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MERS control programme update

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MERS control programme update

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MERS control programme update: unknown fever patients need to ask the Korea travel history | Wei JI Wei | MERS_ news

Beijing News News (reporters Wen Ru) Second Edition of the national programme for health prevention and control Planning Commission issued on June 5, MERS. New version requirements, when unidentified fever patients, medical personnel shall ask the Korea travel history; close contact with suspected cases should be carried out by the health sector health follow-up.

It is reported that this is the national health planning Commission after 2013 the respiratory syndrome epidemic prevention and control programmes in the Middle East (first edition) after the announcement of his amendment for the first time. National Health Planning Commission said this is to adapt to the changing situation of prevention and control.

According to the new publication of the respiratory syndrome epidemic prevention and control programmes in the Middle East (Second Edition), national health planning Commission detailed rules on patients with fever of unknown origin in history, new Korea travel history, and more.

Programme pointed out that, levels various medical institutions of medical personnel in daily clinic activities in the, should improve on Middle East breathing integrated levy cases of diagnosis and report consciousness, for unknown reasons fever cases, should note asked onset Qian 14 days within of travel history or suspicious of exposed history, understand I or its close contact of similar patients recently has no to Saudi, and U.A.E., and Qatar, and Jordan, Middle East national and Korea, other recently has Middle East breathing integrated levy cases national of travel history, or suspicious animal (as single peak camel)/ History of exposure to similar cases.

In addition, for the management of close contacts, the original prevention and control programmes required only close contacts of confirmed cases on the implementation of medical observation, close contacts only registered suspected cases.

New prevention and control programmes, close contacts of the suspected cases, time registration and follow-up of health, inform me if there is a fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms, they should immediately notify the local health follow-up of health and family planning sectors.

(Original title: MERS control programme update: unknown fever patients need to ask the Korea travel history)

The Beijing News

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