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4 propose that the parties wrote to the State Council against employment discrimination Act

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4 propose that the parties wrote to the State Council against employment discrimination Act(4名当事人致信国务院建议制定《反就业歧视法》)

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4 party sent a letter to the State Council propose that the employment discrimination against employment discrimination law | client | | _ State Department news

  Employment discrimination litigants sent a letter to the State Council Legislative Affairs Office

Recommends the speedy enactment of the law against employment discrimination

Our Chief Reporter Jiang Gewei

On November 26, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council's announcement, in order to carry out the 18 and 18 the spirit of the third plenary session of the party, for the community to openly call for legislative project proposals deadline is December 10.

The news made 4 different types of "first case of discrimination in employment" parties. They are: the parties, the first case of gender discrimination in employment is now working in Beijing, Shanxi girl, Cao ju (a pseudonym), household employment discrimination against girls, first party, Anhui Su Min (not his real name), the State party first case of public research on disability discrimination, the small group of Anhui Xuan Hai, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu party first case of HIV/AIDS discrimination in employment, boy, Chen Xin (a pseudonym).

On December 8, they had submitted to the State Council Legislative Affairs Office by courier as soon as possible on the set < against employment discrimination Act >, implementation of plenary session < decisions > spirit of recommendation letters, the Elimination of all discrimination in employment, in the hope that the decision of the third plenary "the Elimination of all discrimination in employment" can be real follow-up to and implementation of the spirit of.

Views: activist blocked court case

The national "first case of gender discrimination in employment," plaintiff Cao ju said, "I come from the countryside, 2012 in desperate need of a job after college student loans, but suffer from impingement is because of my sex! "Stubborn Cao Ju had to go through a lawsuit to get a statement, maintaining the lawful rights and interests.

"The lawsuit on July 11, 2012, after one year were not incorporated until September this year before such court. The recent trial. ”

And residence by Su Min, said job discrimination: "the case from the prosecution to the courts, after a first-instance and the second instance, labour arbitration procedures, which lasted 3 months, had a lot of ups and downs and the trouble, workers protect themselves so hard? ”

Xuan Hai with first-degree visual disability, apply to civil servants in Anhui province before and after he twice or examination does not provide facilities for the blind, either in the registration eligibility is blocked. He said, "legal employment rights for the disabled, the clear provisions of the law on the protection of disabled persons, did not think I would be lost. Physical disability is nothing to me, I am disappointed that the community did not give me an equal employment opportunities. ”

Subjected to employment discrimination due to AIDS, Chen Xin, Jiangsu province said: "China's relevant law protecting communicable disease pathogen carriers equal employment rights, why, to this day but can not perform? Ultimately stems from its legal regulatory mechanisms of employment discrimination are not perfect! For future successful job to earn money to support their families, this thing I'm going to perseverewith it. ”

  Suggestions: strengthen judicial relief mechanisms

Discrimination in employment along with activist, 4 young men on the development of the employment discrimination law and come and look forward to.

Cao ju said: "Dang heard state in collection legislation project recommends, I is is delight and look forward to, this is a rare of good opportunities, I through network contact to several and I as suffered employment discrimination of cases party, joint recommends as soon as possible developed and introduced anti-employment discrimination law under, for of is can create a equal of employment environment, let employing units can't casually discrimination workers, let workers suffered employment discrimination Hou has a perfect of relief mechanism, protection themselves of equal employment no longer so hard. ”

This seal recommends believed 3 a aspects described has developed anti-employment discrimination law under of need: 1. employment discrimination on workers of against serious, and infringement zhihou of activist of road hard; 2. to specifically of legal to constraint and elimination employment discrimination phenomenon is international passage of practices, is adapted contemporary international trend of important initiatives; 3. existing about specification employment discrimination acts of legal regulations more scattered, and one-sided, and lack can operation sexual, far cannot adapted social development of needs.

In addition, combine 4 parties our own experience, as well as workers from discrimination commonly faced when legal rights after "difficult, difficult of proof, the case in favour of difficult, low compensation" dilemma, the letter recommends that the legislature in drafting the employment discrimination law focused on strengthening judicial relief mechanisms after the workers have been infringed. These suggested include: all court seriously implementation and shall not be without undue or to "no court" for excuses refused to ' corporations; around Court should clear differentiated employment discrimination and labour controversy of difference, clear in labour relationship established zhihou by occurred of employment discrimination still without requirements arbitration Qian home; clear "equal employment right (or employment discrimination) disputes, by accused on its behavior not containing any discrimination commitment proof responsibility", is in employment discrimination case in the implemented proof responsibility upside down, to reduce workers of proof responsibility ; Clear employment discrimination case against the defendant, the plaintiff should be compensation for mental damage, and according to the client's mental damage compensation for specific provisions, compensation standard of not less than 10,000 yuan, and no ceiling.

 Views: specific legislation is the general trend

Su Min on reporter said: "anti-employment discrimination legislation is not we of initiative, my tenth session national NPC representative, and Central normal university education College Professor Zhou Hongyu in 2004~2007 continuous 4 years of national NPC representative Conference Shang for developed anti-discrimination legislation tireless appeal; 2009, by Cai Dingjian Professor, 24 bit scholars composed of ' anti-employment discrimination research topics group ' publishing has anti-employment discrimination legislation of expert recommends version, has is important of reference meaning; 2011, my first this human rights blue book China human rights career development report NO.1 (2011) under in the also pointed out that, for employment field of discrimination phenomenon, should as soon as possible developed anti-employment discrimination law under, real protection workers of equal employment right; 2013, party of 18 session third plenary Shang made of decided under in the stressed that, to specification hiring employing system, elimination urban and rural, and industry, and identity, and gender, all impact equal employment of system obstacles and employment discrimination. "It can be seen that legislation against employment discrimination is inevitable.

Help has so far domestic all total 5 up AI AIDS infected employment discrimination case of public organization Nanjing world public institutions Director Yu Fangqiang think, employment discrimination phenomenon is General exists is based on many reasons caused of, whole social to equal opportunities employment and work of concept serious lack, existing anti-discrimination law system serious missing, to equal right of social security mechanism serious insufficient, was discrimination was hurt who of judicial relief measures far no established up. "From idea to law, are seriously not adapted to market economy conditions of employment discrimination under the gravity of the situation. Should be devised as soon as possible the law against employment discrimination, guarantees for compliance. ”

CUPL constitutional Liu Xiaonan, head of the Institute, said: "promoting anti-discrimination in employment is necessary for the basic law, in addition, add some line of anti-discrimination provisions in the relevant laws, as well as the promotion of anti-discrimination measures in the local people's Congress legislative, cleaning up existing discriminatory provisions in the laws and regulations is also important. ”

He also analyses, and to eliminate all discrimination in employment requires the whole society focusing on employment discrimination, the joint forces and to reinforce administrative measures, the improvement of judicial relief, and strengthening research on anti-discrimination, advocacy and education to heighten the awareness of the whole society.

(Edit: SN094) December 17, 2013(4名当事人致信国务院建议制定《反就业歧视法》|当事人|就业歧视|国务院_新闻资讯


  建议尽快制定 《反就业歧视法》

  本报首席记者 蒋格伟




  心声 :维权受阻法院难立案






  建言 :强化司法救济机制




  此外,结合4位当事人自身的经历以及劳动者受歧视后法律维权时普遍面临的“立案难、举证难、胜诉难、赔偿低”等困境,信中建议立法部门在起草《反就业歧视法》时重点强化劳动者被侵权后的司法救济机制。这些建议包括:各法院认真贯彻执行并不得无故或以“无案由”为借口拒绝立案 ;各地法院应当明确区分就业歧视与劳动争议的差别,明确在劳动关系确立之后所发生的就业歧视仍无须要求仲裁前置;明确“平等就业权(或就业歧视)纠纷,由被告就其行为不含任何歧视承担举证责任”,即在就业歧视案件中实行举证责任倒置,以减轻劳动者的举证责任;明确就业歧视案中败诉的被告应当对原告进行精神损害赔偿,并且根据当事人的精神损害情况作出具体的赔偿规定,赔偿标准不低于1万元人民币,不设上限。

  观点 :专门立法是大势所趋






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