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Lunar exploration project will go into phase III, Moon around 2017, fifth emission

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:40:48 Browse times: 282 Comment times: 0

Lunar exploration project will go into phase III, Moon around 2017, fifth emission(探月工程将转入三期,嫦娥五号2017年前后发射)

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Lunar goddess, 2017, fifth in three phases before and after firing agent | month | Chang ' e fifth _ news | technology information

  The core reading

On December 16, a labourer hired by the month Cheng Change and analysis of the State Council information office held a press conference to introduce the third task of the situation and national defense science and Industry Council spokesman said Ng Chee-kin, to become immortal, the third to achieve our space "seven innovation" task success indicates that China's lunar exploration program "winding, and left back to the" second strategic objectives are fully realized.

He said lunar exploration program will be transferred to phase III, the main objective is to achieve unmanned automatic sampling returned to become immortal, the development will be completed around 2017, fifth and snagged and fired.

  Chang the third, new technology, new products

Ng Chee-kin, said that December 15 Chang the third conducted two separate and mutually Imaging detectors, successfully sent back pictures of the five-star red flag marks the Chang-third mission a complete success. Task done the whole process "launch on time, accurate to the Rails, safety and reliable separation and successful visit."

According to reports, the lunar exploration program in 2004, approved by the State Council, in February 2006, China's manned space flight and lunar exploration project classified as a State major science and technology projects, divided into ", down, back around three-period".

Ng Chee-kin, said that Chang-third mission declined in power, the two players separation, teleoperation, lunar surface survival between months, tracking telemetry command and communication aspects, broke a number of major key technologies, achieving a number of proprietary technology, realizing China's aerospace "seven".

These innovations include: celestial body outside the spacecraft for the first time in a soft landing; celestial visits outside the spacecraft for the first time in the survey; the teleoperation of lunar probe for the first time; development of large deep-space station for the first time, initially built for deep space monitoring and communication networks; the Moon for the first time carry out various forms of scientific exploration.

Against Chang, third detector and difficulty of innovation, Deputy designer of the lunar phase II, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, science and Technology Committee Deputy Director Yu Dengyun thought can be summed up as "four-new" and "dilemma".

Among them, the "four new" refers to the new platform, new products, new technology, new environment, probe itself 80%, new technology, new products to become immortal, the third moon landing, is China's spacecraft have never gone.

"Dilemma" refers to tackle problems in key technologies, such as the Lunar soft landing, two separate, monthly remote control; ground verification, to ensure that after the Moon and the Moon quite safe, it must be fully validated as possible on the ground, such as hover, obstacle avoidance, slow down test, "we all made ground", said Yu Dengyun.

Ng Chee-kin, said Chang the third Lander designed to last 1 year, visited the design life of 3 months. At present, Chang, third has started the lander in position detection and automatic inspection survey for the inspection, scientific missions will commence.

  Chang e, fifth development went well

Ng Chee-kin, said Chang after successful third mission, lunar exploration program will be transferred to phase III, the main goal is to achieve the automatic sample return. From the perspective of understanding of the current situation, the implementation of this task, development is going smoothly, Chang e fifth, development is scheduled to be completed around 2017 and snagged and fired.

Ng Chee-kin, said Chang Lunar youchange He Change fifth three main tasks, to carry it out. Three issues of the task more difficult, included Lunar flight technology, lunar samples of packaging technology, lunar orbit rendezvous and docking technology and returned to Earth for high speed reentry return technology on a number of key technologies.

He explained that the engineers and technicians were considering backup to Chang e, third star--Chang ' e fourth adaptation, engineering and science-objective optimization, enabling it to Chang ' e fifth task for verification of key technologies.

"The completion of tasks in three phases does not mean the end of China's lunar exploration program, should be the beginning of the Lunar New. "Said Ng Chee-kin, but subsequent lunar exploration program planning in the course of study.

  Imperative to achieve all-weather deep space monitoring and control

On Chinese deep space monitoring and control capacities, lunar phase ⅱ measurement and control system for Deputy General Designer, Chief Engineer of the Beijing Aerospace command and Control Center said Zhou Jianliang, finish Chang in China during the first and second lunar probe measurement and control tasks, the control extends to 400,000 km. Since then, expanding experiments on Chang, second, including Chang second departing from lunar orbit to daridilagelangri two point and controlled Chang leap second successfully tutadisi asteroids. At present, Chang, second detector distance is more than 64 million kilometers from Earth, asteroids flying around the Sun, but it is still in deep space station under control.

Zhou Jianliang said that although China has built two deep space station in Marrakech, jiamusi and, take advantage of our homeland in depth, measurement and control of deep space detector trace but can't do it from a cover, there will also be 8-10 hours a day tracking blind spots. He said, "to make up for the measurement and control dead zone, do round-the-clock tracking coverage to achieve around-the-clock control of deep space exploration of the future track, is imperative. ”

  Lunar exploration program will bring high-tech development

A reporter suggested that the view was expressed that lunar exploration program has spent a lot of money, don't have much practical use. In this regard, Ng Chee-kin, said the Chinese lunar exploration program is to follow a consistent aim of China's peaceful use of space, was carried out space activities of the availability of physical and technical conditions as well as the economic condition of choice. It is from a scientific point of view to understand the purpose of the Moon, and the development of China's aerospace technology, promote the development of high-tech.

He said lunar exploration program will bring about broad development of the high-tech, such as large-thrust carrier rocket technology, deep space exploration and communication technology, new energy technologies, and so on, "these technologies for the social development of our country, the progress of science and technology will play an important role."

Lunar phase II first Deputy Chief Designer Sun Hui said in an interview with a reporter to become immortal, the third probe, is not far away from our life. Only a case of power technology, developed six homes in the scientific research unit of China Aerospace Science and technology group mastered the engine thermal control technology, has spawned more than more than 10 combustion technologies used in coal chemical industry, oil refineries, chemical plants, natural gas power plants, can significantly reduce emissions into the atmosphere of harmful substances, the protection of our environment.

(Original title: the Moon around 2017, fifth emission)

December 17, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily(探月工程将转入三期 嫦娥五号2017年前后发射|探月|嫦娥五号|技术_新闻资讯



























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