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Beijing today or the first snowfall this winter, snow cooling pavements easy icing

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:37:36 Browse times: 312 Comment times: 0

Beijing today or the first snowfall this winter, snow cooling pavements easy icing(北京今或迎今冬首场降雪,雪后降温路面易结冰)

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Beijing today or the first snowfall this winter after the snow freezes on cool pavement | | | winter _ snow in Beijing News

The Beijing News (Xinhua Zhao Li) yesterday evening, some netizens said, "small snow! "With this sentence there is a snow photo. The news spread like wildfire, people reached out, Beijing's first snow here yet?

Soon, it was discovered that it was just a prank, no snow in Beijing yesterday. But people have been waiting for a long time, "first snow" is approaching, the weather forecasters said that today (17th) morning to have snow in Beijing this morning.

  Snowflake midnight "knock"

According to the Beijing Meteorological Bureau said Senior Engineer Zhang Qingyuan, from the perspective of regional meteorological data analysis, Beijing last night sky already have moisture, weather situation more conducive to snow's direction, as the humidity of the air increases, last night the weather turned cloudy, clouds gradually thicken, after midnight everyone longed snowfall will occur.

"Snowfall will stop at noon tomorrow is basically a light snow, snowfall less than one millimeter. "Zhang Qingyuan said. However this long lost snow pan. Weather network for Beijing, China weather forecast for the next few days revealed that the snow after the weather was mainly dominated by fine within a week.

Beijing's traffic control Department reminds, in the snow and the temperature has dropped, there could be some roads icy conditions are expected, posterior surface slippery snow, prompting people to minimize driving, tomorrow, in order to avoid the morning traffic jams at the same time, travel time, or opt for public transportation as early as possible.

 Snow is hard to see "cold enough"

To see snow in Beijing this year why so hard? Beijing professional meteorological experts said Zhang Mingying, Beijing's recent poor moisture conditions.

Zhang Mingying said, there are two main sources of moisture transport in Beijing, first, the moisture from the South China Sea. Second is the easterly winds blowing back to Bohai Bay water vapor. From the recent circulation, mainly under the influence of northerly winds in Beijing, causing the water vapor "channels" all blocked.

In addition, Wang gengchen, a researcher at the Institute of Institute of atmospheric physics, "said snow," another reason is the relatively weak cold air forces so far, "cold enough. "He said, major snowfall was set for Beijing at the end of December to January.

Previously, the municipal Meteorological Department said that the delay is not unusual this early winter snow. Meteorological data show that Beijing's annual December less than 2 mm of precipitation, precipitation days only 1.7 days December snow days in history and snowfalls are rare.


Nighttime snow clearing in the morning out

The Beijing News (by Rao Pei) Beijing ushered in the first snow, snow, sanitation departments have already developed a corresponding job plan, in case of snowfall was not particularly large, nighttime snow complete removal before the morning rush hour.

Last night, the reporter learned from municipal city appearance and environmental sanitation group, according to the city's overall arrangements, will be dominated by mechanical snow removal this year, in order to reduce the use of snow-melting agent. Bridges, overpasses and other locations, is to spray the snow-melting agent, as appropriate.

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Pinggu ice and snow festival opened the Yuyang

Will last until February next year

The Beijing News (by staff reporter Guo Chao) the day before yesterday, Beijing Pinggu seventh International ice and snow festival opens in Yuyang ski resort. This year's ice and snow festival from December 15 until February 25 next year. Because of the high temperatures this year, nearly half a month shorter ski season than usual.

According to reports, in order to pull the visitors, the ice was first introduced to traditional entertainment and jinhai Lake ice fishing on ice, visitors don't have to go to in Chagan Lake of Jilin province, you can at the jinhai Lake to enjoy the ancient and mysterious, spectacular scenes of Chagan Lake fishing culture. In addition, visitors can also enjoy the ice and Snow Festival Shuttle buses to the city.

(Original title: first snow in Beijing has eventually come out)

(Edit: SN098)December 17, 2013 The Beijing News(北京今或迎今冬首场降雪 雪后降温路面易结冰|北京|降雪|冬天_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者赵力)昨日傍晚,有网友称“回龙观下雪了!”连同这句话的还有一张雪景照片。消息不胫而走,人们纷纷四处打听,北京的第一场雪终于来了吗?













  新京报讯 (记者饶沛)北京迎来初雪,环卫部门已根据雪情制定了相应的作业预案,在降雪量不是特别大的情况下,夜间降雪在早高峰前已完成清除。





  新京报讯 (记者郭超)前日,北京平谷第七届国际冰雪节在渔阳滑雪场开幕。本届冰雪节从12月15日一直持续到明年2月25日。由于今年气温较高,滑雪季比往年缩短近半个月。




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