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Top ten list of the most influential events of 2013 capital police released

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:43:02 Browse times: 269 Comment times: 0

Top ten list of the most influential events of 2013 capital police released(2013首都公安十大最具影响力事件名单出炉)

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2013 public security list of the ten most influential impact oven | | | _ the capital of public security news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 16 (reporter Lu Guoqiang)-Beijing police announced on 16th "2013 police ten most influential" results, "combating organized disinformation spread rumours online pitches ' Qin fire ' criminal detention" "police open new ways: first to work in a conference report to the public in the form of municipal Public Security Bureau" list. A 10-day contest attracted more than more than 9.97 million visitors to participate in an online vote.

Beijing city PSB heads said: "combat has Organization disinformation pass ballad network pushing ' Qin fire fire ' was criminal netted" to more than 930,000 over votes high home topped, "police works open out new: City PSB first to launches forms to public reported work" and "Hi Lung more Mall fires two fire soldiers sacrifice no a masses casualties" respectively to more than 820,000 over votes, and more than 810,000 over votes breakdown subsequently.

Police officials said, can be seen from voting, public awareness about the national network of public security agencies to combat organized crime initiatives such as rumor rumor maintains a very high attention. At the same time, report to the public, 6 stations can be a passport, the first tidal-lane open, "network aostar projects" and a series of convenience and benefit initiatives finalists, also on behalf of the public for real concern and acceptance of the work of public security in the capital for the next full implementation of public security organs work provides an important basis for the masses.

The poll on December 6, organizer integrated weighted website voting, Twitter poll and poll results in the media, finally selected 10 "2013 public order is the most influential event".

"2013 police ten most influential" list:

1. organized disinformation spread rumor network shoves "Qin fire fire" criminal detention

2. police open new tactics: first press conference to report to the public in the form of municipal Public Security Bureau

3. Rondo shopping centre blaze two firefighters ' sacrifice of a mass casualty

4. streets and lost some of the leaders ' changing style of squatting, the Secretary of public security justice public opinion

5. the undercover detective-Mei Chang open-mouthed collar won the 2013 rule of law in China's top ten characters

6. men fall girls 18-hour police captured the street tough

7.6 police stations throughout the city to Passport help residents rush

8. the city's first tidal lane can facilitate faster vehicles 6.7%

9. the protection of citizens ' information security police seized 28 illegal sales as stolen by eavesdropping equipment company

10. network aostar project: "the most beautiful network police" into the campus network information security from an early age (end)

(Edit: SN091)December 17, 2013 Xinhua(2013首都公安十大最具影响力事件名单出炉|影响力|公安|首都_新闻资讯

  新华网北京频道12月16日电(记者卢国强) 北京警方16日公布“2013首都公安十大最具影响力事件”评选结果,“打击有组织造谣传谣 网络推手‘秦火火’被刑拘” “警务公开出新招:市公安局首以发布会形式向市民汇报工作”等榜上有名。为期10天的评选活动共吸引997万余人次参加网上投票。

  北京市公安局负责人说:“打击有组织造谣传谣 网络推手‘秦火火’被刑拘”以93万余票高居榜首,“警务公开出新招:市公安局首以发布会形式向市民汇报工作”和“喜隆多商场大火两消防官兵牺牲 无一群众伤亡”分别以82万余票、81万余票分列其后。




  1. 打击有组织造谣传谣 网络推手“秦火火”被刑拘

  2. 警务公开出新招:市公安局首以发布会形式向市民汇报工作

  3. 喜隆多商场大火两消防官兵牺牲 无一群众伤亡

  4. 公安局长上街执勤 千余领导干部转变作风 蹲所住队察民意

  5. 便衣神探张惠领获评2013年度中国十大法治人物

  6. 男子当街摔女童 警方18小时擒凶

  7. 全市6个派出所可办护照 缓解市民办证难

  8. 本市首条潮汐车道开通 社会车辆速度提高6.7%

  9. 保护公民信息安全 警方查获28家非法销售窃听窃照器材公司

  10. 网安启明星工程:“最美女网警”进校园 网络信息安全从娃娃抓起(完)


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