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Leading cadres pay is not transparent or will cause damage to the credibility of the Government

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:40:37 Browse times: 278 Comment times: 0

Leading cadres pay is not transparent or will cause damage to the credibility of the Government(领导干部待遇不透明或将对政府公信力造成损害)

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Leaders treated opaque or will cause damage to the credibility of the Government leading cadres | | treatment Department | _ news

Leaders get to "mystification"

Department recently to the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Fudan University Professor Ge Jianxiong's proposal in a letter of reply revealed that currently the Department is in conjunction with the departments concerned amendments to provincial and ministerial level cadres live treatment provisions, the party and State leaders living treatment provisions are also being examined by the relevant departments to amend. Media reported that a revision of the party and State leaders living treatment progress was in the public eye for the first time.

Outwardly, the letter is for Ge Jianxiong members this year the "two sessions" reply submission-related proposals. The Department's attitude is very clear, to establish a complete and rational, standardized system of treatment system of leading cadres. The establishment of such a system is necessary, of course. If the leaders ' pay is not, are not standardized, tends to cause a lot of problems.

Judging from the recently exposed a lot of information, treatment of issues surrounding the leader, reform is becoming more and more transparent and standard. Of course, leaders towards a more open and standard of treatment, requires a process to be overnight. Rome was not built in one day, social progress cannot be achieved in a Flash, but be clear, stable pace.

Frankly, past treatment of leading cadres at all levels, on the whole, transparency is not enough. Especially to the middle and upper levels, more people have a "mysterious" feeling. In June of this year, a member of the clear, request others do you first do it, request not made yourself never do. In this context, leading cadres ' treatment "mystification", was indeed granted thing.

In fact, the houses of leading cadres at all levels, service vehicles, equipment, Office space and equal treatment of the Secretariat, is not standard. For example, ministerial equipped with cars to 450,000 yen; a full Ministry standard is 220 square meters of housing; a full Ministry Office area of 54 square metres per person, and so on. Ministerial officials of relevant standards, natural as the level down low. In other words, the General standard on leading cadres ' treatment is there, just open enough. For most people, this aspect of the right, not being well met.

This degree of transparency, is also reflected in the treatment of living for retired leaders. Retired leaders employed during has made contributions to the country, after retirement should get necessary treatment--and there is no doubt about it. Also in the lack of transparency. Reality does exist, people withdrawal, partly of treatment did not return. For example, after some leaders step down, also has offices in multiple locations, which will undoubtedly cause a certain amount of waste.

Treatment of the leading cadres is not transparent enough, tend to lead to speculation in the community. Some guesses inaccurate information, officials credit and undermining the credibility of the Government. Rumor in transparent, this has consensus. Open to the public, the opaque to transparent, both to the taxpayers should be respected, as well as officials at all levels should be required and avoid lack of transparency and a variety of woes.

While in treatment of emphasizes leaders should gradually transparent, also wishes to underline the treatment of a variety of specifications. In this context, a comprehensive reasonable and uniform norms of treatment system of leading cadres, should take the establishment. Such a system, it should at least pay attention to several problems: one was the prerogative of removing wrong; the second is to carry out certain aspects of the exploration, such as residence; c is the pursuit of a comprehensive and complete.

Privileges in human society, "a dazzling spectacle". Against the privileges, the least thing is a modern civilized society. Beware of is that certain privileges also strongly rooted in reality, social ecology, undermine social justice. This privilege, also reflected in the treatment of leading cadres '. For example, some local officials enjoy privileges in medical expenses, some criticism.

Exploring such as residence, is to avoid "trickery" and other phenomena appear. In essence, it is through the official housing allocation reform to avoid abuse of power. At some point, you said you said no, had to come up with good ways. Specification of possible officials with good treatment. In addition, the leading cadres system needed to complete the treatment system, incomplete there will be loopholes.

At present, Central brake "four winds" problem, rejection of all kinds of extravagant waste. Central to solve the excessive treatment of cadres, expected to be a vigorous, is adamant. In this context, leaders get to "mystification", the pursuit of more open, more standardized, as also is the inherent to the topic.

(Edit: SN094)December 17, 2013 China business news(领导干部待遇不透明或将对政府公信力造成损害|待遇|中组部|领导干部_新闻资讯














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