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Qingyang-powered boss died 43 years, employees said it is not feeling well

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:41:35 Browse times: 354 Comment times: 0

Qingyang-powered boss died 43 years, employees said it is not feeling well(甘肃庆阳供电老总43岁离世,员工称其积劳成疾)

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Qingyang-powered boss powered 43 departing employees said it is not feeling well | | boss | is not feeling well _ news

CNS, Qingyang, December 17 (reporter Hou Zhixiong)-qingyang electricity company Marketing Director Gong Qingling mobile micro-letter still preserved many words of farewell to the death of Pei Chaohui, General Manager of the company. Two weeks ago, 43 year old Pei Chaohui is not feeling well and died. He has been working to Kao employees are feeling slightly give expression to one's grief.

"Are too tired, the pursuit of perfection, heartache, used it. "Micro-someone wrote in his letter. Gong Qingling and Pei Chaohui company, with the mission to do all those years ago. She said, "Pei Chaohui character is perfect for work, he completely ignores personal health, usually just say, gallbladder disease, hand rush out to see it, totally tired because of work. ”

"He is a very thorough person, striving for perfection, persistent serious people. "Qingyang electricity Office Director Liu Xiaopeng said, in a year in qingyang, he came up with" happy, happy life, "the concept of corporate culture.

In 15 years become Su Jihong met reporters the first word of the operation and maintenance work was, "PEI make our employees have levels of happiness. "In 2012, he pushed in Pei Chaohui company stand out as eight Professional competition and transformation operations maintenance technology" champion ". He recalled Pei Chaohui and operation and maintenance maintenance work area staff become aware of situations, "spoke kindly and not listening to written reports, and staff engaged in, the record. ”

During that Conference, a CRS request many younger workers will soon be achieved. Employees in the singleton hostels from "only a closet, a bed" to the distribution cable, closed circuit television, replacing it with a more comfortable new beds; employees of husband and wife in the same class cannot take child issues soon resolved; to improve the staff canteen meals, food allowance of 100 Yuan for each employee ... ...

"As employees feel at ease to do page always put the interests of civil servants in the first place, we really went to work. "Su Jihong said.

Qingyang Assistant Director, human resources department jingyongjun power supply company, says that, after Pei Chaohui arrived on corporate identity development, concern about the employees ' lives, personally designed the company's first "employee section" and noble are still learning techniques, and increased quality. In the company's southern base construction of ventilation by nodes in a timely manner to employees that "strong affinity. ”

"BAE always fit on the post". All those who worked with him said in unison. Driver Chen Mingquan said, is simply to eat every time the countryside to check out bowls of noodles, in a few cases to late at night, slept in the car, at the snack bar in the morning, eat some.

On July 15, in Huan Fan Jiachuan encountered torrential river bed near the tower base was washed away. 4 o'clock, Pei Chaohui emergency meeting arrangements and rescue work, at 5 o'clock to the disaster area. The mud was not ankle stepping on, point-by-point look at the grid losses, produce transformers to restore electricity package. 10 to midnight power distribution area 305 families lit lamps. For 24 hours, he only through a bucket of instant noodles and bottles of mineral water to maintain his strength.

Just a month ago, to celebrate the town 10,000-volt distribution network project where the peaks in the key of the main line to meet stage, was suffering from a bad cold hike up into the Pei Chaohui project site to listen to change programme, view the security controls and contingency plans. This project, Pei Chaohui 6 in-depth project construction site in October, including one 5-hour walk in the rain to see all construction.

Jingyongjun says, "page always thought innovation in qingyang power grid construction and management. "Xifeng city 10,000-volt line" into "project, because of funding and other issues, according to traditional modes of 3-5 years to complete. Municipal Government of qingyang in Gansu province electric power company and signed a framework agreement on the project for construction of power distribution network, dianzi undertaken by local government construction projects, can be completed within one year of construction engineering of urban distribution network, Pei Chaohui pushed this project opened up distribution network construction of Gansu province. Gansu electric power could walk out of a new road for win-win cooperation with enterprises, creating a depth of enterprise integration patterns.

Along the village path snaking forward, a new route through the village, crossing the mountains, extending to the deep of the mountains. Duck Marsh village, at the Hyatt Regency in huachi County town, villager Li Wenjun electric forage grinding feed. Two years ago, and it is not possible. During peak periods, because the voltage is too low to drive the motor. In desperation, he bought a diesel generator to drive the power of electric motor.

In September 2012, when Pei Chaohui visitation at the home of Li Wenjun diesel generator after seeing very mixed feelings. Then walk 3 km more road, learn more about local rural power supply status. When you see the village when a low voltage problem is more prominent, accompanied by Liu Xiaopeng Pei Chaohui and he look sad and guilty. In subsequent work, Pei Chaohui and County power supply company after repeated research and invested more than 2.2 million by means of self-financing, in huachi County village of Grand River town four unincorporated villages of low voltage lines special projects to address serious transformation, 168 rural families had settled in the low voltage problems.

Pei Chaohui promotion, qingyang power company employees and transposition exercise Exchange, mid-level closed training, all skills competition and the first "employee day" activities in an orderly fashion, making the company the overall quality of cadres and staff increased, industry benchmarking results continued to rise.

In Pei Chaohui microblog wrote that "drop Hollows, not powerful, but have put in a great deal of effort. Even if it is a trivial thing, keep doing it, would be great too. "(The end)

(Original title: power Memorial Veterans died 43 years employees of qingyang in Gansu said it is not feeling well (img))

(Edit: SN035)December 17, 2013 China News Network(甘肃庆阳供电老总43岁离世 员工称其积劳成疾|供电|老总|积劳成疾_新闻资讯

  中新网庆阳12月17日电 (记者 侯志雄)甘肃庆阳供电公司营销部主任龚庆玲的手机微信中,至今还保存着许多员工对该公司总经理裴朝晖英年早逝的惜别之词。半个月前,43岁的裴朝晖积劳成疾而离世。此前他一直坚持工作至病危,员工们纷纷感慨发微信寄托哀思。















(原标题:甘肃庆阳供电老总43岁离世 员工追思称其积劳成疾(图))


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