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Officials of the Ministry of civil affairs: decentralized social organization barriers

Writer: delv Article type: The Military News(军事要闻) Time: 2013/10/29 2:40:46 Browse times: 391 Comment times: 0

Officials of the Ministry of civil affairs: decentralized social organization barriers(民政部官员:简政放权降低社会组织准入门槛)

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Officials of the Ministry of civil affairs: decentralization reduces barriers | | | decentralization of the Ministry social organization organization _ Sina news, October 23, 2013, (editors: SN063)

  Decentralization opens social reform--interview with head of the Ministry of civil affairs authority of civil society

Xinhuanet, Beijing, October 23 (reporter Cui Jing)-released in March this year the State Council institutional reform and function change programme, clear requirements on the management system reform of social organization.

Social organization and management system reform for the transformation of government functions is what is the significance? Reform implementation for more than six months progress has been made? Direct registration of social organizations around the current progress, what challenges? Civil Affairs component would take measures to support social development organization? To solve these problems, an exclusive interview with Xinhua, Ministry of civil affairs authority responsible civil organizations.

  Decentralisation reduces social organizations access "threshold"

Reporter: in function transformation of State institutions, reform of the management system of social organization was one of ten tasks, have any special meaning?

Person in charge: compared with previous institutional reform of the State Council, is one of the highlights of this round of reforms proposed a reform of the social organization management system for the first time, the previous experience of the institutional system is based on full summary and more accurately grasp the transformation of government functions on the basis of the proposed.

After more than 20 years of construction and development, and social organizations in China grow rapidly, at the end of June 2013, national social organizations that had legally registered 506,700, 273,000 which social groups, non-governmental nonprofit units 230,000, the Foundation 3,713, employing over 12 million people. Overall strength increasing of social organizations, who have become major functions transferred by the Government to undertake important performer, social policy and the important providers of social services, becoming an indispensable force China's socialist modernization drive.

Institutional reform and the function change of the State Council, opened a new chapter in the development of modern social organization: on the one hand, reform of social organization registration management system, reduces social organizations access "threshold" function change, decentralization, organizational development has provided a broad space for the community, and on the fair treatment of social forces, efforts to increase government purchases of services will promote social forces to enhance the level of social services.

  Registration rules to surge in the volume of social organization registration

Reporter: according to the State Council institutional reform and function change programme, established industry association Chamber of Commerce class, science class, charity-type services such as four types of social organizations, urban and rural communities, can be directly applied to the Civil Affairs Department in accordance with the registration. How is the registration rules currently in force? What problems faced in practice?

Person in charge: as registered "threshold level" less noticeable increase in the number of applications to register directly with community organizations. The State Council institutional reform and function change programme and its Division of the programme was announced, the Ministry of social organization registration service lobby reception 3 times-fold surge in consultation. To the beginning of September, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has accepted a national social organizations to register directly with 35 cases, over the last year, an increase of 1 time. At the place, at present, in addition to individual provinces in most parts of the country are already undertaken or experimented with social organizations to register directly.

Implementation of social organizations to register directly, has brought unprecedented challenges to civil affairs departments, social organization registration and management team serious lack of power in the country, the low degree of information, capacity-building is not strong, as well as issues such as lack of legal basis to support very prominent, serious. At present, the Ministry of civil affairs is in accordance with the unified arrangements of the State Council, together with the relevant departments under the State Council of the society registration management regulations of administrative rules and regulations, such as the revision, improve supporting measures, improve the working mechanisms, and actively promoting the reform of management system of social organization.

  Establish a comprehensive regulatory regime and promote social organizations norms development

Reporter: how is the regulation of social organizations? Registration of social organizations "threshold" reduced, how to take effective measures to strengthen supervision in this respect?

Person in charge: in recent years, the social organization registration administration organ one hand across the country actively guided the development and at the same time strict supervision according to law, actively promote the standardization of law enforcement. According to statistics, the 2012 national 1293 violation cases has dealt with social organizations. In General, the major illegal activities of social organizations, in collaboration with the relevant departments, civil affairs departments had investigated and dealt with in a timely manner, penalties properly, guarantee the healthy and orderly development of the social organizations.

Next, we will set up legal supervision, government supervision, social supervision and self-monitoring of integrated supervisory system, establishing social organizations, management, financial management, information systems such as open, an annual check, maintain social and organizational development order.

  Promotion of government guidance functions transferred to community organizations and directories

Reporter: at present, social development still faces many difficulties, gaps in carrying on the Government's functions, future development will take measures to support social organizations?

Person in charge: in addition to the four categories of direct social organization registration, we will remain committed to optimize the environment for development, increase development support. First of all, combined with the Ministry of finance implement launched in September announced by the end of the regulation on the guidance of the Government purchases of services to the public, speed up government functions, taking the transactional work, suitable for public services provided by community organizations, social organizations, through self-discipline can solve matters transferred to the social organization, better play a role of social forces in the management of public affairs. Promoting government guidance and transfer of functions transferred to social organizations directory, establishes the corresponding dynamic adjustment system and publicity.

Secondly, the eligible community organizations in the Government's industry support and development of social undertakings scope of support policy, fair treatment of the social provision of health, education, culture, public health, community services, and public service, equal treatment of non-governmental social programs and Government social programs.

In addition, we will promote improved fiscal and taxation support policies, expand the scope of tax incentives, and gradually establish a unified and rational system of social organization tax policy; promoting talents construction of social organizations and to develop specialized staff occupational standards, improve human resources management and social insurance policies, and resolve the practical difficulties of social organizations and practitioners. We believe that with the implementation of a policy of reform and implementation of social organizations will release more of the healthy and orderly development of the reform dividend.

The website(民政部官员:简政放权降低社会组织准入门槛|民政部|简政放权|组织_新浪新闻2013年10月23日13:12(编辑:SN063)


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