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4 points against the civil servant Li keqiang hoped

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/17 15:36:50 Browse times: 284 Comment times: 0

4 points against the civil servant Li keqiang hoped(李克强对公务员提出4点希望)

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Li keqiang, on the civil service raise 4 | | Li keqiang | honors _ the civil service news

VIII all China National "people are satisfied with the civil service" and "people are satisfied with the civil service collective" recognition of 17th, the General Assembly held in Beijing this morning. Politburo Standing Committee and the State Council Premier Li keqiang met with recognition of staff and delegates. Politburo, Mao Liu Yunshan to attend interviews.

Li keqiang, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to congratulate by the recognition of individual and collective. He said people's satisfaction is the highest honor for the civil service. Comrade cited the vast majority of grass-roots common positions, some in remote and difficult areas for a long time, you hard and diligently works for the masses, creating extraordinary performance in the common post, that it is worth promoting China.

Mr Li pointed out that China's reform and development have entered a crucial period, opportunities and challenges coexist. Able to participate in the great process of modernization of the country, is a rare fortune, shoulder major responsibilities and our common mission. Li keqiang, the wider civil service raise four little hope:

To promote reform and innovation. China's steady economic development for the better next year still placed to keep it running smoothly, deepen reforms would further emancipate and develop the productive forces, adds further development of endogenous impetus, stimulating market vitality. Not only participants in the reform of the civil service, it should be change agents. Continue to advance a series of reforms such as decentralization, will inevitably touch upon the interests, must proceed from the whole situation, proceeding from the fundamental interests of the people in order to cut the spirit without turning back, heavy responsibilities, at the forefront of comprehensive reform.

Second, we must always be diligent to. Civil service is the servant of the people, must adhere to the people-oriented, loyal, dedicated. Standards to people's satisfaction was placed on the head, keep in mind, for the masses to do useful and to tackle the difficulties, people look forward to reflect in action, create play, as the Government.

Three, we need to practice the principle of the rule of law. The rule of law is the Foundation of social justice and protection, reform will push in the context of the rule of law. Civil servants to enhance awareness of the rule of law, and consciously abide by the law, strictly in accordance with the law, standard performance, practice promote the construction of a Government ruled by law, and create a fair environment for the development.

Four strictly honest and upright. As a civil servant, is to choose a path of service to the public. To get the trust of the masses, make people happy, it must be clean and honest. Not cheap, order difficult. At all levels of the civil service and the State Department should take the lead in implementing the Central eight provision "agreement" and build a clean government, frugal clean example.

Li stressed that the party committees and Governments should be concerned about the civil service in particular lower level officials live and work, enabling them to better serve the country and the people.

Finally, Li said, let us closely unite around comrade XI Jinping as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, carry out the party's 18 large and 18 spirit of the third plenary session of second, and redouble our efforts, and make greater contributions.

McKay, and Liu qibao, and Zhao Leji, Yang Jing, Guo shengkun, and Wang Zhengwei invitation received.

Interviewed after the commendation ceremony was held. McKay attended and delivered a speech. He stressed that to conscientiously implement the Central spirit, continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, further improve the civil service system, improve the civil service management system, belief and faith, bearing in mind that in the public service, improve quality, administrating, enhancing incorruptness and efforts to build a political determination, excellent ability, fine style of work, bring about the civil service.

National "people are satisfied with the civil service" and "people are satisfied with the civil service collective" selection recognition from the organisation Department, the Central propaganda Department, the Ministry of human resources and social security and the Civil Service Bureau organizations. This granting of the commendation of 99 civil servants "civil servants of the people are satisfied with" granted 80 collective "people's satisfactory public service collective," the honorary title.

(Original title: Li keqiang, people's satisfaction is the civil service's highest honors on the civil service made a four-point hope)

(Edit: SN091)December 17, 2013 Chinese Government network(李克强对公务员提出4点希望|公务员|李克强|荣誉_新闻资讯













(原标题:人民满意是公务员的最高荣誉 李克强对公务员提四点希望)


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