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Zhejiang enterprises take sanlu brand to sell whole grains, lend visibility dafanshenzhang

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:48:28 Browse times: 331 Comment times: 0

Zhejiang enterprises take sanlu brand to sell whole grains, lend visibility dafanshenzhang(浙江企业拍三鹿商标改卖粗粮,借知名度打翻身仗)

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Zhejiang enterprises take sanlu trademark to sell whole grains lend visibility | roughage | dafanshenzhang | three deer _ Zhejiang enterprise news

Central Beijing December 13, according to voice of the wide net news report in horizontal, you remember "three deer"? I believe that many people will not forget, but remains in people's memories, I'm afraid the only "melamine", "early childhood kidney stones" like a bad impression. If you don't remember, is also very normal, sanlu milk powder contamination scandal has, after all, over the past five years.

From only 32 cows and 170 goats "happiness dairy cooperatives" brand value reached nearly 15 billion of famous brands, again to the melamine incident bust, "sanlu" this word is complex enough. China's dairy industry was once proud brand from heaven into hell, from Angel to Devil it only took half a year.

  ≫> melamine incident reviews

In June 2008, on the first one was admitted to hospital suffering from PLA Lanzhou city, "kidney stones" disorders of infants, parents reflect, children from birth have been eaten since the sanlu infant milk powder. More than two months later, the number of babies admitted to hospital quickly expanded to 14.

By September, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places have experienced similar cases. On September 11, 2008, pointed out that the Ministry of health, Gansu province to report cases of urinary stone cases in infants, children with multiple food history of the sanlu brand powdered infant formula.

Investigation by the relevant departments, highly suspect milk powder contaminated by melamine. The next day, the sanlu confirmed for this event was due to wrongful dairy farmers in order to get more profits to melamine in fresh milk. February 12, 2009, Shijiazhuang city intermediate people's Court issued the civil order and formally declared the Shijiazhuang sanlu group bankrupt.

From 2008 until the excessive melamine, by February 2009, declared bankruptcy, and then a month later acquired by Ternary, what we call the "three deer", strictly speaking, refers to the Shijiazhuang sanlu group co., Ltd.

Year, dang all are in concern Shijiazhuang three deer "flesh" was acquisition of news of when, on May 12, 2009, it of intangible assets, is "three deer" this brand and the related protective trademark, was a mystery buyers to 7.3 million yuan of price took Xia, then only knows this is one from South of entrepreneurs, as buy Xia this "stain brand" dry why makes, and fear fear, outside all unknown.

  ≫> new "sanlu" focused organic whole grains

Nowadays, the mystery buyer was finally coming out that year. Her name is Jiang Xinhua, identified as Zhejiang, General Manager of sanlu dairy industry. But this time, we would no longer have the "sanlu" and powdered milk together. Opens the company's official website, in addition to the familiar "three deer" trademark in addition to a one-fifth of the entire page "sanlu organic" banner to grab headlines. Corporate profile, find new "sanlu" focused organic whole grains, whole grains of rice and other agricultural products, positioning is the high-end crowd. Company incorporated in May 2009, the current company covers about 10,000 square meters, staff of fifty or sixty people.

Zhejiang deer Industry Co Ltd Marketing Manager Yang Xiangdong told the news editor on duty of the horizontal Cui Tianqi interview, effects of milk powder incident, seemed not to be worried about.

Yang Xiangdong: we feel that the spot belongs to the past, the brand itself had decades of national brands, we want to protect the brand, get it done, organic whole grains we do not do that before, not to consider the problem, just hope that through our product quality, food safety, giving the sanlu brand and a new interpretation of it.

Reporter: but you do not have any worries you?

Yang Xiangdong: the effect is definitely there will be some, after all, it is a former representative of melamine, we hope that through our efforts today to change its brand image.

Though saying could not bear to see so many years on national brands that failed, but who knows, merchant's main purpose is to make a profit, with peak bought more than 7 million worth hundreds of millions of "three deer" trademark, who have battled to understand the calculations. In other words, is an outgrowth of the brand cost is zero temptation, one side is the shadow caused by melamine risk, run with it is still worth it? Business brand strategy in communication University of China Zhang shuting, Director of the Institute's view point.

Zhang shuting: not optimistic especially after the sanlu milk powder incident, the brand is very negative, but in the short term it is difficult to change, a new company bought sanlu brand to a new product, in fact it is a high risk of, so that there is a low probability of success.

When a reporter put the same question to Zhejiang Co Ltd Marketing Manager Yang Xiangdong, sanlu, the answer is: don't think so much.

Reporter: you think it's sanlu two words have a larger negative impact, or three deer, this old brand have a larger positive impact?

Yang Xiangdong: I think everyone has a different point of view, we only need to strengthen our faith, our management of product quality, we are confident of our products, as well as on all aspects of the product protection system, believed to be able to ensure the product well, how did not consider it a positive impact, negative impact on how.

  ≫> consumer attitude towards the poles

Business said she didn't want to, consumers may need to think about it. Do you buy? You can't drink sanlu milk, sanlu food do you eat?

Wars on Twitter. Most notably was "determined not to eat", such as weibo users "Fu Susu" said, don't eat, mainly because there is no goodwill, name, he wanted to stay away. "Mr Doo" say, come, hear the name sanlu feel scared. There are more cautious, this "Prince of pigs," said that, regardless of who is to use the "sanlu" brand selling food, I wouldn't buy, listened to the trademark were afraid.

However, there are also many friends think, this mistake is, after all, people, not a trademark, like the King called my next door, I'm going to see Wang hid away, this is a biased, right? Such as Twitter users "getting up talk about ideals," said, a problem still dare to come back, no energy is not going to work, as long as well, you should give it a chance.

Netizens also called "water way" also very representative. He said that brand's critical reputation, not popularity. Both brands are coming from, history, personality, and other factors. Brand names are suggestion. I can only say that appreciates the courage of buyers.

It with branding expert Yang Xi's view.

Yang Xi relegation: three deer brand last of end memory is a hurt has consumers not integrity of brand, it has is strong of visibility but no reputation degrees, visibility is easy build, attracted consumers attention of cost can reduced, reputation degrees shaping is a by strong reputation reconciled of experience formed of, it continues to with three deer organic surface actually it hit has a visibility, to see modified it of reputation degrees of cost what has more big.

In fact, a product, a brand of the show requires tripartite constant interaction, markets, consumers and businesses know I say ever-running. But until then, it can only be described as "theoretical" sanlu's coarse grains is for people in the future of sanlu milk powder gradually forgotten thing or more, who do not know, in addition to time.

(Original title: Zhejiang enterprises take sanlu brand visibility to sell whole grains take dafanshenzhang)

December 13, 2013 China broadcast network(浙江企业拍三鹿商标改卖粗粮 借知名度打翻身仗|三鹿|粗粮|浙江企业_新闻资讯

  央广网北京12月13日消息 据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,您还记得“三鹿”吗?相信很多人都不会忘记,但残留在人们记忆里的恐怕只剩下“三聚氰胺”、“幼儿肾结石”之类不好的印象了。如果您说已经不记得了,也很正常,毕竟三鹿奶粉三聚氰胺事件已经过去五年多了。



























(原标题:浙江企业拍下三鹿商标改卖粗粮 借知名度打翻身仗)


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