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Beijing will establish new community spaces 1 1 parking ratio

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:37:44 Browse times: 288 Comment times: 0

Beijing will establish new community spaces 1 1 parking ratio(北京将规定新建小区停车位按1户1车位配比)

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Beijing will be by the provisions of the new Community parking ratio 1 1 spaces _ | | Beijing community | parking news

According to private install lock who is in charge? How to punish? Yesterday, with a clear view. Will go into effect on January 1 next year, the Beijing municipal parking management measures (hereinafter referred to as the rules), arbitrarily in public places other than roads, residential areas, such as alley set, locks and other obstacles, by the Department of comprehensive urban management enforcement shall be ordered to stop illegal activities, restitution and fined 500 Yuan and 5,000 yuan.

By the way Beijing's parking building, daily operations, management, and other specifications.

 Number of parking spaces in real time in the future to understand

Yesterday the measures will stop is defined as part of the transport system for the first time, car park finally found a competent "home". The way clear, in future, the municipal traffic Administrative Department in charge of the city's parking management.

How to make sure that drivers will find parking? Under the measures, no unit or individual shall be allowed to stop using the parking lot, not to change the parking lot for other purposes. Central city wide car park open to the public and charges should be open 24 hours according to other than a temporary parking lot provided for a limited time.

The approach also calls for the establishment of a unified information management and publication system in the parking lot, numbered parking space, and dynamic management of parking information and publication of car park locations, opened to the public in real time usage, the number of berths. This means that owners can know in real time the surrounding car park spaces in the future.

  Secretly installed locks up to 10,000 yuan in community

For some units and individuals set on roads and other public areas without permission, locks and other obstacles, preventing motor vehicle parking and traffic acts, the rules shall not take ownership of the parking spaces set to pile on, lock.

Such as is found on the road Kangaroo ground, locks, the traffic Administrative Department of the public security organ shall order to stop the illegal practice; in a residential setting in public areas, obstructions, such as lock, by urban and rural housing construction administrative departments pursuant to the building management Ordinance provides for penalties. Under the Ordinance, individuals can be fined a maximum of 1000 Yuan to 10,000 yuan.

Without permission in public places other than roads, residential areas, including alleys, sidewalk Street Shop Privacy installed locks or throwing a Chair on parking meters, comprehensive urban management enforcement departments will be responsible for management. Mounted locking behavior of private individuals will be fined 500 Yuan to 5,000 yuan fine. If absent or refuses to dismantle, splitting the force generation.


  "Dark spaces" penalty-10,000

The measures also "black car park" and "counterfeit parking administrator" violations of defined. Car park opened to the public and charges, parking management in industrial and commercial registration, tax registration shall, according to law, approved prices, price cards, and other procedures, in industrial and commercial registration in the 15th district and County parking officials after filing. Parking management which was not in accordance with the provisions for parking for the record, consists of comprehensive urban management enforcement departments 10,000 yuan fine.

Head of Transportation Management Bureau of transportation-related explanation, original approach to parking the parking lot is not for the record management unit fined 2000 Yuan and 10,000 yuan fine, the new way to cancel the Chengguan Department discretionary provisions, uniform punishment 10,000 dollars, to impose heavier penalty.

In addition, if the parking lot or the administrator to disturb public order, swindling, fraud, obstructing justice and other offences against the administration of public security, the public security organs in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on administrative penalties for public security constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. This means, "black toll collectors" detainment by check will be punishable by law and order. Last year, there have been many "black charge" is criminal responsibility shall be investigated by judicial organs according to law. Beijing Transportation Authority Transit Authority revealed that strive until the end of next year, within the second ring "black car parks" all banned and gradually moving forward to the three-ring, ring fight.

 New Community parking lots to be synchronized delivery

Transport Authority official says, because of the historical debt problems, dramatic spaces and motor vehicle ownership conflict, previously had a handle on it, but later gradually caught the construction work.

The measures specified, newly built, rebuilt or expanded public buildings, residential areas, and shall, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State and the city and planning targets, the construction of motor vehicle parking.

Parking construction standards for motor vehicles will also change. At present, the Planning Department is developing new standards. After the introduction of the new standard, new residential parking shortfall would be blocked, according to a parking space of a ratio.

The methods required, supporting the construction of car parks should be synchronize synchronized with the principal part of the project design, construction, inspection, delivered simultaneously.

The approach also encourages units and residential areas in meeting the needs of the units, the housing estate resident parking case, construction of car parks open to the public, while prices in accordance with the approved vehicle charging parking fees to society.

For enjoy built of parking cannot meet owners parking needs of, approach under provides, can integrated uses owners total venues set temporary parking; residential area not has venues conditions of, can in residential area around neighborhood road or alley set temporary parking; also cannot meet words, district, and County Municipal People's Government can Organization related units uses stay built land, and idle factory, and corner space, places, set temporary parking.

When community residents with valid documents in the temporary parking, its temporary parking or parking spaces for monthly and annual lease fees, according to the residential parking fee standards. According to the Beijing municipal housing estate motor vehicle parking charges regulations, small open-air temporary car park fees of 0.5 Yuan per hour, outdoor long term parking fees for 150 yuan a month.

Leave your car at "discount" fined for parking

Parking in Beijing according to regional differentiation is also incorporated in the approach, Beijing municipal parking fees in the future follow the Center area of the city than outlying areas, roads, parking above the principle of off street parking.

Open to the public across the parking express car park name in a prominent position, services, fees, parking facilities and telephone. Part of the car park without permission through the "package" or cut prices to attract business, and next year will also be banned. Must follow the nominal price, shall not increase the charges, do not reduce the charges, and to stop people accompanied by an invoice.

Park management unit is not clearly marked, without raising or lowering fees, by the development and reform of administrative authorities in accordance with law.

In addition, the municipal traffic administrative departments and district and County parking car park should be opened to the public by the management operation and service quality credit evaluation, evaluation results to the general public.

Road traffic Administrative Department of the public security organs depending on surrounding traffic conditions, parking requirements, set and adjust according to the law on road parking in City Road, and to the public.

This version of writing/Beijing News reporter Chao Guo

Beijing news graphics/Xu Yingjian Chen Dong

(Edit: SN064)December 17, 2013 The Beijing News(北京将规定新建小区停车位按1户1车位配比|北京|小区|停车位_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 私装地锁谁来管?怎么罚?昨天有了明确说法。将于明年1月1日起施行的《北京市机动车停车管理办法》(下称《办法》)规定,擅自在道路、居住区以外的其他公共场所,如胡同设置地桩、地锁等障碍物的,由城市管理综合执法部门责令停止违法行为,恢复原状,并处500元以上5000元以下罚款。










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  本版采写/新京报记者 郭超

  新京报制图/许英剑 陈冬


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