups of students to the United States. He said that in 2007, 2008, United States began opening to Chinese students visas to United States students studying in high schools, community colleges, study abroad undergraduate student influx. This is the turning point in the change in the structure of Chinese international students. 2008 United States to mainland China only 60 high school student visa, now high school student visas are issued by 27,000.

Chen hangfeng, said, this group of students is mostly after the, young, poor self-care ability and ability to live, the most important is that these students in the country are mostly moderate students, not English. Many families and students say that, don't get into domestic schools or a book, to United States to study both English degree than the two, strong three and my college degree. In fact, these students to the United States landed is vulnerable, could not enter mainstream schools. He mentioned that the New York Times has published a survey of Chinese students, among 250 students in the 90% cases of fraud. This has an obvious tendency of the report was substantially forward, Chinese students have even been described as a liar.

Chinese student car news also led to Asian-American groups on campus have a negative impression. The Muskegon Chronicle Michigan last year, a report entitled "campus car: influx of Chinese students at the University of Michigan and other high-end BMW, Maserati car shop", the paper wrote, those who haven't visited the campus of Michigan State University may be surprised to find that someone in a Maserati, Lamborghini ride on campus. More surprising is the steering wheel of a person--19, 20 year old Chinese students ... ...

"In the past, Chinese students in America are scrimping and saving of graduate students. Now, a large number of students from China's wealthiest and most powerful families. "The United States according to the Atlantic Monthly, Chinese millionaire appeared in United States campuses and even luxury brand companies and tap into the" gold mine ". Bodaofu·gudeman Department Store sponsored by New York University and Colombia University's Chinese new year celebrations, bulumingdaier Mall fashion show for Chinese students organization in Chicago.

Reports also referred to United States colleges and universities provide advisory company Zinch, China China says, 90% Chinese applicants submitted false letters of recommendation, 70% let someone else write your personal statement, 50% fake high school transcript, there 10% shows they never won academic awards and other accomplishments. The result, many students to the United States and found that their level of English can't keep up with the curriculum, also can't deal with papers.

  Changing from elitist to populist

According to the United States International Education Association, since 2009, China continued to be the largest sending country for us students. 2013-2014 school year, United States 31% of international students comes from China. The school year, a total of 274,439 Chinese students in the United States, an increase of 16.5%. Many analysts say, 20 high economic growth as well as the middle class has grown, Chinese parents can afford to send their children abroad. Last year, 459800 Chinese students to study abroad, mostly at their own expense or a United States University scholarship grants, only 4.6% is financed by the Government.

"Older students pass through layers of screening in the United States, won a scholarship to the United States for graduate study, few are chosen. Because when they go abroad is older, common feelings of home and a wealth of life experience, and most are not the only child, so cherish the opportunity to study abroad. "China and the global think-tank said Wang huiyao, Director of the global times, low age characteristics of students in the us now clear, excellent condition, character, and there are all kinds of people. "The old generation and new generation big difference is a change from elitist to populist to study in the United States. ”

Chen said course reporter for global times, a number of educational and research institutions noticed problems of Chinese students, and pointed out that many Chinese students English preparatory class the ELS were to finish from this school go to another school or ELS, some students for 2.5 years is not neglected. He thinks it is not surprising that these problems in United States high school or Community College can also occur, it exactly reflects the Chinese students in the United States is not particularly in the education system, this is true and normal levels of expression.

According to United States Department of education data, across the 41% admissions undergraduate four-year university students for the first time, won't be able to get the school's undergraduate degree in 6 years; a high proportion of Community College, 69%. United States Newsweek ranking of schools database, provides four-year college students won't be able to get their diplomas four years figure. For example, 14%, Harvard University, University of Pittsburgh, 36%. Chen hangfeng, believes that to recognize differences between Chinese and American education, not graduating is rare in China, but in the United States graduate are not new, these situations to tell Chinese parents and let them know the truth, also want to know the United States education works.

Chen hangfeng, told the global Times newspaper said, should pay close attention to Chinese students in America, a United States of vulnerable groups in mainstream education. Students studying in China is not United States in the eyes of the school "mobile wallet", their success, not only the students individual and family, but also related to the success or failure of Sino-American educational exchange industry, as well as related social costs.

Deng Hong is the 80 's of last century to study in the United States, Chen hangfeng, was in the 90 's to study in the United States, on the current situation of Chinese students, they both envy and worry. They all say, is hard to read when they study abroad, student unity, though penniless, pursuit, excellent results for local students and students from other countries to sit up. Chinese students now are rich, fifty thousand or sixty thousand dollars a year in tuition alone, but in many ways to the United States left a negative impression, this Chinese educators and parents of reflection.

Global times

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